I was force to do it. I did it unwilingly...ehehe..
In Aussie, there's such things called 3MinuteThesis. It was created by Queensland Uni in 2008 before it invaded the rest of Aussie teritorry, NZ and some say South Africa. And, Nope, this thing is still non existence in Malaysia.
Developed by UQ in 2008, the 3MT is a skills development activity that challenges research higher degree (RHD) students to explain their research project to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes. <----proper explanation of 3MT
This year, the Uni i enrolled in decided they wanna go on board competing with other Unis in Aussie. So, each Department must hold their 3MT competition and, proceed to Faculty, and so forth.
My supevisor was excited to enroll me into the competition. She told me to enroll since day 1 i came back to Adelaide. But cheeky me, simply let it slip... But yours truly thinks she is so pandai, 2 weeks before competition, Supervisor suruh enroll NOW!!! hehehe... tak de choice, tak bleh tolak.. TERPAKSA MASUK.
I Can't imagine me doing this in front of people...( how ironic kan, with my future work prospect...)
My supervisor says she can't help me because she's one of the Judges. If she helped me, it would be bias lah kan... Haiyohhhh.... Kesian I have to narrow down my thesis into only a few sentences and for only 3 minutes ! I called 911 !! yeah right hehehe
It took me kinda a week to get my draft ready, then berangan buat mcm Makcik dalam you tube tu buat, I tried, i recorded myself on iPhone, but i decided i look ridiculous, so i only do voice recording ONLY after that. A few trial and error, i managed to do it in 2.40 minutes. Well, great, the balance is allowance for nervousness hehehe
Although i spend about 1 week doing it, but i only practiced it a day before and the morning before. Practise mcm lain, Plan mcm lain, Bila tiba giliran, Buka Mulut, dgn Nada berlagu okay lagi, supaya orang tak bosan dgn bercakap satu nada pasal thesis. Tapi, dengan gerak tangan smua tersimpan dalam Poket, ayat yang suppose dah tersusun cantik jadi bercelaru. Bertambah nervous bila tertengok muka supervisor yang bersungguh sungguh muka dia mendengar hehehe... BUt i already gave my best shot. Dan dgn keadaan perserta lain yang Perghh... Mat saleh, India yang bercakap mat saleh serta Cina yang bercakap mcm bullet. Saya memang tdak meletakkan harapan lansung. Hanya Masuk sebab terpaksa dan alang alang dah masuk nak kena jaga air muka supervisor, at least buatlah sebaik yang mungin, Dah la dia tu ketua pulak..Buat malu je kalau anak buah dia mcm ntah apa apa je present kan.
Dan dengan tidak di sangka sangka, boleh pulak Terdapat nombor 2 dari 8 yang bertanding. Sunnguh ku tak percaya...Alhamdulillah, Got prize you know, Aud 75 hehehe.. Then we were told that, all 8 will proceed to the next round together with other department.
I thought that's gonna be it, lepas tu dah tak de dah... GHopenye, dalam next round tu, ada 14 of us, and out of 14, they chose 8. GUESS WHO'S AMONG the 8 ????
GRRRRRR....... now, i am in the running to compete among the Eight for them to choose the wakil FAKULTI in August..
Ku sangka kan NIGHTMARE sudah berakhir, rupa rupanya, masih ada lagiiii........Well, at least its in August... Letih teman, Kerja dah bnyk tertangguh di sebabkan competition ni.
BUt, apa apa pun, wish me luck ya !!!