i was wondering of what to cook today, then teringat ayam percik Kelantan.
So, i marinated the ayam after balik from uni, in which, i went at 10, and i balik 11.30 boleh?
Tiba tiba rasa nak kemas Store, lagi pun Sharon and BF balik hari ni, and she nak guna the store for her stuff pulak before balik singapore for summer holiday.
So, petang lepas asar, i started to cook the ayam and the kuah..
Entah Apa akal, baca resepi, 1/2 cawan, tapi Otak interpret 1 1/2 cawan tepung beras.
My kuah ayam percik ended up mcm pudding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
walaupun eatable, tapi rasanya tak kick ! sebab dah terlalu pekat, terpaksa tambah air, modify segala...
While the kuah is simmering, boleh pulak terpercik and hit right under my left eye... Perghh kuah mendidih panas tuuuu... sakit la jugak walaupun laser lagi sakit..
Ouhh Kecewa sungguh...
Dah la masak tak jadi, kuah terpercik ke muka pulak, dan hasilnya tak menjadi
Tapi makan la jugak dgn pita bread
Oh ye, Tak de gambar sebab terlalu KECEWA
30 November, 2011
For my girls
While i was in brisbane, Ama took us to a DFO. Phewww!!!
So this is what i got for my Sis and lil niece

Ipanema Gisele Bunchen Queen sandal in Gold ( similar to mine)
And for the lil missy,

A barbie parfume for a 5 year old!!! I'm not kidding. Well i choose this over barbie make up set.lebih baik pakai parfume dari pakai make up hehehehe
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So this is what i got for my Sis and lil niece
Ipanema Gisele Bunchen Queen sandal in Gold ( similar to mine)
And for the lil missy,
A barbie parfume for a 5 year old!!! I'm not kidding. Well i choose this over barbie make up set.lebih baik pakai parfume dari pakai make up hehehehe
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29 November, 2011
Conetto bear
So Cute !!!!!
Mcm best je ada life size teddy bear..
I used to have a huge Panda ( as big as a 3 year old kid) and i put my baby knitted sweater on to the Panda hehehe
But i no longer have it because Mom threw it away because it's kinda very old and not good for my sinus hehehe but the anak anak panda yang lain ada lagi..and i told mom not to give it to my 5 year old niece hehehe not even my Barbie Dolls hehehehehe Teruknya Aunty ni kan.... ( itu collection maaa !! )
Nutella from the Jar -Again
I did it again tonite.....
As much as i dun want to do it,
I dun have any nutella in Stock but bought it last few weeks.
Just a small bottle and keep it in the kitchen Cabinet just in case i need it.
Well, i indeed need it hehehehe...
the sudden crave for chocolates drives me crazy as i dun have any Chocs in stock ( yeah no nothing !!!)
And the sudden crave makes me ate 2 table spoonful of Nutella !!!!!!!!!!!! at midnight !!!
i feel good afterwards..
But now i can't sleep hehehehe
I did it again tonite.....
As much as i dun want to do it,
I dun have any nutella in Stock but bought it last few weeks.
Just a small bottle and keep it in the kitchen Cabinet just in case i need it.
Well, i indeed need it hehehehe...
the sudden crave for chocolates drives me crazy as i dun have any Chocs in stock ( yeah no nothing !!!)
And the sudden crave makes me ate 2 table spoonful of Nutella !!!!!!!!!!!! at midnight !!!
i feel good afterwards..
But now i can't sleep hehehehe
28 November, 2011
I'm gonna watch Edward tonight with Ismah and Alia.
I haven't watch any of the twillight movies, neither reading all the novels. Ismah and Nadia was the one whos crazy over this series hehehe. It's a gamble tonight whether i am gonna understand the story or not.
Oh ya, I went to Brisbane and Gold Coast last weekend with kak hanim and Alia. Just to take a break, alhamdulillah, it was really fun, will blog about it later. Thanks to Ama, amani, nani and Mus, and also the Gold Coast bunch Nik, Izani and Mariam.
Alhamdulillah, after the Brisbane trip, today, my writing mode came and visit me again. Alhamdulillah, hopefully it will stay.. I need to finish this.
The room is in a mess with Kotak, baju to pack, my thesis stuff.. so many things to do, so little time... *sigh*
I haven't watch any of the twillight movies, neither reading all the novels. Ismah and Nadia was the one whos crazy over this series hehehe. It's a gamble tonight whether i am gonna understand the story or not.
Oh ya, I went to Brisbane and Gold Coast last weekend with kak hanim and Alia. Just to take a break, alhamdulillah, it was really fun, will blog about it later. Thanks to Ama, amani, nani and Mus, and also the Gold Coast bunch Nik, Izani and Mariam.
Alhamdulillah, after the Brisbane trip, today, my writing mode came and visit me again. Alhamdulillah, hopefully it will stay.. I need to finish this.
The room is in a mess with Kotak, baju to pack, my thesis stuff.. so many things to do, so little time... *sigh*
27 November, 2011
Pallazo Versace part 2
Hot chocolate in a versace tea set ( not mine) hehehe
Mariam's alcoholess pina colada
Ahaa this is mine, iced chocolate
All of our drinks
Yes i know i am very JAKUN hehehe
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Location:Main South Rd,Bedford Park,Australia
A few snaps of the wheel of brisbane
Last but not least, yours truly ...
On the wheel of brisbane :)
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dah balik adelaide baru post hehehe
Location:Oak Ave,Clovelly Park,Australia
25 November, 2011
Palazzo versace
Coffee at palazzo versace with tje girls.
Ohh i am in gold coast at the moment ;)

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Ohh i am in gold coast at the moment ;)
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Location:Seaworld Dr,Main Beach,Australia
23 November, 2011
Exam OB
My students sat for their OB exam on tuesday. I think i've done my best so far with them.
On the final week of tuts,i gave them some notes containing the hints on what's coming out in the exam.bukan bagi soalan bocor but i gave them a chapter but with hints la. They are very much happy with the notes i gave plus they got to bring in a cheat sheet mcm 'toyol' tu.sekeping A4 paper je.
So,i emailed them gud luck and some article that will give them some ideas on writting the day before.and just now after the exam, i smsed a few of them, one girl from Kiribati island called me immediatly and sounded thrilled and excited with her paper!!! Hehehehe dia kata apa i cerita haritu smua kluar.so dia sangat excited dan harap dia dpt good grades ( i tak mark paper coz busy dgn thesis)
The second one pulak replied the sms

Hopefully depa akan dpt good grades la for the subject.insyallah .they r good students :)
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On the final week of tuts,i gave them some notes containing the hints on what's coming out in the exam.bukan bagi soalan bocor but i gave them a chapter but with hints la. They are very much happy with the notes i gave plus they got to bring in a cheat sheet mcm 'toyol' tu.sekeping A4 paper je.
So,i emailed them gud luck and some article that will give them some ideas on writting the day before.and just now after the exam, i smsed a few of them, one girl from Kiribati island called me immediatly and sounded thrilled and excited with her paper!!! Hehehehe dia kata apa i cerita haritu smua kluar.so dia sangat excited dan harap dia dpt good grades ( i tak mark paper coz busy dgn thesis)
The second one pulak replied the sms
Hopefully depa akan dpt good grades la for the subject.insyallah .they r good students :)
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Location:Main South Rd,Bedford Park,Australia
22 November, 2011
and i walked under a bus
Hey Mom
Why didn't you tell me
Why didn't you teach me a thing or two
You just let me go
Out into the World
You never thought to share what you knew
So I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
Which is kinda the same
I've sunk out at sea
Crashed my car, gone insane
And it felt so good
I want to do it again
Hey Mom
Why didn't you warn me
Coz about boys is something i should have known
They`re like chocolate cake
Like cigarettes
I know they're bad for me
But I just can't leave 'em alone
So I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
Which is kinda the same
I've sunk out at sea
Crashed my car, gone insane
And it felt so good
I want to do it again
Oh, felt so good
Hey Mom
Since we're talking
What was it like when you were young
Has the world changed
Or is it still the same
A man can kill and still be the sweetest love.
So I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
Which is kinda the same
I've sunk out at sea
Crashed my car, gone insane
And it felt so good
I want to do it again
So I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
Which is kinda the same
I've sunk out at sea
Crashed my car, gone insane
And it felt so good
I want to do it again
Tajuk ye ye o je kan.... Cuba skali walked under a bus, a not moving bus boleh la.. kalau moving bus, menangis rajanikanh tengk nanti hehehehehe
bila dgr lagu ni, teringat pulak, dah lama tak bercinta head over heels hehehehe... the last time was in 2005, mamat tu pun dah kahwin dah pun dgn pilihan ibunya sebab ibunya kurang setuju dia kawan dgn saya, takut tak terkejar kata ibunya.. lagi pun, things got out of hand lepas i cant help him with his business.i cant help him financially actually, What do you expect, i am a student still and tgh nak sambung Masters and bila bgtau nak sambung belajr lagi, trus tak jadi...tak pe lah, anyway belum jodoh lagi kot kan..
eh... tapi sekarang pun bercinta head over heels jugak apa...
I was told, jodoh tak datang bergolek depan pintu rumah, semuanya kena ada usaha, Dalam Islam pun mcm tu juga.. kena ada usaha and all.... i totally understand that idea coz i understand that LUCK IS PREPARATION MEETS OPPORTUNITY. Preparation tu usaha la.. opportunity tu kesempatan yang ada.. Jadi at the rate things are going now, i didn't put much preparation and the opportunity is not there yet, so, memang tak patut i komplain yang i masih single, or belum kahwin dan i rasa i pun tak komplain pun hehehehe..
Pengumuman : Cik SKUNA! Sebelum Encik Thesis naik Cemburu awak ckp soal cinta/kawin, sila lah sambung mengadap Encik Thesis ya !!!!
21 November, 2011
Still crazy over this okay..
Hah !!! Sudah... !!!
I am now a fanatic of this video and the dance step kuikuikui.... Tak pelah, tak de the dress and the heels, janji tiru dance step hokkay !!!
Dance with attitude Hokkay !!! ( a good sbstitute lepas i dah tak gi Zumba coz my gym membership baru expire and no point of renewing dah..)
Che kay dah hafal ke dance step nih?
Owh, by the way, i splurge on these items tadi
Maybelline super stay 24 hrs lip colour thingy, a basic nude lipstrick, a clear gloss, and a super 'menggoda" eyeliner and Maybelline lip liner. yang tiga tengah tu is Aud 6.99 each and it is called Designer Brand (DB). ( Yang maybelline super stay tu, rasanya ada dalam 4 bulan i consider to buy actually, tiapkali masuk kedai, dah pegang nak bawak ke counter and pay, but i ended up putting it back on the shelve. tapi hari ni terus masuk amik and bayar entah kenapa, and together with the rest.
Tak sabar nak try the eyeliner yang the brush tip is super fine.. dunno how i am gonna bersilat with it hehehe
Sebenarnya saya Puasa hari ini,
When i reached uni, i bought Goulburn Valley Orange Juice utk buka puasa nanti. Then when i reached office, my officemate dah sampai and we bersembang kejap.
I dunno how, i buka the small bottle and drink as we sembang...
Then i realized,
"huishhh !!! Puasa kan??!!!"
tepuk Dahi...
When i reached uni, i bought Goulburn Valley Orange Juice utk buka puasa nanti. Then when i reached office, my officemate dah sampai and we bersembang kejap.
I dunno how, i buka the small bottle and drink as we sembang...
Then i realized,
"huishhh !!! Puasa kan??!!!"
tepuk Dahi...
20 November, 2011
I actually hate ironing,folding clothes n all hehehehe both me and my sis hates ironing since forever!!!
But for me, as mich as i hate ironing, i still hav to do it.when i was 14 and was living with my aunt in penang, i hav to iron my own school uniforms ( sometimes when my aunt is having good mood, she'd do it for me and my cousins) So ironing kinda grew into me eventhough i hate it. When i was 16 i went back to live with my parents again. Hehee no more ironing ;) all ironing bibik a.k.a Kakak yang buat. Nak pakai baju buka almari dah siap semuanya. Basically, i hate it but if i have to do it, the i will.hehehe teruknya la kan..
I remember one time, one of the bibik ( the first indon bibik mak took,because previously all the kakaks are from siam) left sebab dia sakit teruk, she got TB so mak sent her home to indon.so we got no bibik.Dad needs his pants to go to work.so he tought me how to iron a pants/slack. Hehehe ayah yang ajar pulak.
Then when we got new bibik, Ika, she my age.mom n dad was busy going around outstation that i hav to orientate ika around the house.bagusla tu kan, being a HR student at that time, orientate maid kat rumah as a basic pengalaman hehehehe. Taught her how to wash dishes and how every night the dish rack must be emptied as all the plates will be wiped and kept in the almari, sapu and mop rumah, which broom for what, how to basuh baju ( which to rendam or which can go straight to the machine, what to do with puteh every morning and evening, and also how to iron the slack as ika said she donno how to iron slackika actually comes from quite okay family from where she comes from.her father is a caterer and she herself habis sekolah takat spm negara dia.the reason why dia dtg msia sebab nak duit lebih buat nak sambung belajar n simpanan masa depan.dia betul betul interested bila tgk i study.Ika left in end of 2007 to get married and sambung belajar.Lepas tu we got the current kakak ;)

I did 10 blouses today sebab cuaca dah increasing and sangat panas.so 10 blouses tu is ready dlm almari so that anytime nak pakai, capai je heehehehe
I guess the hate ironing thing runs in me and my sis.like my sis, dapat hubby yang sebelum kluar kena iron all baju dulu.hehehehe dah la my sis tak suka ironing tapi tak pa, every single baju hubby and anak anak yg dia iron tu dapat pahala besar. :)
Sebenarnya i am suppose to sleep but i couldnt tu yang pakai bercerita pasal ironing tuh hehehehe
Dah 12.52 am now and subuh is at 4.20 am matahari naik 6.10 pagi :) jadi kalau nak bangun sahur esok,SILa TIDUR SEKARANG !!!!!
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But for me, as mich as i hate ironing, i still hav to do it.when i was 14 and was living with my aunt in penang, i hav to iron my own school uniforms ( sometimes when my aunt is having good mood, she'd do it for me and my cousins) So ironing kinda grew into me eventhough i hate it. When i was 16 i went back to live with my parents again. Hehee no more ironing ;) all ironing bibik a.k.a Kakak yang buat. Nak pakai baju buka almari dah siap semuanya. Basically, i hate it but if i have to do it, the i will.hehehe teruknya la kan..
I remember one time, one of the bibik ( the first indon bibik mak took,because previously all the kakaks are from siam) left sebab dia sakit teruk, she got TB so mak sent her home to indon.so we got no bibik.Dad needs his pants to go to work.so he tought me how to iron a pants/slack. Hehehe ayah yang ajar pulak.
Then when we got new bibik, Ika, she my age.mom n dad was busy going around outstation that i hav to orientate ika around the house.bagusla tu kan, being a HR student at that time, orientate maid kat rumah as a basic pengalaman hehehehe. Taught her how to wash dishes and how every night the dish rack must be emptied as all the plates will be wiped and kept in the almari, sapu and mop rumah, which broom for what, how to basuh baju ( which to rendam or which can go straight to the machine, what to do with puteh every morning and evening, and also how to iron the slack as ika said she donno how to iron slackika actually comes from quite okay family from where she comes from.her father is a caterer and she herself habis sekolah takat spm negara dia.the reason why dia dtg msia sebab nak duit lebih buat nak sambung belajar n simpanan masa depan.dia betul betul interested bila tgk i study.Ika left in end of 2007 to get married and sambung belajar.Lepas tu we got the current kakak ;)
I did 10 blouses today sebab cuaca dah increasing and sangat panas.so 10 blouses tu is ready dlm almari so that anytime nak pakai, capai je heehehehe
I guess the hate ironing thing runs in me and my sis.like my sis, dapat hubby yang sebelum kluar kena iron all baju dulu.hehehehe dah la my sis tak suka ironing tapi tak pa, every single baju hubby and anak anak yg dia iron tu dapat pahala besar. :)
Sebenarnya i am suppose to sleep but i couldnt tu yang pakai bercerita pasal ironing tuh hehehehe
Dah 12.52 am now and subuh is at 4.20 am matahari naik 6.10 pagi :) jadi kalau nak bangun sahur esok,SILa TIDUR SEKARANG !!!!!
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Location:Edison Rd,Bedford Park,Australia
Unpretty kah?
This version is so Nice !!! cobination of TLC's unpretty and West Side Story's Pretty
UnPretty by TLC
Find the reflection you see to be so damn unpretty
Find the reflection you see to be so damn unpretty
I wish I could tie you up in my shoes
Make you feel unpretty too
I was told I was beautiful
But what does that mean to you
Look into the mirror who’s inside there
The one with the long hair
Same old me again today (yeah)
My insides are blue
Everytime I think I’m through
It’s because of you
I’ve tried different ways
But it’s all the same
At the end of the day
I have myself to blame
I’m just trippin’
You can buy your hair if it won’t grow
You can fix your nose if he says so
You can buy all the make-up that mac can make
But if you can’t look inside you
Find out who am i, too
Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty
Find the reflection you see to be so damn unpretty
Never insecure until I met you
Now I’m in stupid
I used to be so cute to me
Just a little bit skinny
Why do I look to all these things
To keep you happy
Maybe get rid of you
And then I’ll get back to me (hey)
My outsides look cool
My insides are blue
Everytime I think I’m through
It’s because of you
I’ve tried different ways
But it’s all the same
At the end of the day
I have myself to blame
I can’t believe I’m trippin’
As I reflect back on what I’ve used and abused
And detect that I need some clues to get through
To those that accused me of never being true
I’ll lose if I play into this game and never know the rules
So how do I bring out the me nobody sees
The forest for the trees, how ’bout the woman behind the weave
The light from within this life is the only real remedy
Or find the reflection you see to be so damn unpretty
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh (oh)
Find the reflection you see to be so damn unpretty
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh (oh)
Find the reflection you see to be so damn unpretty
Earlier today, i went blog hopping and i read about this girl who is pretty, and she had some alergy reaction near her eyes. I felt choked when i read the word "hideous' she wrote. The allergy is reddish with some rashes near her eyes. My birthmark is much more worst than that. I suddenly felt sad for myself. There she was, having a small alergy problem and calls it hideous.. so, what i am having is super hideous lah kiranya becasue i dun only have a red birthmark, it is also swollen (disfigured, the face is not simetrically balance, the skin arround the eyes are extra reddish maroonish in colour). After a big sigh, i finish up reading and hit the X button. I dun wanna upset my feeling.
It is normal for me to feel this way. No words could mend this kind of feeling. It is normal because i have this kind of birthmark. usually people with this birthmark feels the same with low self confidence and all. sometimes i feel tired being stared at. being here in Australia, i am kinda happy because people dun stare at me that much and the people here tend to have sweet tough too hehehehe.. they;ll say they did notie the birthmark on the face and stuff to make you feel better hehehe... but kat Malaysia, not only kids stare at me but also Makcik makcik.. Aihhhh.... TAK SUKEEEE !!!!!!!! the birthmark group i joined pun baru ni ada circulate email about research on bagaimana birthmark ni memberikan impact pada confidence level utk orang orang mcm i dan kebanyakkan majikan tak nak amik orang with birthmark sebab you know why lah kan... Kecantikkan Luaran tu penting
Yeah, we have make up, concealers and all. I am tired of it already. Every single day, i put layers of moisturizers, okay, now i am telling okay, after i cleans, i dap the toner ( i use Lancome, yeah i have to pay extra and ikat perut because these two are the ones that doesnt dry out my skin), then, one layer of Lancome's Genefique ( again, ikat perut lagi..) but i kinda substitute it with LOREAL's Youth COde serum coz it has the same texture and stuff, the effect is kinda same too. then a layer of moisturiser, I use LOREAL YOUTH CODE day cream with SPF 15, then LOREAL SPF cream with SPF 30,( earlier i used Lancome's tinted SPF 50, but i couldnt afford to ikat my perut any longer hehehehe), then came the make ups... Lets recap dah berapa layer dah, 1, 2, 3 ( sampai SPF).

See, i told you they look the same hehehehe.. habis tu dah serum, mesti la kna duduk dalam botol mcm tu kan hehehehe
Now the make up. I use to have difficulties using and trying out foundations, from loreal to in2it, Maybelline ke segala mak nenek lah, SimplySIti pun iya gak, even the SheerCover on TV tu pun but it all doesnt work on me, until Abby my hair stylist used this stick foundation on me. its Kryolan TV stick and HEY PRESTO !!! it works! 100% coverage and its gentle on skin. I have just finished my first stick and now using the second. the first stick lasted me for about a year despite of my heavy everyday usage. worth the money lah.. put the foundation on skin, spread it around the eyes, noce and the birthmark area, then i sprayed my face with air kosong, and ratakan the foundation again.when it is dry, i put on the power by ZA. I really hope they don stop producing the Za powder !! tolong lah coz Maybelline discontinue the powder in green kotak... Huarghhhh jenuh nak cari substitute, i tried aussie's Maybelline but it is dead expensive, Aud 33.80 for a mineral powder, ce convert duit Malaysia tgk..( darap 3 ye..) So, see, i have to use how many layers to get my face and skintone to look normal !!! hehehehe... Tak baik nak komplain, Dah rezeki ALLAH letak mcm tu kan,
Kryolan TV stick
Za Powder
So, After all those stuff, i put on my lipstick and eyeliner je. On special occasion, i put on eyeshadow. if not, i dun. 90% of my time here in Aussie, i dun use eyeshadow at all. eyeliner pun jarang, for lipstick, i only use the tone which is similar to my powder because i don't want other coour on my face. My mom will always nag me to buy a slightly orangy or pinkish lipstick which will always end up with a fight because i dun want to and will keep on buying the light brown lipstick, Currently only SimplySIti i repeat ONLY SimplySiti has the colour that i wanted. Kalau siti pun discontinue her raange, habis lah...
Yeah, sometimes i feel tired with this regime and wanted my skin to breathe, Yeah, i've tried going out with my bare skin and people thought either i was beaten up by my husband ( which i dun have hehehehe) domestic violance victim, i fall down, or i am having skin allergies.. HAHAHAHAHA burst out laughing !! Kelakar ! So, i have no choice but just follow the regime lah walaupun letih.. Sebab u saya kadang kadang kagum dgn transgender yang sangat cantik mcm perempuan dgn make ups diorang and everyday pun make up mcm tu walaupun, dalam diri dan hati mereka hanya ALLAH yang tahu segalanya, apa yang mereka rasa and stuff. janji jgn tinggal solat dan solat jumaat sudah la... insyallah amin...
So, Bersyukurlah dgn apa yang ada, Apa yang ALLAH beri, setiap masalah tu ada penyelesaiannya. it is either it is easy or hard to reach. yeah, orang sedapkan hati i by saying, alah, make up kan ada, and buat laser lagi.. Yeah, itu alternative yang ada buat masa ni, untuk benda ni hilang 100% itu adalah sesuatu yang MUSTAHIL. Hanya ALLAH yang tahu, dari ALLAH ia datang, dan Pada ALLAH dia kembali, Kun Faya Kun...
Dan saat saat mcm ni, teringat kata kata hikmat seorang kawan rapat pada suatu malam where i was 100% upset, felt useless and i cried over the phone. eiiii MALUU je.....
He said,
"Don't ever think that you are not beautiful, You are beautiful in your own way.......beauty lies on the hand of beholder...So please, Don't ever say of feel you are not beautiful..."
I guess, he did a fair share of bringing me back the confidence.. Thank You and i still keep the words at times like this to keep moving.. ;)
no.. it is not Sup ( What's up?) it is Soup..
During Raya Haji, the Student body buat korban, ada la dalam 15 lambs. so the bujang flinders pun masing masing dapat lah lamb yang di dermakan tu.
I turned mine into Kurma and Alia turned hers into rendang last two weeks. So Kak Hanim got hers slightly later. She planned to turn hers into Soup and call us all for dinner. Unfortunately, busy comes into our way ( boleh buat ayat mcm ni?) so Kak hanim cancelled the plan. She wanted to do the soup and send it over je nanti, She didnt have the time to google for soup recipe so she asked me.
I gave her the bestest soup ever, by Nani Rostam. Nani who? Puan Nani ni ialah Mak Hanis Zalikha. The recipe is kinda bnnyk benda nak buat but sedap. I've tried so i gave Kak Hanim the link. and to make things better, i even copied that blog post and emailed it to her.
Badabing Badabung, saturday night, she came over with the soup and say
"It doesn't really look like soup although i followed the recipe."
I was like " Seriously???" suspecting something because she had her share of mishap while cooking Sheperd's pie in which my phone doesn't stop ringing every ten minutes or so receiving sms from her. Hahaha.. sampai tak jadi writting petang tu.. it was ramadhan hehe.
So I asked her how she did it. Because i think i remembered the recipe well.
So she explained
"i potong bawang smua, pastu i goreng, pastu the recipe says goreng bawang merah smua tu dalam minyak yang banyak pastu angkat dan tos atas tisu, i did that la. smua asing asing, pastu bila tepung tu, i mcm mcm na nak goreng tepung ni? Tapi i goreng jugak la the tepung..pastu letak atas tisu, dah nak sama macam tisu dah..."
i listen carefully and,
" wait wait... you goreng smua asing asing?"
"ya.. asing asing, recipe tu kata asing asing...and i follow all the steps laa"
sambil menggaru kepala yang tak gatal sambil menahan nak gelak !!! Adui, unfortunately, me and Alia burst out to laugh when i told kak hanim the recipe.
" I thought you were supposed to cut the onions, put in the tepung so it got coated well and THEN you goreng them ..."
Kak Hanim was speechless and the look on her face was priceless !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aduiii jahat nya i gelakkan orang !!!
BY the way, here's the part of the recipe yang dia confuse tu
2) Mesti guna bawang merah dan bawang putih goreng buatan sendiri.(Hiris bawang merah dan bawang putih nipis-nipis berasingan dan goreng juga berasingan). Tabur tepung gandum, garam dan perasa ke atas bawang hiris lalu goreng ke dalam minyak yang agak banyak. goreng dengan api kecil sehingga garing kekuningan. angkat dan tos di atas kertas tisu dapur. Setelah agak sejuk dan rangup simpan di dalam bekas kedap udara berasingan bawang putih goreng dan bawang merah goreng.
I guess she baca the first ayat and get things going !!! Aduihai Dr. hanim , ku sayang !!!!! Nak pecah perut kami gelak !!!
Ok now here's the link to the recipe.. sedap wa cakap luuu. dan Soup kak hanim tu, walaupun "di goreng secara berasingan" tetap sedap !!! Power seyh
During Raya Haji, the Student body buat korban, ada la dalam 15 lambs. so the bujang flinders pun masing masing dapat lah lamb yang di dermakan tu.
I turned mine into Kurma and Alia turned hers into rendang last two weeks. So Kak Hanim got hers slightly later. She planned to turn hers into Soup and call us all for dinner. Unfortunately, busy comes into our way ( boleh buat ayat mcm ni?) so Kak hanim cancelled the plan. She wanted to do the soup and send it over je nanti, She didnt have the time to google for soup recipe so she asked me.
I gave her the bestest soup ever, by Nani Rostam. Nani who? Puan Nani ni ialah Mak Hanis Zalikha. The recipe is kinda bnnyk benda nak buat but sedap. I've tried so i gave Kak Hanim the link. and to make things better, i even copied that blog post and emailed it to her.
Badabing Badabung, saturday night, she came over with the soup and say
"It doesn't really look like soup although i followed the recipe."
I was like " Seriously???" suspecting something because she had her share of mishap while cooking Sheperd's pie in which my phone doesn't stop ringing every ten minutes or so receiving sms from her. Hahaha.. sampai tak jadi writting petang tu.. it was ramadhan hehe.
So I asked her how she did it. Because i think i remembered the recipe well.
So she explained
"i potong bawang smua, pastu i goreng, pastu the recipe says goreng bawang merah smua tu dalam minyak yang banyak pastu angkat dan tos atas tisu, i did that la. smua asing asing, pastu bila tepung tu, i mcm mcm na nak goreng tepung ni? Tapi i goreng jugak la the tepung..pastu letak atas tisu, dah nak sama macam tisu dah..."
i listen carefully and,
" wait wait... you goreng smua asing asing?"
"ya.. asing asing, recipe tu kata asing asing...and i follow all the steps laa"
sambil menggaru kepala yang tak gatal sambil menahan nak gelak !!! Adui, unfortunately, me and Alia burst out to laugh when i told kak hanim the recipe.
" I thought you were supposed to cut the onions, put in the tepung so it got coated well and THEN you goreng them ..."
Kak Hanim was speechless and the look on her face was priceless !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aduiii jahat nya i gelakkan orang !!!
BY the way, here's the part of the recipe yang dia confuse tu
2) Mesti guna bawang merah dan bawang putih goreng buatan sendiri.(Hiris bawang merah dan bawang putih nipis-nipis berasingan dan goreng juga berasingan). Tabur tepung gandum, garam dan perasa ke atas bawang hiris lalu goreng ke dalam minyak yang agak banyak. goreng dengan api kecil sehingga garing kekuningan. angkat dan tos di atas kertas tisu dapur. Setelah agak sejuk dan rangup simpan di dalam bekas kedap udara berasingan bawang putih goreng dan bawang merah goreng.
I guess she baca the first ayat and get things going !!! Aduihai Dr. hanim , ku sayang !!!!! Nak pecah perut kami gelak !!!
Ok now here's the link to the recipe.. sedap wa cakap luuu. dan Soup kak hanim tu, walaupun "di goreng secara berasingan" tetap sedap !!! Power seyh
Resepi Sup Tulang Rusuk Kambing nanirostam
18 November, 2011
Penakut – Yuna
Tak semua kau rancang akan berlaku
Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
Entah mengapa engkau yang aku cinta
Mungkin lebih baik kau ku lepas saja
Ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Ini tidak adil tidak adil bagiku
Ini tidak adil
Untuk engkau bertanya jika ku mencintaimu juga
Tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Kau tak pernah cuba memahami aku
Cinta kau ucap tak pernah engkau tunjuk
Dan bila tiba saat ku kehilangan
Beban yang tak pernah cuba kau ringankan
Ulang Chorus
Kau bukan milikku
Dan aku memang penakut
Mengakui cinta kepadamu
Seribu kali ku cuba ucapkan
Bila bersamamu
Kau bukan milikku
Dan engkau pun tahu
Kau bukan milikku
Not that i dun hav anything to do
Hahahaha :p
Hehehehehe :p
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Main South Rd,Bedford Park,Australia
17 November, 2011
When in Rome
I can' t sleep...so..
i went to Rome !
Hahahaha Just Kidding !!!!
It's not my first time watching but i enjoy watching it.. hehehehe... I have this in my hard drive with all other movies.
this movie is kinda COmEL !!! except, i dun really understand why Josh Duhamel who played Nick in the movie walks like that... Buruk okay... hehehe
i went to Rome !
Hahahaha Just Kidding !!!!
It's not my first time watching but i enjoy watching it.. hehehehe... I have this in my hard drive with all other movies.
this movie is kinda COmEL !!! except, i dun really understand why Josh Duhamel who played Nick in the movie walks like that... Buruk okay... hehehe
On writting ....
I stayed home the whole of today after meeting Helen, the DJ Village Dean.
Well, because I thought I'd lock myself up in the room, pull out the internet cable (this doesn't help actually hehee coz my laptop catches the uni housing Wi Fi connection,) lock the door, put iPhone on silent mode and write...
To good to be true, none of that happen. **Sigh**
Except that i met Helen at 10 at her office. Well, coz I will be leaving this beautiful heaven on earth soon, I might not get the chance to see her during summer. Turns out she not going on holiday this year and she will be here for Summer. So i'll just pop in again later. We had a good chat about Penang, which she looks forward to go on her next trip to Malaysia.
After meeting Helen, it's already 11, did my laundry, cook lunch ( my last packet of Mee ruski) which Mak brought on her trip last June, rebus cili kering to make cili boh (Last year, kakak made the a huge tub of cili boh and i brought it back to adelaide, it lasted me about 10 months until it habis last few months..) Clear some stuff here and there, Sat at the table, staring at my laptop, suddenly it's already magrib !!!
And now, dah pukul 11.34 pm... and i didn't write a single thing today !!! This is BAD !! really Bad !!
i guess lebih baik go to Sleep lah !
OK, esok, i will tie myself to the chair, no laundry, no cooking , no nothing... ( that's the downside of working from home :(.....You really want to sit and read or write yr thesis, but no, vacuuming or doing laundry seems to be so much fun and inviting ahahahaha !!! )
Well, because I thought I'd lock myself up in the room, pull out the internet cable (this doesn't help actually hehee coz my laptop catches the uni housing Wi Fi connection,) lock the door, put iPhone on silent mode and write...
To good to be true, none of that happen. **Sigh**
Except that i met Helen at 10 at her office. Well, coz I will be leaving this beautiful heaven on earth soon, I might not get the chance to see her during summer. Turns out she not going on holiday this year and she will be here for Summer. So i'll just pop in again later. We had a good chat about Penang, which she looks forward to go on her next trip to Malaysia.
After meeting Helen, it's already 11, did my laundry, cook lunch ( my last packet of Mee ruski) which Mak brought on her trip last June, rebus cili kering to make cili boh (Last year, kakak made the a huge tub of cili boh and i brought it back to adelaide, it lasted me about 10 months until it habis last few months..) Clear some stuff here and there, Sat at the table, staring at my laptop, suddenly it's already magrib !!!
And now, dah pukul 11.34 pm... and i didn't write a single thing today !!! This is BAD !! really Bad !!
i guess lebih baik go to Sleep lah !
OK, esok, i will tie myself to the chair, no laundry, no cooking , no nothing... ( that's the downside of working from home :(.....You really want to sit and read or write yr thesis, but no, vacuuming or doing laundry seems to be so much fun and inviting ahahahaha !!! )
on Edwards , ed, edd and eddy
**Sigh !!*** Richard Gere is EDWARD in Pretty Woman (at least he refuse to let vivian call him Eddy ....), Rob Pattinson is EDWARD in Twillight... Johnny Depp is EDWARD Scissorhands.. who else.....?
That's my Facebook status by the way...
one more thing that i forgot to include
Watched this and COw and Chicken, powerpuff girls, I am Baboon all the time on Cartoon Network hehehe... Kadang kadang sakit jiwa jugak tgk but it's funny !! hehehe
Oh ya, Hey Arnold, Wild thornberry, Ginger, Rugrats on Nickelodeon...
okay, now I misss my Astro....!!!
That's my Facebook status by the way...
one more thing that i forgot to include
Watched this and COw and Chicken, powerpuff girls, I am Baboon all the time on Cartoon Network hehehe... Kadang kadang sakit jiwa jugak tgk but it's funny !! hehehe
Oh ya, Hey Arnold, Wild thornberry, Ginger, Rugrats on Nickelodeon...
okay, now I misss my Astro....!!!
16 November, 2011
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
I just have to repost this !!!! It's addictive !!!
Tgk si Mercedes, Santana and Britney ni .. hehehehe with the nice black dress and the dance move.. and those heels....
Speaking about heels, OMG!! OMG !!! I bought a pair of easy Steps Heels online last few days !!! Except that it is not for me, It's for Mak to match her Bag! The parcel with her nine west bag has arrived in Malaysia last week and Mak is happy ;) The parcel was being detained at Customs in Sepang Post office sebab kena cukai.. HALAMAK !!! Sekali kena cukai laaa... i laughed when my Dad told me the story !!! Pakai je rugged, tapi kena cukai . Kot ye pun, orang yang nak pi claim parcel tu lebih ariff bab bab cukai nih...hehehe..
I was just wondering, how on earth am i going to start work next year with heels. The whole 3 and a half years of my life here, i only wear a pair of hand me down reebok trainers, Nike basket ball shoes, Merrel walking shoes and my new adidas lightweight sportshoes ( it is so light and comfy !!!) Erghhhh... i cant imagine how my foot is gonna tolerate this... both my foot got their own sets of brain, just like my hand and other body parts.. My hand for example, these few days decided not to cooperate with me when i am handling stuff in the kitchen. when i grab something, my hand decided to drop it.. hahahaha... now now, i dun wan to scare you guys, I am still sane okay, hehehehe
Oh ya, that video i posted above, baru keluar dalam GLEE tadi kat chanel 10. Apparently, its the last one for this year ;( and Santana gave a big tight slap on Finn's Face after she finished that number. Pastu habis.. woahahaha... now i personally feel like nak tampar orang jugak hehehe !
the one with Sayang and Apek
A few days back, my nephew's wife lost her cat Apek.
Today, my cousin, Michelle told me that Sayang had left us...
I may not known APEK but i know Apek from photos and i know how Aida feels when she lost APek. I dun wanna talk about it coz its painful. I demam seminggu when Coco left. enough.....
Sayang on the other hand is a talking bird lives in Perth.
If u ask sayang, "Where's Michelle?"
Sayang will answer "Michelle go to school !" hehehe
Well, i know Sayang wont be there on my next trip to Perth
yeah they are animals, NOT just any animals, They are a part of the family
Only those who understands, understands...
Arghhh........I miss Pingu, Belle, Hitler and Puyeh !!!
Today, my cousin, Michelle told me that Sayang had left us...
I may not known APEK but i know Apek from photos and i know how Aida feels when she lost APek. I dun wanna talk about it coz its painful. I demam seminggu when Coco left. enough.....
Sayang on the other hand is a talking bird lives in Perth.
If u ask sayang, "Where's Michelle?"
Sayang will answer "Michelle go to school !" hehehe
Well, i know Sayang wont be there on my next trip to Perth
yeah they are animals, NOT just any animals, They are a part of the family
Only those who understands, understands...
Arghhh........I miss Pingu, Belle, Hitler and Puyeh !!!
pagi pagi dah jiwang....
hehehe... jiwang karat pulak pagi pagi ni kan...
lagu lagu 98 degrees ni memang menyesakkan jiwa...
tapi denagr je utk halwa telinga ( cewahhhh...)
enjoy the songs ;)
lagu lagu 98 degrees ni memang menyesakkan jiwa...
tapi denagr je utk halwa telinga ( cewahhhh...)
enjoy the songs ;)
was it something i didnt say?
Spending another night alone
Wondering when I'm gonna ever see you again
Thinking what I would give to get you back baby
I should have told you how I felt then
Instead I kept it to myself, yeah
I let my love go unexpressed
'Till it was too late
You walked away
Was it some thing I didn't say
When I didn't say "I love you"
Was it words that you never heard
all those words I should have to you
All those times, all those nights when I had the chance to
Was it something I did't say
(I did't say,Baby..I did't say)
Always assumed that you'd be there
Could't forsee the day you'd ever be leaving me
How could I let my world slip through my hands baby
I took for granted that you knew, yeah
All of the love I had for you, yeah
I guess you never had a clue
'Till it was too late
You walked away
All the words were in my heart
They went unspoken
Baby now my silent heart is a heart that's broken
I shoulda said so many things
Shoulda let you know you're the one I needed near me
But I never let you hear me
The Hardest Thing
by 98 degrees
We both know that I shouldn't be here
This is wrong
And baby it's killing me, it's killing you
Both of us trying to be strong
I've got somewhere else to be
Promises to keep
Someone else who loves me
And trusts me fast asleep
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
I can't let you see what you mean to me
When my hands are tied and my heart's not free
We're not meant to be
It's the hardest thing I'll ever had to do
To turn around and walk away
Pretending I don't love you
I know that we'll meet again
Fate has a place and time
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind
Like Dr. Zhivago
All my love I'll be sending
And you will never know cuz
There can be no happy ending
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
Maybe another time, another day
As much as I want to, I can't stay
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
I don't want to live a lie
What can I do
the hardest thing ....
The Hardest Thing
by Tyler Ward
A still frames photograph of you,and me together.
is all i have of you and me anymore .. !
We were so in love and we thought it'll last forever.
But we were torn..by the storm.
And I won't forget you!I can't forget you!And the hardest thing i've done is have to live without you!
And i wonder why we both walked away (we walked away)
I'm lost without you,still crazy for you
Just turn around,come back because your smile is overdue
And I miss You (I miss you)
If I'd only knew the words to say that would make you turn around (turn around)
I'd say the words to you more than a million times.
It's been forever,but that hasn't changed what you mean to me.
Darling can'tyou see? (can't you see?)
That i won't forget you! I can't forget you!And the hardest thing I've done is have to live without you!
And I wonder why we both walked away ( we walked away)
I'm lost without you,still crazy for you,
Just turn around,come back because your smile is overdue.
And i miss You! (I miss you)
Im sorry for all i did,what i said and things i hid and I'm finally over me..
Is that too late you you?
I can't imagine where I'd be
If you had never rescued me
You showed me what it is,and now i so can see
And I won't forget you!I can't forget you!And the hardest thing i've done is have to live without you!
And I'm lost without you,still crazy for you
Just turn around,come back because your smile is overdue
And I won't forget you!I can't forget you!And the hardest thing i've done is have to live without you!And i wonder why we both walked away
'Cause I'm lost without you,still crazy for you.
Just turn around,come back because your smile is overdue.
And I miss You.
All about Tyler Ward (Promosi tidak berbayar hehehehe)
14 November, 2011
The next step
woahh it's been a long time since i membebel hehehehe ;)
i also missed the 11.11.11 , but nevermind... ;) I went to watch Johnny English Reborn and had a gud laugh !
Yeah, as the title says, The next step..
Not my next step, but my closest fren's next step. Nadia is getting MARRIED !!!!!! ( Squeeelll !!! Screammm !!!!! jumping up and down hehehehehe) Yippeee Yeay !!!! After going thru "STUPID" stuff with her previous BF, ( !@#$%^&* to MR I !!!!! i am cursing him hehhehe) Ahamdulillah, she met another guy, A.and they decided to take it to the next level ;) I couldn't help feeling Soooo happy !!! See Nadia, i told you, you'll meet THE ONE ;) At first i really thought that Nadia is dating Amirul and i was like ' awwwwww...so sweeeet !!!!" But Nadia laughed at me hehehehe
And Today, Amrul was asking around for dinarmas, God knows for what.. My wild guess is , May be he's taking it to the next level too heheehehe ! Thank ALLAH for that ;) I am so happy for him too !!! Yipeeee 2 weddings to look forward next year if the second one betul la kan hehehehe...
Yeah, I missed a whole bunch of friends wedding, while i am busy with studies and all, so if these people were to get married, I wouldn't miss it for the world !!!
next up, Mak tam !!! Mana Mak Tam !!!!
Hehehehe ;)
i also missed the 11.11.11 , but nevermind... ;) I went to watch Johnny English Reborn and had a gud laugh !
Yeah, as the title says, The next step..
Not my next step, but my closest fren's next step. Nadia is getting MARRIED !!!!!! ( Squeeelll !!! Screammm !!!!! jumping up and down hehehehehe) Yippeee Yeay !!!! After going thru "STUPID" stuff with her previous BF, ( !@#$%^&* to MR I !!!!! i am cursing him hehhehe) Ahamdulillah, she met another guy, A.and they decided to take it to the next level ;) I couldn't help feeling Soooo happy !!! See Nadia, i told you, you'll meet THE ONE ;) At first i really thought that Nadia is dating Amirul and i was like ' awwwwww...so sweeeet !!!!" But Nadia laughed at me hehehehe
And Today, Amrul was asking around for dinarmas, God knows for what.. My wild guess is , May be he's taking it to the next level too heheehehe ! Thank ALLAH for that ;) I am so happy for him too !!! Yipeeee 2 weddings to look forward next year if the second one betul la kan hehehehe...
Yeah, I missed a whole bunch of friends wedding, while i am busy with studies and all, so if these people were to get married, I wouldn't miss it for the world !!!
next up, Mak tam !!! Mana Mak Tam !!!!
Hehehehe ;)
12 November, 2011
Hati yang cedera
Hati yang Cedera
by Ikin Rosli
Bila jiwa kacau risau tentang masa depan,
Bila hati sesak dengan karenah manusia yang tidak memahami,
Bila jiwa sukar berlapang dada,
Bila hati disempitkan dengan sangkaan buruk terhadap saudara lain,
Bila hati sentiasa ingin marah,
Bila hati mula berjinak dengan nafsu yang Allah tidak redha.
Bila hati sesak dengan karenah manusia yang tidak memahami,
Bila jiwa sukar berlapang dada,
Bila hati disempitkan dengan sangkaan buruk terhadap saudara lain,
Bila hati sentiasa ingin marah,
Bila hati mula berjinak dengan nafsu yang Allah tidak redha.
Bila akal lupa tujuan asal hidup,
Bila diri terasa enak berlingkar dengan maksiat,
Bila hati puas melakukan perkara yang tidak berbuah amal,
Bila jasad duduk enak tanpa berbuat ma'aruf.
Bila diri terasa enak berlingkar dengan maksiat,
Bila hati puas melakukan perkara yang tidak berbuah amal,
Bila jasad duduk enak tanpa berbuat ma'aruf.
Bila air mata terlalu sukar untuk dititiskan untuk-Nya,
Bila hati mula mengeras,
Bila fikiran melayang untuk perkara sia-sia,
Bila hati mula berputus asa terhadap rahmat dan nikmat-Nya.
Bila hati mula mengeras,
Bila fikiran melayang untuk perkara sia-sia,
Bila hati mula berputus asa terhadap rahmat dan nikmat-Nya.
Bila diri mula meminta yang berlebihan,
Bila hati mula meminta untuk yang bukan haq,
Bila diri rasa sudah cukup,
Bila lidah terlalu keras untuk mengalunkan zikir.
Bila hati mula meminta untuk yang bukan haq,
Bila diri rasa sudah cukup,
Bila lidah terlalu keras untuk mengalunkan zikir.
Bila cemburu terhadap nikmat dan rezeki insan lain,
Bila diri berpura baik di hadapan manusia,
Bila hati merasa perbuatan dosa sebagai tidak apa,
Bila diri sentiasa mahu dipuji.
Bila diri berpura baik di hadapan manusia,
Bila hati merasa perbuatan dosa sebagai tidak apa,
Bila diri sentiasa mahu dipuji.
Bila hati tidak yakin dengan janji-Nya,
Bila diri menyesal dengan setiap taqdir-Nya,
Bila hati sentiasa mencari aib dan salah orang lain,
Bila diri sentiasa ingin memuaskan selain dari Allah.
Bila diri menyesal dengan setiap taqdir-Nya,
Bila hati sentiasa mencari aib dan salah orang lain,
Bila diri sentiasa ingin memuaskan selain dari Allah.
Bila hati merasa bebas dari jagaan Allah,
Bila merasa diri milik mutlaq diri sendiri,
Bila hati merasa aman melanggar amanah,
Bila merasakan tiada yang lebih penting melainkan diri sendiri.
Bila merasa diri milik mutlaq diri sendiri,
Bila hati merasa aman melanggar amanah,
Bila merasakan tiada yang lebih penting melainkan diri sendiri.
Bila diri terlalu banyak beralasan,
Bila setiap perbuatan tidak terniat untuk Allah,
Bila diri mula berasa berat untuk sembah dan sujud kepada-Nya,
Bila telinga lebih enak dilagukan dengan selain ayat-ayat suci-Nya.
Bila setiap perbuatan tidak terniat untuk Allah,
Bila diri mula berasa berat untuk sembah dan sujud kepada-Nya,
Bila telinga lebih enak dilagukan dengan selain ayat-ayat suci-Nya.
Bila mulut lebih senang berbicara tentang dunia dari manisnya syurga,
Bila redha manusia lebih dicari daripada redha Allah,
Bila merasa cinta manusia lebih asyik daripada cinta Allah,
Bila hati tidak rindu untuk bertemu-Nya,
Bila hati mula disempitkan dengan dunia,
Bila diri sombong tidak mahu meminta kepada-Nya,
Bila setiap akal, jiwa dan jasad terikat dengan dunia.
Bila redha manusia lebih dicari daripada redha Allah,
Bila merasa cinta manusia lebih asyik daripada cinta Allah,
Bila hati tidak rindu untuk bertemu-Nya,
Bila hati mula disempitkan dengan dunia,
Bila diri sombong tidak mahu meminta kepada-Nya,
Bila setiap akal, jiwa dan jasad terikat dengan dunia.
Hati itu bukan hati aku lagi..
Heal my heart ya Allah..
Bless me with a new heart..
Source : HERE
10 November, 2011
headache !!!
today i had a headache
it started at about 3 pm like that..
Makes me vomit once, then just to get some air, I walked to the library..
While walking, i know i am not walking a straight line, felt like collapsing
I came back from the library with a Thick thesis and 2 thick text book....duhhhh
Reached my office and vomit again,
I make myself a cup of Green tea and settle down...
felt quite okay,
But the pain is still there..
And the feeling of vomitting is also there.
I dunno...
it could be stress,
it could be me overusing my brain...
and now, i can't sleep...
it started at about 3 pm like that..
Makes me vomit once, then just to get some air, I walked to the library..
While walking, i know i am not walking a straight line, felt like collapsing
I came back from the library with a Thick thesis and 2 thick text book....duhhhh
Reached my office and vomit again,
I make myself a cup of Green tea and settle down...
felt quite okay,
But the pain is still there..
And the feeling of vomitting is also there.
I dunno...
it could be stress,
it could be me overusing my brain...
and now, i can't sleep...
03 November, 2011
I am kinda Peliks kejap...
Winter hari tu, tak de la rasa sejuk yang amat bawah meja ni..
Tiba tiba dah masuk spring, the wind is sooooo cold at night.
Like right now, angin sangat kuat, and kat bawah meja ni my feet dah mcm
Sejukkkk !!!!!
I better put on my socks or else kerja tak jadi coz masuk doona and tgk Tv hehehehe..
Winter hari tu, tak de la rasa sejuk yang amat bawah meja ni..
Tiba tiba dah masuk spring, the wind is sooooo cold at night.
Like right now, angin sangat kuat, and kat bawah meja ni my feet dah mcm
Sejukkkk !!!!!
I better put on my socks or else kerja tak jadi coz masuk doona and tgk Tv hehehehe..
Move like Jagger
Please disregard the lyrics..
Can't help to move arround even though tgh buat thesis hehehehe
Ish iSh Ish
Dunno who's Jagger?
this is Jagger
masa dia muda..
Me and my sis giler menyampah kat dia masa menyanyi lagu Angie
layankan je laaa....
01 November, 2011
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