I have a few friends who's name is Nurul, their nicknames are Yun, UYUL, Uyun, and Yum. I also have a few friends who's name is Faizul, their nicknames are Jonz, AJUN and Ajoi. Yang nama Faizal pulak, Jai, Peje, Pacai and Pejo. Yang firdaus pulak, Pedosh, Didosh, Pidot. Masa sekolah, jgn cakap la, kawan kawan smua punya nick name Ya Rabbi... ntah apa apa... Ada seorang senior nama dia Affiza, Kawan kawan panggil dia PIJAT !!! sorang lagi nama Liza jadi LIZARD, yang Aidatul, jadi DETTOL. ha... mcm na tuh? hehehehehe.. one my side, I have a nickname among my family members and mom and dad's close friends...err...wait.. not only their close friends, but all of their friends... *** SHY MODE*** Ny nick name memang tak kena mengena lansung dgn my name, Jauh panggang dari api okay hehehehe... Dun ask me how i got that nickname coz i'll be bragging more here... Nanti kita cter okay hehehe.
When I was a kid, i remembered one time, my mom and dad made me and my sis both a t-shirt with the ironed on alphabets. Mine was L.O.V.E. it was a yellow t-shirt and the alphabets are black. I wore this t-shirt with a colourful checkered jacket on top with a pair of red trousers...See how fashionable I am those days hehehe... Me and my parents were on our way to Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei for his work trip. My sister was already schooling so she couldn't follow. So, on the plane, I was playing around like a normal naughty, can't sit quietly 5 year old would do. I was standing on the seat looking front and back coz it was boring on the plane and another thing that i did was, i turned around and looked at the passenger behind. It was a Japanese couple. I smiled and say hi... ( hahaha so friendly haa?) They smiled back and ask, "what is your name?" I quickly jump off my seat and get into the ailse, "this is my name.." I unbuttoned my jacket that my mom had put on for me, and show them the L.O.V.E on my T-shirt to them. hahahahaha and then i spend sometime chatting with them before the meal came. Oh ya, on the same flight, I told my mom that I want the bowl and the cutleries MAS served us. My mom said to me " okay, You ask that kakak when she comes..."... ANd i Did !!! I asked the stewardes, "Kakak, Can I have this..boleh ambik tak?" and the stewardess answer was "Ala.. adik, nanti kakak kena buang kerja.." hahahahaha.... but she gave me other stuff instead. hehehehehe...
teringat pulak Pak Din, my dad's workmate in Malacca.kalau dia lalu dgn kereta dia depan rumah and saw me playing, he will stop the car and and yell out " LOVEE !!!!! I LOVE YOU !!!!"..... hehehehe....
30 January, 2011
29 January, 2011
That's me bored to death, waiting for about an hour to meet the officer from the ministry.i actually have 2 meetings yesterday back to back and in the same department.
An officer from the ministry sent me an email inviting me to participate on the ministry's big project happening next month.i was kinda surprised to receive the email and also kinda surprise to read what he wrote in there. No worries, its not like he wrote anything controversial.I'll keep that one for myself ya ;). I was kinda surprise when he told me about how he discovered me. Hehehe tu je.
So why am i at the ministry again? To collect the official invitation from the officer and to meet the officer's boss whom i had appointment with ;) and the officer didnt know abt my appointment until i told him hehehehe.
Excited with the ministry's project although i have to cut my langkawi work trip short. Aiyohhh nightmare ok manage booking and the RM melayang... Tak pe lah... I redha...
I never thought that the invitation would even come. it only gave me a hunch when i read abt the issue that lead to the project on the news paper few months ago and that was it ! I was just hoping to hear some news about it but who knows i was given the chance to participate in 'it'.. Alhamdulillah... Thank ALLAH... ALLAh knows best ;)
Now lets just pray so that both my mouth and brain's brain will cooperate with each other during the project. Heheehe insyallah amin...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Noktah cinta
Nokhtah Cinta - Hafiz AF7
Ternyata semua bicaraku
Tersimpan di dalam hatiku
Ternyata semua soalanku
Tak pernah kau fikir di fikiran
Ternyata kau masih
Mencari kepastian dalam cinta
Dan disini masih
Menanti jawapannya
Korus :
Tuhan tolong nyatakanlah
Padanya tentang cinta
Adakah masih diriku di perlukan
Tuhan tunjukkan padanya
Tentang apa yang ku fikirkan
Adakah cinta ini
Perlu untuk dirinya
Berbicara tentang cinta kita
Masih tiada noktah penghujungnya
Berbicara tentang perasaan
Simpan saja semua itu
Mengapa kau masih
Mencari kepastian dalam cinta
Dan disini masih
Menanti jawapannya
For more lyrics, go to : http://www.liriklagumuzik.co.cc
27 January, 2011
Salam Takziah to Abg Aziz, Kak Fishah, Alin, Azri and Azura
Semoga Rohnya di cucuri Rahmat dan di tempatkan di kalangan orang orang yang beriman..
New Template lagi lagi =)
Entah angin apa yang melanda, I changed the template again, but this time, do it on my own teeheee... i mean the background and header.. Custome made =). Saja saja je.
luv the header and the header's background.. Ok so now even my Blog matches my Room hahahahaha..... Tiba tiba the header background tu tersama dgn my room wall... Haihhhh... kalau dah giler Purple tuu....
Let see how long this template would last now....
26 January, 2011
memory Lane
I invaded Melaka today.. Well, I actually did invade Melaka few weeks ago too but i didn't mention here. Today's trip was superb. On top of a few hotels that i went to which OH! SO TIRING !!! But the hoteiliers are friendly so that cut the Penat into Half...
Upon Arriving in Melaka, Mom and Dad was excited to singgah to their former Department which is located lepas Tol nak masuk Melaka. They were so Happy to meet their juniours whom is still working there. For about Half and Hour, the lobby of that Jabatan meriah sekejap till one of my mom's friend thought that ada promotion barang kat situ hehehehe... Lawak giler.. BUt it was good to see all the aunties and uncles yang dulu suka melayan kita waktu kecik kecik dulu. Then from there, terus ke Hotels one by one sampai petang. In between time, sempat lagi pergi Jonker Street. Berapa puluh Tahun we didn't go there.
Had Lunch at Kedai Uncle Daud, the former caterer at the place my dad used to serve. Uncle Daud's wife was so excited to see us that the lunch was taken care off. We didnt get to meet uncle Daud coz he has gone home.The food is as below hehehehe
Assam Pedas Daging
Tauhu Jepun
Paru goreng cili
Sambal Udang Fav Mak
Lepas tu, to kill time, Pergi jenguk Sekolah rendah and singgah kejap kat the place where i grew up and had the Best childhood memories anyone could have.
My 50 yrs old School =)
And while strolling down the memory Lane, we found this.....
......and somebody is Blushing... hehehehe. This is the road that lead up to the main Porch of the main building. (and 17 years ago, u can see a lil old RED Honda Charade in that porch hehehehe...)
this is the house that my sister , me and my bro spend our first 10 years of life... and the house behind is where i spend my early teen life. The roundabout u can see there is where there used to be a huge pokok bougainvillea with so many colors on it Hasil kerja tangan Pak CIk Mat Burok. I love these houses very much. Love the colonial structure and the roof tiles are hand made and imported from India in the early century. Tak tipuu.. boleh tengok the writing kat tiles tu from tingkap hehehe, Ahhh.. so many memories here...
The pool yang di kunjungi hari hari Kot !!Asal petang je smua geng ada kat Pool. If it's the school holiday, belah pagi ronda satu bukit, main rounders la, panjat pokok ceri and all, and petang, semua masuk pool ! hehehehe... Those were the days... This is the pool where i learned to swim actually when i was 3 yrs old. The instructor is Abg Karim yang msa tu masih muda belia hehehe.. now abg karim pun dah putih rambutnya hehehe
this Dataran used to be bigger. but now, with the renovations and all, dah jadi kecik.. This is the dataran where the pelatih will kawat pagi and learn teakwondo. BUt in the evening, kami la pengunjungnya hehehe main basikal, main segala mcm mak nenek, mcm main selipar , nenek nenek si bongkok tiga. or hide and seek sampai masuk dewan, mengendap orang main badminton and stuff. Kita pun belajar taekwondo/silat gayung basic kat dataran ni.. belajar silat, tapi pakai baju taekwondo hehehehe..And the person yang ajar kami teakwondo tu dah jadi yang di pertua one of the majlis bandaran dah sekarang. Tak yah la citer bandar mana ok =) Rahsia hehehe...Oh ye, That huge concrete thingy tepi pokok tu is a longkang where me and a few other girls used to play with the boys.. masuk longkang tu go thru and keluar on the other side.. hehehehe giler Panjang Akal Nakal kan...wlpn i am a girl ;p
Hahaha lepas tu, went back for appointments before we push off back home. In Ayer Keroh's R&R, i found this...
Cantiknyaaa Surau diaa....
Ni plak tempat Whuduk dia... Cantikkkk !!!!!
25 January, 2011
Antara Kita
Che Kay, my neighbour when i was in std 3 dulu posted this video on his Facebook a couple of hours ago.
It was my fav song dulu, pastu dah terlupa and hilang di telan memori hahahhaa ayat tak bleh blah... Yeah, saya pun dah addicted dgn lagu ni sekarang..
It was my fav song dulu, pastu dah terlupa and hilang di telan memori hahahhaa ayat tak bleh blah... Yeah, saya pun dah addicted dgn lagu ni sekarang..
Antara Kita
Di mana cinta kita berdua
Ke manakah hilangnya
Apakah ini realiti
Haruskah kita tempuhi
Di sana kita bina bahagia
Kemesraan terasa
Apakah ini realiti
Pelita hati kan menerangi
Dunia kita berdua
Tiada beza
Terbukti segalanya
Antara kita
Cinta nan suci
Terkubur di hati
Akankah terjalin kembali
Terungkap kata-kata
Di antara kita
Terjalin semula
Kau dan aku kan
Menjadi satu
Cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Ke manakah hilangnya
Apakah ini realiti
Haruskah kita tempuhi
Di sana kita bina bahagia
Kemesraan terasa
Apakah ini realiti
Pelita hati kan menerangi
Dunia kita berdua
Tiada beza
Terbukti segalanya
Antara kita
Cinta nan suci
Terkubur di hati
Akankah terjalin kembali
Terungkap kata-kata
Di antara kita
Terjalin semula
Kau dan aku kan
Menjadi satu
Cintaku hanyalah untukmu
okay, time to sleep now.. Esok nak pi cari Hang Tuah !
KEDAH !!!!
So i've invaded Kedah in my quest huhuhu... It's been so long since I last went to Alor Setar, Kedah. Say 21 years... hehehe teruk kan.. Other part ada la pergi masa degree dulu on our class Trip to Arau, but our accomodation kat Changlun.
A few "people" I met in Kedah....
Anak kawan my Grandma's good Friend. huhuhuhu... He is the G.Manager in one of the Hotel. Jejak Kasihan betul. =) and he went to school with my dad in Penang. He recommended other hotels in his contact as well to me... Alhamdulillah.....Yipeee
WHile having breakfast, Met another family friend. My Cousin's Best Friend. (Adni, if you are reading this, "my Cousin" is your beloved Father hehehehe...) He happened to C0-owned a Hotel in Penang.(can add up to my respondents in Penang lah...). So he gave me the contact person and stuff. Alhamdulillah.....And his Son and menantu pulak is currently working in Adelaide. So he gave me his number too.
The last but not least is our KedahMan himself.. Non other than Pendekar FLinders, Amirul. He took me and my parents from the hotel, out for Dinner. It was really Good. He took us to a Thai Food Restaurant. Oh boy the Tom Yam Puteh was Good ! Really Good. The kerabu sotong is marvelous. The sambal that came with the food is OH SO SEDAP !!! My mom and Dad really enjoy dinner that night that they ate dgn penuh berselera. SO Thanks to Pendekar FLinders for the nice treat =). We had Good food and Good Time.
A few "people" I met in Kedah....
Anak kawan my Grandma's good Friend. huhuhuhu... He is the G.Manager in one of the Hotel. Jejak Kasihan betul. =) and he went to school with my dad in Penang. He recommended other hotels in his contact as well to me... Alhamdulillah.....Yipeee
WHile having breakfast, Met another family friend. My Cousin's Best Friend. (Adni, if you are reading this, "my Cousin" is your beloved Father hehehehe...) He happened to C0-owned a Hotel in Penang.(can add up to my respondents in Penang lah...). So he gave me the contact person and stuff. Alhamdulillah.....And his Son and menantu pulak is currently working in Adelaide. So he gave me his number too.
The last but not least is our KedahMan himself.. Non other than Pendekar FLinders, Amirul. He took me and my parents from the hotel, out for Dinner. It was really Good. He took us to a Thai Food Restaurant. Oh boy the Tom Yam Puteh was Good ! Really Good. The kerabu sotong is marvelous. The sambal that came with the food is OH SO SEDAP !!! My mom and Dad really enjoy dinner that night that they ate dgn penuh berselera. SO Thanks to Pendekar FLinders for the nice treat =). We had Good food and Good Time.
23 January, 2011
Home sweet Home
Home Sweet Home..
Back in Shah Alam after my Hotel Hopping in the northen Part of Malaysia. Never done this before.. At most, I've only done 2 interviews in a day.. But this time it's 5 interview and distributing questionnaires in 5 hotels and in two states... Pheww... Just after Dinner on the way to Tok Cik's Hse, I was yawning away in the car. I nearly doze off. ( Tok Cik is the "Grandmother" for us although Tok Cik has her family of her own, 3 daughters and a whole bunch of cucus... But because Tok Cik was adopted by my Great Grandfather, Hj Ahmad to accompany my Grandmother when she was very young. Mcm Peneman la.. Both my grandmother and Tok Cik are very close that she loves Tok cik more than her own sister ) So, It's a must to go to Tok Cik's place no matter how short your trip to Penang is. I was already tired and sleepy but my cousin wanted to take me out. So, tak pa la, dia dah besaq ati nak bwk pi jalan i followed him and his wifey to Batu Feringghi. Me and this Cousin are besties when we were young with my sister too. Hehehehe Childhood memories...
So that was the story in Penang, Wait till i tell you about Kedah... Who I Met in Kedah... (ooohhh i met some "people" in Kedah..wait for the next post, I am drop dead tired now ..hehehe)
17 January, 2011
Happy birthday !!!
Happy birthday my dear blog
I cant really blog much coz i am on my work trip to kedah and penang rite now.
In fact at this very moment i am at thr lobby of sri malaysia alor setar waiting for the hotel personel to return my questionnaires i had given earlier through the general manager whom is my grandmother's good fren's son. Tetiba terdiscover plak kan... What a small world :) alhamdulillah. And while we r here terjumpa pulak fsmily fren and he gave another hotel contact to me masa breakfast td.. Alhamdulillah :)
Heading to penang after this for more appointments.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jalan Stadium,Alor Setar,Malaysia
12 January, 2011
11 January, 2011
Demam Jamal
Di Sudut Kamar Hatiku
Resah hatiku merindui
Terbayang-bayang anggun, senyum dan tawamu
Baru semalam rasanya bagai setahun
Pemergianmu tak tertanggung
Indah suasana tika bersama
Siang dan malam seolah di alam syurga
Cintamu itu cinta yang setulus jiwa
Dimana ku cari gantinya
Telah kulupa detik hitam selamanya
Yang menodai cinta kita
Tidak terdaya menahan takdirnya
Engkau abadi di dalam dada
Sepi dunia didalam riuh rendahnya
Pedih jiwaku tanggung derita
Patah hatiku kesalan tiada terhingga
Kau satu dalam berjuta
Kepada Tuhan tempatku taruh harapan
Engkau selamanya dalam bahagia
Cintamu itu biar kukenanginya
Di sudut kamar hatiku...
Sekadar coretan buat kenangan
Cerita kita di sini kuabadikan
Tinggi harapan semoga diketemukan
Di alam impian syurga idaman
Tinggi harapan semoga diketemukan
Di alam impian syurga idaman
> This is one of my fav song by Jamal. ( Ye , saya pun peminat Jamal Abdillah sebab Mak dan Ayah saya pun Peminat hardcore Jamal Abdillah.. Sejak kecik memang dok dengar lagu Jamal dalam Kereta.. Bukan lah Jamal sorang ada lagi yang lain jugak hehe.. Jangan la tanya bab lagu Hindustan.. itu kita blog lain kali ye..) Well, This song gave me Goosebumps and CHill right down to the spine yesterday. Terasa sebak tiba tiba... TerEmo pulak tiba tiba.... ( aihhh... feeling semacam je... pernah mengalami nya kah? Kalau dah not meant to be, nak buat mcm na kan... =)... ) Feeling mcm orang patus cinta pulak hehehehe.... But Jamal sang this song perfectly !!!! two thumbs up !!
Sila maafkan saya kerana asyik bercerita pasal Jamal Abdillah .... Harap maafkan sebab saya memang tgh demam Jamal Abdillah ni...hehehe... Tapi seronok la layaan je buat SPSS sambil dengar lagu Jamal Abdillah,. Tangan pun Laju je... =)
Resah hatiku merindui
Terbayang-bayang anggun, senyum dan tawamu
Baru semalam rasanya bagai setahun
Pemergianmu tak tertanggung
Indah suasana tika bersama
Siang dan malam seolah di alam syurga
Cintamu itu cinta yang setulus jiwa
Dimana ku cari gantinya
Telah kulupa detik hitam selamanya
Yang menodai cinta kita
Tidak terdaya menahan takdirnya
Engkau abadi di dalam dada
Sepi dunia didalam riuh rendahnya
Pedih jiwaku tanggung derita
Patah hatiku kesalan tiada terhingga
Kau satu dalam berjuta
Kepada Tuhan tempatku taruh harapan
Engkau selamanya dalam bahagia
Cintamu itu biar kukenanginya
Di sudut kamar hatiku...
Sekadar coretan buat kenangan
Cerita kita di sini kuabadikan
Tinggi harapan semoga diketemukan
Di alam impian syurga idaman
Tinggi harapan semoga diketemukan
Di alam impian syurga idaman
> This is one of my fav song by Jamal. ( Ye , saya pun peminat Jamal Abdillah sebab Mak dan Ayah saya pun Peminat hardcore Jamal Abdillah.. Sejak kecik memang dok dengar lagu Jamal dalam Kereta.. Bukan lah Jamal sorang ada lagi yang lain jugak hehe.. Jangan la tanya bab lagu Hindustan.. itu kita blog lain kali ye..) Well, This song gave me Goosebumps and CHill right down to the spine yesterday. Terasa sebak tiba tiba... TerEmo pulak tiba tiba.... ( aihhh... feeling semacam je... pernah mengalami nya kah? Kalau dah not meant to be, nak buat mcm na kan... =)... ) Feeling mcm orang patus cinta pulak hehehehe.... But Jamal sang this song perfectly !!!! two thumbs up !!
Sila maafkan saya kerana asyik bercerita pasal Jamal Abdillah .... Harap maafkan sebab saya memang tgh demam Jamal Abdillah ni...hehehe... Tapi seronok la layaan je buat SPSS sambil dengar lagu Jamal Abdillah,. Tangan pun Laju je... =)
The show part 2
Okay, so tonite i took my dearest mom to see her pujaan hati. Both Jamal Abdillah and Dato' dr Ahmad Nawab. Eversince reading abt the consert thingy on Utusan, Mom went beserk !!! Hahaha.... Imagine a 12 yr old wanting to go see Justin Bieber.. 'I wanna go ! I wanna go ! I wanna go ! thingy hehehehehe.... Mak.. Mak... Reminds me of how i really wanted to see Beyonce last year dgn fahmi but the concert was cancelled.
So,i booked the ticket online. Booked for mak su jugak.Banyak tickets dah habis but managed to booked our budgeted price punya ticket. Seat choices pun da kurang dah...
And yeah, mak went beserk hehehehe and she is so happy !!! Hehehehehe...Nasib baik i bougjt the Monday show kalau friday show, alamat tak pergi la saya sebab masuk hospital hehehe.
Mak was excited to go see Jamal, she goes ' nak pakai apa mlm ni?' hehehehe in the end, we spent about an hour choosing our outfit hehehehe nasib baik one hour. Seee sangat excited kan :) hehehe..
Ohh forgot about Dad, he did not wanna go. Dia tak suka istana budaya i guess.. He got all the points kenapa tak suka and i pun rasa betul tapi i still go jugak la hehehehe he dah getting old and tak larat. Ok ok not gonna cover this time. Seat kat sana sungguh tak sedap okay !!!! Arm rest pun tak cukup panjang both of this makes u feel kinda restless jugak la masa tgk show.. And dad having some back problem dududk mcm tu lg menambahkan sakit plus he tak suka the loud blasting music.
Overall, mak sangat happy dgn birthday present dia.alhamdulillah !!! she said the show is nice and good, Jamal sang beautifully. His voice is still as good as the old jamal but mak was a bit disappointed that he didn't sing his popular songs. Tu je.. The rest HEBaT !!! Wlpn Jamal demam. This orang sakit pun enjoyed herself jugak. Yeah, doc suruh reduce stress.. Dok reduce la ni.. Hehehe... Ohh mak spotted rosyam noor and sarimah ibrahim in the crowd...she and mak su sgt excited sebab depa tgh follow drama rosyam bertajuk isabella and takdir yg terindah on astro and rtm1 respectivelly.
Oh ya, Happy Birthday Mak !!!! AiLeviyu ! Veri mac !!
Eh... Ada pingu kat cake tu hehehehe ;)
( waduh... Lokesyen mlm ni lagi best ... (cekaut the lokesyen bilo..) Celah mana pulak la i duduk kat jalan sumazau?.. Hehehehe tak pa lah... Sebagai penutup, mari kita menari tarian sumazau beramai ramai... Che kay mula dulu sebab Che kay kat sabah hehehehe boleh che kay?...) hehehehe
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
10 January, 2011
The show
About half hour to go .....

Wooohoooo !!!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wooohoooo !!!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jalan Beserah,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Cinta itu cantik
Pabila semuanya indah
Cinta itu sempurna
Pabila ia kekal
Cinta itu bahagia
Pabila ia menyenangkan
Cinta itu amat menyakitkan
Pabila di khianati
Cinta itu menjelikkan
Pabila di dustai
Cinta itu jijik
Pabila terus dikhianati dan di dustai.
Cinta itu di khianati
Pabila ia tidak dihargai...
Aihhh... Ni apa kes berbicara tentang cinta ni? Mungkin terlebih dos lagu cinta kot untuk malam ni atau pun mungkin terlebih dos ubat jugak ...atau terlebih dosage drip doc bubuh semalam...
Thn pun dah masuk thn 2011.. Soal cinta masih mcm cinta. Bukan cinta saya yang dah lama terkubur tapi maksud saya soal cinta tetap mcm soal cinta. Yang berubahnya mungkin dulu pakai ketuk ketuk botol, tulis surat cinta yang dua tiga hari atau seminggu baru nak sampai, lepas tu ber sms, lepas tu email, sekarang dah ada FB and twitter.. Pergh hebat lahh.
Seorang kawan mendapat berita buruk pada mlm thn baru mengenai cintanya. Pada saya it's high time kerana tak sanggup meihat kawan menderita di permAinkan. Lebih sedih melihat dia semakin sengsara dgn perpjsahan itu..tiada siapa yang boleh bahagia dgn perpisahan saya rasa... Hanya saya sahaja kot yang bahagia dgn perpisahan saya.derita saya saya yang tanggung.berpisah pun sebab memikirkan rasional dan mengikut akal dan gerak naluri yang ALLAH berikan walaupun ada yang mengata menolak jodoh..there's too many thing beyond that...ehhh apsal cerita saya pulak yang terkeluar nih...
Thn 2011, saya harapkan kawan saya bertemu dgn orang baru yang boleh menyayanginya..saya tahu orang itu ada dan setia menanti di sana.tunggu masa je nak sambar. Lupakan lah yang lama yang tidak lansung menghargai anda tu..Hehehe apa pun saya akan rasa gembira jika kawan saya ini gembira..bahagia dan tenang dgn kehidupannya.inshallah... Siapa juga pilihan anda saya menyokong.. Saya ulangi.. Siapa juga yang memikat hati anda asalkan orang itu baik dan bukanlah berperangai durjana mcm bekas cinta hati anda..
Jgn risaukan persahabatan kerana kita akan tetap bersahabat walau siapa pilihan anda sekalipun ;)
Saya? Di tahun 2011.. Mengharapkan cinta? Hmmmm entahlah... Rasanya thesis saya kot yang kehausan cinta, kasih syg dan perhatian saya.sesekali mungkin teringat juga pada kisah lalu, tapi hanyalah sebagai kenangan.. Atau mungkin di takdir utk hidup sendiri lagi buat sementara waktu. Saya rasa itu lebih afdal daripada menjadi org ketiga ataupun backup plan orang lain..and i wont come between two people( ewah... Ckp omputeh pulak hehehehe)
Udah le tu cik skuna oi... Udah pagi dah ni, setengah jam lagi udh boleh nyanyi lagu P.Ramlee bertajuk 3 pagi tu... Atte nye, pukul beghape nak bangun subuh nya? ( jatuh cinta betul saya dgn keindahan bahase negeri perak ni... ;) hehehe)
Lot's of lurve,
- skunahusna-
**Giler tak, skali location dia persekutuan highway daaa... (cekaut de lokesyen bilo...) tak de keje yours truly nak duk tepi highway pepagi buta cam ni.. Padahal kita dah selamat Dok dlm selimut dgn adelaide wether musim winter dlm bilik ni gara gara malas nak on lap top... ;p Berguna jugak phone bodoh ni hehehee ( haiyohhh lupa lagi nak cerita padal kebodohan phone ni.. Ok esok je la ye )**
Location:Persekutuan Hwy,Shah Alam,Malaysia
can't wait
It's gonna be tonite...
It's gonna be the ultimate Birthday Present for someone that I love with all my heart. ( Cewahh Ultimate kononnya...Bajet hebat la kononnya hehehe....)
Haiihh, yang tgh menaip ni mcm tak sedar sedar diri tu tgh sakit... ( ishhh nak baik dah...InsyaALLAH.... esok konfirm baik punya....<---ini yang terjadi bila hati dan otak berkomunikasi...haihhhh... tak pernahnya nak sehaluan sebab masing masing pun ada otak sendiri huhuhu...Pelik tapi benar...)
Still Can't wait... Ngeeeee.....
Can't Wait for what?
Kna tungguuu, lepas dah jadi, baru kita cerita okey...
Sekarang Mari berangan dulu... ;p
It's gonna be the ultimate Birthday Present for someone that I love with all my heart. ( Cewahh Ultimate kononnya...Bajet hebat la kononnya hehehe....)
Haiihh, yang tgh menaip ni mcm tak sedar sedar diri tu tgh sakit... ( ishhh nak baik dah...InsyaALLAH.... esok konfirm baik punya....<---ini yang terjadi bila hati dan otak berkomunikasi...haihhhh... tak pernahnya nak sehaluan sebab masing masing pun ada otak sendiri huhuhu...Pelik tapi benar...)
Still Can't wait... Ngeeeee.....
Can't Wait for what?
Kna tungguuu, lepas dah jadi, baru kita cerita okey...
Sekarang Mari berangan dulu... ;p
07 January, 2011
I am in DeMC coz been vomitting non stop sejak pukul 3 pg td.
Pray for me ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jalan Pelabuhan,Shah Alam,Malaysia
05 January, 2011
iBlogging part 2
Okay, so i went a little bit overboard on this iBlogging thingy and now i am kinda using blogpress pulak hehehehe. This one is better coz its the only apps for blogspot.
Yeah, that's the aps next to pet my kitty. These apps above belum organize lagi hehehe tu pasal smua bercampur aduk ;)
I think the photo uploaded from
This app is much more better dari yang tadi. So, ok lah ni... I'm gonna stick with this apps je lah ;)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
04 January, 2011
Wooohoooo!!!!! Finally i found the apps to blog on blogspot on this iPhone bodoh (there's a reason calling it bodoh and will blog abt it later)

The apps is blogspace and i downloaded it for free from iTunes. There are other options but it's kinda expensive hehehe...
And below is my lock screen captured and uploaded using the blogspace apps. Saja saja try test je ;)
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The apps is blogspace and i downloaded it for free from iTunes. There are other options but it's kinda expensive hehehe...
And below is my lock screen captured and uploaded using the blogspace apps. Saja saja try test je ;)

03 January, 2011
There's something about this song, it gave me goosebumps the first time i heard on the radio. I dunno who sang at first... So, with my iPhone Bodoh tu ( there's a reason for calling it bodoh..Grrrr..), i took a video of my mom's car speaker till this lagu finish. That's from kilang gula CSR before Kesas till dah nak sampai roundabout Kayangan in Shah Alam.
Then when I reached home, i googled the lyrics.. There you go.. It's this hunk (Sabhi Saddi) who sang this song.. Nice voice you've got there, Sabhi... And nice package too...( raising my eyebrow Joey's style...Don't tell me you don't know joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S) hehehehehe..Alhamdulillah la, ALLAH bagi dia good package, with the looks and the voice kan.... And this song is the soundtrack of Tari Tirana..If it wasn't for the girl who played Tirana and that dude who played Neo.. Mungkin I might watched it on TV3.com.my kot hehehhee....
But somehow, this song gives me goosebumps.. I guess it's the melody, or it could be the piano or it could be the mesmerizing voice of this hunk.... Very mesmerizing..Kalau tutup mata, dengan gabungan melodi fan alunan piano tu, terasa mcm berada dalam Cartoon Disney... Wahhhh.... BERANGAN seyh... hehehe...
The best thing is, Farhan pun was kinda mesmerized by this song..he's attracted to the melody.. and kinda planning to use it for his clients photo video show.. Not until i told him this is a sad love song... But i dunno what it means really... Haiih... mcm ner ni, bahasa Melayu pun tak faham dah ni.... Mungkin Che Kay boleh tolong kot.... Boleh ke Che Kay ?
Okay, Now i can't stop listening to this song !!!! Totally hooked with this song =)
Penyanyi: Sabhi Saddi
Tajuk Lirik Lagu: Nadiku
Tajuk Lirik Lagu: Nadiku
Suara kisah kita
Yang sehalus sahutan di mata
Segala norma yang melena ku
Pada aroma syurga kita
Yang sehalus sahutan di mata
Segala norma yang melena ku
Pada aroma syurga kita
Nan syahdu cinta menunggu
Sayunya kerna air matamu
Sayunya kerna air matamu
Nadiku bagaikan berlagu
Nantimu hentikan apa berlaku padamu
Yang ku temu
Hadirmu sambutlah damba dakapanku
Nadiku bagaikan berlagu
Nantimu hentikan apa berlaku padamu
Yang ku temu
Hadirmu sambutlah damba dakapanku
Suria kasih kita
Yang berbisik gerimis serinya
Seindah frasa yang damaikanku
Walau sezarah air mata
Yang berbisik gerimis serinya
Seindah frasa yang damaikanku
Walau sezarah air mata
Biarku kucup wajahmu
Leburkan saja ia padaku
Leburkan saja ia padaku
Kabil Kushri Kabil Igam
i'm using the same intro but the cerita is different hehehehe
Mak fall asleep in front of the TV while watching Qabil Kushry, Qabil Igam.. The movie that came out years ago with Hans Isaac, Ziana Zain, Rushdi Ramli and Erra Fazira in it. It's my first time watching. I was warned that this movie has a sad ending. So that's why i didn't watch it before..
Anyway, I was suppose to be sleeping already coz I was high on Ubat Batuk and Ubat Selesema. Entah Virus mana yang melanda... I ended up coughing yang although sesekali, tapi Azabnya, ALLAH je yang tahu.. Sampai meleleh air mata mcm orang menangis.. The reason tak tido sebab my parents pergi kenduri kat Concorde Shah Alam, and biasalah, dorang ada "Chauffer" nak hantar and ambik.. Masa i was about to doze off, they called me to pick them up. So, as i was getting ready nak keluar, received another call saying that tak payah ambik, they wanna balik with bapak Dina. Leter i ended up depan TV and tgk TV..
Lepas UnderDOg, flick thru ada plak movie QKQI tu kat TV2, Mak tak pernah tgk and was kinda interested sebab ada Hans, ziana, Rushdi and Erra.. So we watched it.
OMG, walaupun tgk separuh cerita, Yours truly menangis tak hengat.. Sedih, Tragis dan apa lagi.... aduhh airmata tak nak berhenti meleleh.. each scene kot...hehehehe Walaupun selsema, tapi, tissue guna utk nangis okeh !! hehehehe...
Sedih giler part Erra kena paksa kawin. OMG !!!! please...Takutnya dapat Mak mcm tu..Psycho giler..
I guess kalau i pi tgk this movie kat wayang, konfirm, nangis giler satu paket tissue tak cukup kot.. hehehe..and kalau dah habis movie tu konfirm balik rumh kena sakit mata.. ( thru prev experience tgk movie sedih kat cinema sampai nangis, balik rumah kena sakit mata...)
Overall, memang sangat Sedih !!! Terlalu sedih !!! tapi best la =)
Mak ? Mak biasalah, tertido.. ada gak dia komplen boring skit skit hehehe
Mak fall asleep in front of the TV while watching Qabil Kushry, Qabil Igam.. The movie that came out years ago with Hans Isaac, Ziana Zain, Rushdi Ramli and Erra Fazira in it. It's my first time watching. I was warned that this movie has a sad ending. So that's why i didn't watch it before..
Anyway, I was suppose to be sleeping already coz I was high on Ubat Batuk and Ubat Selesema. Entah Virus mana yang melanda... I ended up coughing yang although sesekali, tapi Azabnya, ALLAH je yang tahu.. Sampai meleleh air mata mcm orang menangis.. The reason tak tido sebab my parents pergi kenduri kat Concorde Shah Alam, and biasalah, dorang ada "Chauffer" nak hantar and ambik.. Masa i was about to doze off, they called me to pick them up. So, as i was getting ready nak keluar, received another call saying that tak payah ambik, they wanna balik with bapak Dina. Leter i ended up depan TV and tgk TV..
Lepas UnderDOg, flick thru ada plak movie QKQI tu kat TV2, Mak tak pernah tgk and was kinda interested sebab ada Hans, ziana, Rushdi and Erra.. So we watched it.
OMG, walaupun tgk separuh cerita, Yours truly menangis tak hengat.. Sedih, Tragis dan apa lagi.... aduhh airmata tak nak berhenti meleleh.. each scene kot...hehehehe Walaupun selsema, tapi, tissue guna utk nangis okeh !! hehehehe...
Sedih giler part Erra kena paksa kawin. OMG !!!! please...Takutnya dapat Mak mcm tu..Psycho giler..
I guess kalau i pi tgk this movie kat wayang, konfirm, nangis giler satu paket tissue tak cukup kot.. hehehe..and kalau dah habis movie tu konfirm balik rumh kena sakit mata.. ( thru prev experience tgk movie sedih kat cinema sampai nangis, balik rumah kena sakit mata...)
Overall, memang sangat Sedih !!! Terlalu sedih !!! tapi best la =)
Mak ? Mak biasalah, tertido.. ada gak dia komplen boring skit skit hehehe
Mak fall asleep in front of the TV while watching Qabil Kushry, Qabil Igam.. The movie that came out years ago with Hans Isaac, Ziana Zain, Rushdi Ramli and Erra Fazira in it. It's my first time watching. I was warned that this movie has a sad ending. So that's why i didn't watch it before.. ( will blog about that later... coz this is far more interesting...hehehehe)
SO the movie ended, and i was browsing thru AStro.. There's Histeria on Astro Ria.. wahh it rhymes pulak...hehehehe...I was kinda interested to watch, but belum ada strength to watch yet.. I remembered watching PROM NITE alone one nite and lepas the movie, from the TV room to my room, i has all this imaginations about ada orang in my hse to kill me..Hahahahahaha!!! giler Psycho !!! So I didn't watch Histeria and jump to TV3 to watch the late news.
Oh Boy, Queensland was flooded .... BADLY.... and it's SUMMER in ausralia.. HELLO !!! The weather is getting haywire each day...And friends in Adelaide kept saying that it feels like spring even though it's summer.
So I was watching the news on TV3, and they were reporting on Queensland's FLood.. Showing the footage on one of the suburb and all, and I was like " Oh MY GOD !!! Teruknyaaa...!!!" and that's when my mom wake up.
Me : Tgk tu... teruk betul banjir..
Mak : La... Kelantan Banjir?
Me : HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!! That's Queensland, Australia... HAHAHAHAHA
Mak : Laa.. nampak mcm kelantan...
Me : ok Mak, I think you better go sleep inside now..
SO the movie ended, and i was browsing thru AStro.. There's Histeria on Astro Ria.. wahh it rhymes pulak...hehehehe...I was kinda interested to watch, but belum ada strength to watch yet.. I remembered watching PROM NITE alone one nite and lepas the movie, from the TV room to my room, i has all this imaginations about ada orang in my hse to kill me..Hahahahahaha!!! giler Psycho !!! So I didn't watch Histeria and jump to TV3 to watch the late news.
Oh Boy, Queensland was flooded .... BADLY.... and it's SUMMER in ausralia.. HELLO !!! The weather is getting haywire each day...And friends in Adelaide kept saying that it feels like spring even though it's summer.
So I was watching the news on TV3, and they were reporting on Queensland's FLood.. Showing the footage on one of the suburb and all, and I was like " Oh MY GOD !!! Teruknyaaa...!!!" and that's when my mom wake up.
Me : Tgk tu... teruk betul banjir..
Mak : La... Kelantan Banjir?
Me : HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!! That's Queensland, Australia... HAHAHAHAHA
Mak : Laa.. nampak mcm kelantan...
Me : ok Mak, I think you better go sleep inside now..
01 January, 2011
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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