29 June, 2008
27 June, 2008
Man With White Towel on His Head.

One who robs; in law, one who feloniously takes goods or money from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear. ( www.answer.com) =P
I guess all the rising up of prices here and there has taken its toll. Last week it was my left side neighbour and two days back, my front neighbour's house. Yesterday, it was my right side neighbour's house in a broad day light and 2 maids in the house with kids and 2 giant dogs. It all happens at 11 am.
The suspects are the indonesian workers working at we dunno which house's renovation projects. Along the road itself there's a few houses on renovation. There's one in front of my house and one behind my house. but both has been stopped since a few months ago. Before this, the indonesian worlers behind my house are the culprits. They break in the entire neighbourhood and guess where their checkpoint is, the left side neighbour's house. ( it was empty a few months ago and has been emptied since 2 years ago. The new tenant just came in last month. The police finally discovered that the 'hantus' behind my house are the culprit and attack the house at arround 11 am. There's a whole lot of drama that day where these hantu's went scrambling all over with the police chasing them. One went on the roof of my neighbours house.( Pheww... what on earth is happening in this so call safe neighbourhood?). So the police arrested them and I dunno what happen next. All I know is that, the back door house construction/renovation are being done in the day time and the indons are not allowed to stay in there anymore.They came in the morning and leave by late evening. OK, Case closed
But what happen yesterday is shocking!!!! These thief are so desperate that they simply break into people'd house just like that. Both of my neighbour are working so the porch is empty. According to the Ceylonese maid, she saw someone at the gate and ignored them as she thought they are salesman or something. so she totally ignored them but still observing them. Since nobody answered, the thief directly hit and broke the pad lock of the small gate. Their next attempt id to break into the front door despite the two giant dogs were barking like mad. The Maid directly called my neighbour and my neighbour called the police. I guess the thief must have heard the conversation of what so ever. They ran off.
The samething happened to my front neighbour. She was out leaving the maid and her kids in, they were upstairs and the thief broke in and steal some money and electronics ( which is their target for easy money).
According to the ceylonese maid, one the suspect wore a white towel on his head and was passing by earlier that morning.
The police on the other hand, take things easily and they are just being plain sarcarstic !!!! No offense but....arghh malas nak komen pasal the police people ni smua....Not our first experience. Like farhan always says, "Depa nak tunggu ada orang mati dulu, baru nak terhegeh-hegeh amik tindakan...." There used to be police patrol car making rounds at my area but it has been stopped on i dunno what condition. Well, Mr Police, I rasa u kena start making rounds balik !!!
And guess what, I just saw an Indonesian man with a white towel wrap arround his head, walking pass my my house. Eeeeeeeeeeek !!!!!!! He must be working at the house renovation down the road. Could he be the man?
p/s : My maid was so terrified by the situation, she lock all the doors top to bottom and closes the window as well. he..he... I am terrified too that last night, I hid my laptop under the mattress of my sister's bed. Takut lorr....My lap top is my nyawa .....
21 June, 2008
The one when the kittens went berserk
Fast forward, they are now 6 month old and very naughty. The minute they saw the Pet Carry Case, Pingu and Hitler went berserk all over the cage. As the result, Hitler's nose was swollen but she looks kinda cute with swollen nose like that. I wonder why they are scared whenever they see the Pet carry case. Probably, they once saw they brother separated from them using the same pet carry case, they might be thinking I am giving them away.he..he...he....
After some 'bersilat' session with the kittens, we finally managed to get both of them in the Pet Carry thingy.

We're lucky as there are no other patients at the clinic, we went straight to see the vet. WHen the vet is ready , both of the kittens decided not to get out of the Pet carry thingy he..he... So, we just grab Pingu and pull him out of the Pet carry thingy. Unlucky you he..he.. The vet starts by taking the Pingu's body temperature and then she gave him a jap. After the jap, it's deworming tablets time. It is so easy for the vet to gave him the tablets while we have to bersilat last time. he..he... After Pingu has finished, Hitler is up next. Hitler is fiercer than Pingu who just buat bodoh je....( buat bodoh ke takut?) Hitler starts screaming when the vet gave her the jap.
Aaahhh not again... I taught u guys were in pain.....sigh......
My.... my........ What a hyperactive kittens we have here....
19 June, 2008

Zie, the reflexologist ( is there such words?) on the other hand, is also wonderful. Zie's hands are miracle gift form God. Everytime Mak has Migrane, the answer is Zie. She can blow away the migrane with her bare hands he..he... Me on the other side, always go to see Zie not for Migrane, but after having tiring sessions, plus, reflexology is good for health.
Whenever I go for reflexology with Zie, she will say, " Leave your kaki with me, You go to sleep...." or " For the next one hour, this two legs are mine..." he..he..he.... Trust me, Tido lena giler sambil Zie dok mengurut. And afterward, when she finishes, you feel like walking on air. Or like Pua Chu Kang always say “ Walking on Tauhui ( Tauhu) like that….”
18 June, 2008
Now i know my ABC...
I cilok this survey frm Ramblings of a Lost Mind
A - AVAILABLE: Yes, available, then, now and forever…
B - BIRTHDAY: October
C - CRUSH: I am all empty inside, remember?
F - FAVORITE BAND: Red Hot CHilli Pepper, Linkin Park, Nickelback
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy Worms…..yummy
H - HOMETOWN: Penang, now Shah Alam
I - INSTRUMENT: what instrument?
J - JUGGLE: Can’t do
K - KILLED SOMEONE: if killing is not a sin, I might have killed someone ;-p
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Madinah to Makkah
O - ONE WISH: Can I have another 3 please?
Q- Quickie: Quickie? 8TV Quickie?
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Pocket Full of Sunshine – Natasha Beddingfield
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 5.00 then off to surau for Subuh
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: not gonna reveal it here, Duhhhhh
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: I love all types of Veges…he..he…
W - WORST HABIT: I eat a lot when I am upset
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Chest for University’s Medical Check Up. Had to do MRI once

Tried to take a picture
of love
Didn't think I’d miss her
that much
I want to fill this new frame
but its empty
Tried to write a letter
in ink
Its been getting better
I think
I got a piece of paper
but its empty
its empty
maybe we're trying
trying too hard
maybe we're torn apart
maybe the timing
is beating our hearts
we're empty
And I’ve even wondered
if we
should be getting under
these sheets
we could lie in this bed
but its empty
its empty
maybe we're trying
trying too hard
maybe we're torn apart
maybe the timing
is beating our hearts
we're empty
07 June, 2008
06 June, 2008
05 June, 2008


We promised Mom to gave away all the kittens but suddenly so sayang to Pingu and Hitler already especially my Dad. Well, as long as you keep the $$$ coming in for Cat Food, Kitty Litter, Clinic expenses etc for the cats, we are at your service he..he...
Pingu is my Dad's favourite. I'll blog about it later.
04 June, 2008

I bet there's loads of chocolates and my favourite cold milk and milo..

Yes!!! Milo on the second shelves

Now, I have another "pRoject" with my Nanny's stuff...
Nyeh..Nyeh..Nyeh...... ( evil grin.........)