16 August, 2012
i had laser last week and i've blogged about it in my last post. the recovery is kinda taking its own time and it's already been a week and a half and the marks are not gone yet. Unlike the usual ones where it only take about 5 days to clear. The reason of why the recovery is slow, the doc increased the joules from 10 to 12. Okay, i'll remind the doc to stick to 10 on my next treatment.
Speaking of next treatment, on my last treatment, the doctor spotted a few bluish marks on my face and decided that i have another birthmark on my face. WHATTTT ???? i not only have one but TWO birthmark on my face. the current one is PWS PortWIneStain. and the new one is Nevus of OTA. **SIGH** ALLAH KNOWS BEST. the doctor is going to treat the nevus of OTA on my next trip.
So, since my recovery is slow, but i need to run errands, i decided to go out with my bare face since sunday. Mom drag me to Pasar Tani. I hate being there actually with the crowd and all but i still follow Mak. People gave me a weird look because i still have spots on my face. BUt i didnt really amik pusing.
today, i took kakak to Giant shah alam mall, kakak wanted to buy nuggets and some stuff for her kids. she's going home for raya. While kakak pay for her stuff, i paid mine in the express counter.i only have DIMES juice in my hand. So i paid for the juice and the Lady at the counter put the juice in the plastic bag and handed it to me. my face is a big surprise to her.
Lady : Kak !!! kenapa muka akak merah merah ? Apa akak buat?
Me : ( ARGHHHHH FED UP NYAAA NAK JAWAB !!!!) ooo tak de apa, ni tanda lahir saya, TANDA LAHIR SAYA ( stressing out on tanda lahir )
I really dun mean to be rude but i avoided eye contact, and i didnt want to talk much. As much as it hit me, it got me thinking....
the reality is that, i have a birthmark on my face, a huge red birthmark, i suddenly feel that i am being in denial by wearing all the foundations, 3 layers of stuff on my face ( 1st layer, Moisturizer and BB cream, 2nd layer, stick foundation and green stuff that control redness on skin, 3rd layer the two way powder). Am i being in denial? or i can't accept the fact that i have a birthmark on my face?
I can accept the fact that i have a birthmark on my face. the only thing i cant tolerate is when strangers stare and ask questions. i think it's rude. Yeas, they don't know and they wanna ask, but i don't like it. Yes, i looked wierd but Masa kat adelaide, No one ever asked me what happened to my face, Not a single person. I tak tipu.
i suddenly ask myself a question, untuk apa pakai foundation tu semua? nak cover the birthmark? to make the skin tone even? mengurang kan CELA di wajah? ( Benci betul bila iklan cream muka kat TV dok kata, "mengurangkan Cela bla..bla..bla..." Haaaihhhhh.... utk siapa semua tu? sebab nak sedapkan mata masyarakat memandang? tak nak banyak soal?
ENtah la... i am asking myself the question. since last week, i felt easy not having to wear any make up. the left side of the face seems to be much healthier with out foundations and stuff. I am comfortable in my own skin. And i don't know why, a simple question from a Lady who works as a cashier at the counter is affecting me THIS much... Apa apa pun, Alhamdulillah, I realise how i looked like, i know how i looked like, and i berpijak di bumi yang nyata.
Other questions that pist me off :
Eh, kenapa mata u kecik sebelah?
Kenapa muka u?
Apsal mulut you senget?
You jatuh ke?
Auntie, Auntie ni cacat ke?
Sabarlah wahai hati dan perasaan, kerana ALLAH itu maha mengetahui dan memahami, ALLAH yang tahu segalanya. ALLAH yang menentukan segalanya, ALLAH sahaja yang tahu apa yang terbaik buat kita.
Semoga ALLAH memberi petunjuk dan kekuatan pada diri...
That's all, sorry for the EMO entry.
Speaking of next treatment, on my last treatment, the doctor spotted a few bluish marks on my face and decided that i have another birthmark on my face. WHATTTT ???? i not only have one but TWO birthmark on my face. the current one is PWS PortWIneStain. and the new one is Nevus of OTA. **SIGH** ALLAH KNOWS BEST. the doctor is going to treat the nevus of OTA on my next trip.
So, since my recovery is slow, but i need to run errands, i decided to go out with my bare face since sunday. Mom drag me to Pasar Tani. I hate being there actually with the crowd and all but i still follow Mak. People gave me a weird look because i still have spots on my face. BUt i didnt really amik pusing.
today, i took kakak to Giant shah alam mall, kakak wanted to buy nuggets and some stuff for her kids. she's going home for raya. While kakak pay for her stuff, i paid mine in the express counter.i only have DIMES juice in my hand. So i paid for the juice and the Lady at the counter put the juice in the plastic bag and handed it to me. my face is a big surprise to her.
Lady : Kak !!! kenapa muka akak merah merah ? Apa akak buat?
Me : ( ARGHHHHH FED UP NYAAA NAK JAWAB !!!!) ooo tak de apa, ni tanda lahir saya, TANDA LAHIR SAYA ( stressing out on tanda lahir )
I really dun mean to be rude but i avoided eye contact, and i didnt want to talk much. As much as it hit me, it got me thinking....
the reality is that, i have a birthmark on my face, a huge red birthmark, i suddenly feel that i am being in denial by wearing all the foundations, 3 layers of stuff on my face ( 1st layer, Moisturizer and BB cream, 2nd layer, stick foundation and green stuff that control redness on skin, 3rd layer the two way powder). Am i being in denial? or i can't accept the fact that i have a birthmark on my face?
I can accept the fact that i have a birthmark on my face. the only thing i cant tolerate is when strangers stare and ask questions. i think it's rude. Yeas, they don't know and they wanna ask, but i don't like it. Yes, i looked wierd but Masa kat adelaide, No one ever asked me what happened to my face, Not a single person. I tak tipu.
i suddenly ask myself a question, untuk apa pakai foundation tu semua? nak cover the birthmark? to make the skin tone even? mengurang kan CELA di wajah? ( Benci betul bila iklan cream muka kat TV dok kata, "mengurangkan Cela bla..bla..bla..." Haaaihhhhh.... utk siapa semua tu? sebab nak sedapkan mata masyarakat memandang? tak nak banyak soal?
ENtah la... i am asking myself the question. since last week, i felt easy not having to wear any make up. the left side of the face seems to be much healthier with out foundations and stuff. I am comfortable in my own skin. And i don't know why, a simple question from a Lady who works as a cashier at the counter is affecting me THIS much... Apa apa pun, Alhamdulillah, I realise how i looked like, i know how i looked like, and i berpijak di bumi yang nyata.
Other questions that pist me off :
Eh, kenapa mata u kecik sebelah?
Kenapa muka u?
Apsal mulut you senget?
You jatuh ke?
Auntie, Auntie ni cacat ke?
Sabarlah wahai hati dan perasaan, kerana ALLAH itu maha mengetahui dan memahami, ALLAH yang tahu segalanya. ALLAH yang menentukan segalanya, ALLAH sahaja yang tahu apa yang terbaik buat kita.
Semoga ALLAH memberi petunjuk dan kekuatan pada diri...
That's all, sorry for the EMO entry.
09 August, 2012
This is my 3 rd laser treatment since i came home. And it is the most painful one.

Whatever it is, hidup perlu di teruskan !!!
Happy ramadhan to all wlpn hanya tinggal 10 hari je lagi. And selamat menyambut syawal.
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Whatever it is, hidup perlu di teruskan !!!
Happy ramadhan to all wlpn hanya tinggal 10 hari je lagi. And selamat menyambut syawal.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jalan Najat 11/2n,Shah Alam,Malaysia
08 June, 2012
About Marriage and Stuff
my former housemate in Adelaide, Nadia got married last two weeks, it was a beautiful wedding. A simple Akad Nikah attended by family and a few close friends, very relaxed and laid back...( Geee i wonder if that could ever happen in my family hehehe, there's tons of us, mom's got 9 siblings, not to mention her niece and nephews from her other mothers ( my grandfather have 4 wives whom he remaries when his wife passed away, my grand ma was the forth and last one) whom we are closely tied ( we have very close relationship) but there are also some whom i've never met. You see, when my sister got married, my mom was saying strictly for family and close friends only.. what happen was, the house is too small to occupy the so called family and close friends, some of us have to sit in the porch and kitchen like my beloved Tok engku who came in her caftan, walked in thru the back door that the maid then thought she was an orang gila Hahahahaha okay, maybe because i have a small house la kannn...tak cukup)
okay back to Nadia's wedding. As i said it was a very nice and simple akad nikah. Nadia's dress was OMG, so cantik !!!! I went to the wedding with my brother and we met Suraja ( who came all the way from adelaide for nadia's wedding). Suraja then came to stay with me for one night.
The day after was the reception, which was held in SACC. Amirul came from Kedah, Rozi came from sungai buloh to my place because we are suppose to have a small get together. Just us the Gang in village, Mak tam was suppose to join but she fall sick and do not want to be disturbed. Beriya iya dia request nak makan ayam kuali bagai, tapi sudahnya dia yang tak muncul. I made the ayam kuali and also prepared some roti arab. Mirul came to pick me and rozi to buy cake for rozi's birthday, hehehe surpriseeee !!!!! After Maghrib, we went to SACC with Mirul whom stayed at my place senang nak solat magrib and mandi bagai...
Nadia's reception was also beautiful and simple. Her pelamin is so gorgeous !!! Reka timur did it for her. Basically it was such a beautiful wedding. I am so happy that Nadia has finally found her MR right after all that she went through with that previous stupid idiot selfish bastard !!! hahahaha ( yeah, i am cursing alright...please forgive me).
To Nadia and Azmir, I hope you hold each other close in best or bad times and have trust and faith all the way;
Happy married life !!! ;)
okay, the happy parts has ended... Sorrry to tell you that.. hehehe well, the next part is not a SAD or tragicall actually. It's just some random speculation people made on me, that i'm NEXT Hahahahaha.... Goshhh these people sangat bagus dan Hebat, they know when i'll be married while i am still clueless abt it... hahahhaha ( hehehe i'm not being uptight about it, i played along actually...saja seronok hehehehe ) So they are saying that, Soonn its my turn, .. very soon its gonna be me... HAHAHAHA i am laughing my ass off, but i did say amin though hehehehe..
Naah, reality wise, Not gonna happen anytime soon. To have a wedding like Nadia's, lagi lah tak termimpi...nak duduk atas pelamin? Me? and ? and who? i'm not being unrealistic, but simply beeing too realistic, first the look, then the size, and then the education background. I don't have problem with all these 3 things because i understand very welll that no matter how high go you in life, when u are a wife, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, your husband is your number one! i believe in that....but people out there seems to miss that part. " Tak cantik lah,eeeii gemuk, ehh i ni hanya ada bachelor degree je.. " Don't blame me hehee i speak of my experience ;) so far i havent found any sincere person who claim that i am a beautiful person or simply accept me as who i am, there will always be something tak kena... and late ly, it my studies...haaihh la, ingat best sangat ke buat PhD ni? hebat sangat ke? cuba buat dulu tgk dan rasa, baru tau, jangan lah mudah terpedaya dgn pandangan masyarakat.. kita bukan nya dewa kalau dah buat PhD pun.. tetap manusia biasa, kerja jadi cikgu gak mengajar anak bangsa kan... ;)
hehehe... if i follow my shallow and skeptical mind, i dun think there's anyone out there who would do that, i mean marry me. hehehehe kan kan kan? There was this one time, i went jogging with my mom and bro at the park, there's a wedding photography going on. the bride was bigger than me and the groom was good looking and not as big as the bride and my bro goes "seee , look at her.. she's even bigger than you but she still got married..i've seen a lot of this you know.. " and then i told him " its her jodoh.. mine is not here yet.." with a smile.. and my brother kept quiet after that.
well, i am not upset being bombarded with marriage question. Being alone all this while has put me in a comfort zone i guess. Long gone the days when i was actually ready to share my life. Now i share my life with my Studies and soon my carrier. i'm happy that i can take care of my parents, be with them every day and night, cook for them and attend to whatever their needs... imagine if i have a husband, would i be able to do this? in a way, I feel blessed because i have all the time in the world to spend with my parents and make them happy... ( and i can't even think of how mylife is gonna be once my parents is no longer in this world...itu ketentuan ALLAH, so kita biarkan ia di tangan ALLAH....) Truthfully said, I havent found the one who can accept me as who i am, what i am and how i function...hahaha can ar say like that? ... i may have think i have found the one ( EX boyfriends not included !!!), may have think that the compatibility is high, but its all in the hand of ALLAH... I guess I am not that shallow or skeptical after all... maybe some day...MAY BE .... I said May be....maybe there's a little bit of hope somewhere.... MAYBE.... insyallah... amin....
okay back to Nadia's wedding. As i said it was a very nice and simple akad nikah. Nadia's dress was OMG, so cantik !!!! I went to the wedding with my brother and we met Suraja ( who came all the way from adelaide for nadia's wedding). Suraja then came to stay with me for one night.
The day after was the reception, which was held in SACC. Amirul came from Kedah, Rozi came from sungai buloh to my place because we are suppose to have a small get together. Just us the Gang in village, Mak tam was suppose to join but she fall sick and do not want to be disturbed. Beriya iya dia request nak makan ayam kuali bagai, tapi sudahnya dia yang tak muncul. I made the ayam kuali and also prepared some roti arab. Mirul came to pick me and rozi to buy cake for rozi's birthday, hehehe surpriseeee !!!!! After Maghrib, we went to SACC with Mirul whom stayed at my place senang nak solat magrib and mandi bagai...
Nadia's reception was also beautiful and simple. Her pelamin is so gorgeous !!! Reka timur did it for her. Basically it was such a beautiful wedding. I am so happy that Nadia has finally found her MR right after all that she went through with that previous stupid idiot selfish bastard !!! hahahaha ( yeah, i am cursing alright...please forgive me).
To Nadia and Azmir, I hope you hold each other close in best or bad times and have trust and faith all the way;
Happy married life !!! ;)
okay, the happy parts has ended... Sorrry to tell you that.. hehehe well, the next part is not a SAD or tragicall actually. It's just some random speculation people made on me, that i'm NEXT Hahahahaha.... Goshhh these people sangat bagus dan Hebat, they know when i'll be married while i am still clueless abt it... hahahhaha ( hehehe i'm not being uptight about it, i played along actually...saja seronok hehehehe ) So they are saying that, Soonn its my turn, .. very soon its gonna be me... HAHAHAHA i am laughing my ass off, but i did say amin though hehehehe..
Naah, reality wise, Not gonna happen anytime soon. To have a wedding like Nadia's, lagi lah tak termimpi...nak duduk atas pelamin? Me? and ? and who? i'm not being unrealistic, but simply beeing too realistic, first the look, then the size, and then the education background. I don't have problem with all these 3 things because i understand very welll that no matter how high go you in life, when u are a wife, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, your husband is your number one! i believe in that....but people out there seems to miss that part. " Tak cantik lah,eeeii gemuk, ehh i ni hanya ada bachelor degree je.. " Don't blame me hehee i speak of my experience ;) so far i havent found any sincere person who claim that i am a beautiful person or simply accept me as who i am, there will always be something tak kena... and late ly, it my studies...haaihh la, ingat best sangat ke buat PhD ni? hebat sangat ke? cuba buat dulu tgk dan rasa, baru tau, jangan lah mudah terpedaya dgn pandangan masyarakat.. kita bukan nya dewa kalau dah buat PhD pun.. tetap manusia biasa, kerja jadi cikgu gak mengajar anak bangsa kan... ;)
hehehe... if i follow my shallow and skeptical mind, i dun think there's anyone out there who would do that, i mean marry me. hehehehe kan kan kan? There was this one time, i went jogging with my mom and bro at the park, there's a wedding photography going on. the bride was bigger than me and the groom was good looking and not as big as the bride and my bro goes "seee , look at her.. she's even bigger than you but she still got married..i've seen a lot of this you know.. " and then i told him " its her jodoh.. mine is not here yet.." with a smile.. and my brother kept quiet after that.
well, i am not upset being bombarded with marriage question. Being alone all this while has put me in a comfort zone i guess. Long gone the days when i was actually ready to share my life. Now i share my life with my Studies and soon my carrier. i'm happy that i can take care of my parents, be with them every day and night, cook for them and attend to whatever their needs... imagine if i have a husband, would i be able to do this? in a way, I feel blessed because i have all the time in the world to spend with my parents and make them happy... ( and i can't even think of how mylife is gonna be once my parents is no longer in this world...itu ketentuan ALLAH, so kita biarkan ia di tangan ALLAH....) Truthfully said, I havent found the one who can accept me as who i am, what i am and how i function...hahaha can ar say like that? ... i may have think i have found the one ( EX boyfriends not included !!!), may have think that the compatibility is high, but its all in the hand of ALLAH... I guess I am not that shallow or skeptical after all... maybe some day...MAY BE .... I said May be....maybe there's a little bit of hope somewhere.... MAYBE.... insyallah... amin....
26 May, 2012
i hate being in a complicated situation.
As much as i could, i try not to make things complicated.
But i do ALWAYS end up in one. The one, not caused by me.
Arghhhh... complications like this makes me always feel better off doing things alone. No offence.. but, that's it for me. It's my destiny i guess. Selamanya kita je yang kena memahami orang lain, dan mengalah... EVERY SINGLE TIME !!!! like what? i dun have a right to say anything ke? ( may sound sellfish, but if everytime pun asyik kena pijak, sapa yang tahan...). Jangan Salah kan Takdir ALLAH kalau sendiri tak plan betul betul, tak chek habis habis... ( GOSHHHH !!! perfectionism really comes with age !!! which creeps the hell out of me !!! HELP !!! )
So, that's why, I go everywhere alone... Senang cerita walaupun nampak mcm !@#$%^&*(). Tapi tak pe lah, tak sakit hati berada di dalam complication yang orang suka sangat nak buat. ( well i'm just being EMO here sebab dah cannot tahan.. i Understand the concept of Kita hanya merancang, Allah menentukan, tapi kalau kita merancang dgn betul, kena pada caranya, of course la keputusannya baik.. what say you? )
what to do...
memang selalu asyik kena pijak je...
MInta maaf kerana meroyan malam malam buta hehehe
Peace !
As much as i could, i try not to make things complicated.
But i do ALWAYS end up in one. The one, not caused by me.
Arghhhh... complications like this makes me always feel better off doing things alone. No offence.. but, that's it for me. It's my destiny i guess. Selamanya kita je yang kena memahami orang lain, dan mengalah... EVERY SINGLE TIME !!!! like what? i dun have a right to say anything ke? ( may sound sellfish, but if everytime pun asyik kena pijak, sapa yang tahan...). Jangan Salah kan Takdir ALLAH kalau sendiri tak plan betul betul, tak chek habis habis... ( GOSHHHH !!! perfectionism really comes with age !!! which creeps the hell out of me !!! HELP !!! )
So, that's why, I go everywhere alone... Senang cerita walaupun nampak mcm !@#$%^&*(). Tapi tak pe lah, tak sakit hati berada di dalam complication yang orang suka sangat nak buat. ( well i'm just being EMO here sebab dah cannot tahan.. i Understand the concept of Kita hanya merancang, Allah menentukan, tapi kalau kita merancang dgn betul, kena pada caranya, of course la keputusannya baik.. what say you? )
what to do...
memang selalu asyik kena pijak je...
MInta maaf kerana meroyan malam malam buta hehehe
Peace !
27 March, 2012
One of the mualaf from mak's hospital association had asked Mak to name his newborn son. Mak took out the book abt islamic name. She & Dad decided on Daniyal & now wants a second name. She sat with me to decide.
Me : Danish Daniyal
mak : Daniyal Mirza
Me : Daniyal iskandar ( amboi dah mcm novel Alaf 21 pulak)
Mak : Iqram,what abt iqram?
Me : Daniyal Iqram or Iqram Daniyal ?
Mak : iqram dinzly hehehehehe
Me : -_____-" ( a hehehehe that comes from mak is unbelievable)
We're STILL deciding on the second name.
Me : Danish Daniyal
mak : Daniyal Mirza
Me : Daniyal iskandar ( amboi dah mcm novel Alaf 21 pulak)
Mak : Iqram,what abt iqram?
Me : Daniyal Iqram or Iqram Daniyal ?
Mak : iqram dinzly hehehehehe
Me : -_____-" ( a hehehehe that comes from mak is unbelievable)
We're STILL deciding on the second name.
Location:Jalan Tarian 11/2,Shah Alam,Malaysia
12 March, 2012
Adnin's question
As i was getting myself ready for the b'day dinner in the bathroom.adnin tagged along.But she's more attracted to the orange Listerin.
Adnin : This one for boys only rite?
Me : No lah, girls also can
Adnin: Tok ba also have rite? What color?
Me: yes, tok ba has one.the blue one
Me : tok ba and nanny's laa.
Adnin : This one ?
Me : Me and uncle Paan's
Adnin : is aunty lurve and uncle paan Married?
Me : NOOOO ! I'm not married to uncle Paan. Uncle paan is my brother like you and aqeel. I'm not married yet la..
Adnin : Ya Allah ( gasping dramatically) Aunty lurve, why are you not married?
Me : because i don't have a boyfriend.
Adnin : Ya Allah ( gasped eveb more dramatically again)
Kids nowadays .. LOL !!!
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Adnin : This one for boys only rite?
Me : No lah, girls also can
Adnin: Tok ba also have rite? What color?
Me: yes, tok ba has one.the blue one
Me : tok ba and nanny's laa.
Adnin : This one ?
Me : Me and uncle Paan's
Adnin : is aunty lurve and uncle paan Married?
Me : NOOOO ! I'm not married to uncle Paan. Uncle paan is my brother like you and aqeel. I'm not married yet la..
Adnin : Ya Allah ( gasping dramatically) Aunty lurve, why are you not married?
Me : because i don't have a boyfriend.
Adnin : Ya Allah ( gasped eveb more dramatically again)
Kids nowadays .. LOL !!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
29 February, 2012
Aku yang mengejar bayang
Cinta kian terbiar
Terpendam kata tak terungkap selamanya
Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
Mahu memilikinya
Aku hanya hamba cinta
Cinta kian terbiar
Terpendam kata tak terungkap selamanya
Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
Mahu memilikinya
Aku hanya hamba cinta
Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya
Sungguh aku tak bisa
Biarlah ku sendiri
Tanpa kasih di hati
Sungguh aku tak bisa
Biarlah ku sendiri
Tanpa kasih di hati
Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi
Cinta yang menyakiti
Biarlah aku pergi
Tiada hampa di hati
Cinta yang menyakiti
Biarlah aku pergi
Tiada hampa di hati
Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
Mahu memilikinya
Aku hanya hamba cinta
Mahu memilikinya
Aku hanya hamba cinta
Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya
Sungguh aku tak bisa
Biarlah ku sendiri
Tanpa kasih di hati
Sungguh aku tak bisa
Biarlah ku sendiri
Tanpa kasih di hati
Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi
Cinta yang menyakiti
Biarlah aku pergi
Tiada hampa di hati
Cinta yang menyakiti
Biarlah aku pergi
Tiada hampa di hati
Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta
P/S : Only ALLAH knows....I am just human...
16 February, 2012
Finally, i made shu mai on my own. I used beef coz mom dun take chicken.
Used carrot, corriander, pepper, and garlic powder and 2 eggs for the filling.
Then, me and kakak pun startto make the shumai and dumpling.

Beef,carrot and all to be mixed together. Then let it cool in the fridge. Then u can start making the dumplings.

My shu mai

My fried wonton (mom requested it to be fried)
Alhamdulillah.it turn out good :)
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Used carrot, corriander, pepper, and garlic powder and 2 eggs for the filling.
Then, me and kakak pun startto make the shumai and dumpling.
Beef,carrot and all to be mixed together. Then let it cool in the fridge. Then u can start making the dumplings.
My shu mai
My fried wonton (mom requested it to be fried)
Alhamdulillah.it turn out good :)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tolong ! Tolong
Husna : kakak, boleh minta tolong?
Kakak : TOLONG !!! TOLONG !!! ( sambil menjerit minta tolong)
Husna : -_____-' (tapi tergelak besar lepas tu hahahahaha)
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Kakak : TOLONG !!! TOLONG !!! ( sambil menjerit minta tolong)
Husna : -_____-' (tapi tergelak besar lepas tu hahahahaha)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
13 February, 2012
Okay that's the bed i'm sleeping in tonite. Aduhhh mcm tent!!! Rimas pulak tgk katil tu mcm tu.seumur hidup tak pernah tido katil mcm ni tau.hehehehe I mean with the langsir mcm tu.
I am not sleeping in my bed tonite because of my sinus. Hitler lepak on my bed and God knows where she played before, all the dust and stuff, makes me sneeze.yang pelik tu hitler aja yang trigger my sinus, belle and pingu tak pulak. I took out the bed sheet and didnt put a new one yet.tadi nak bubuh pingu landing baik punya.kesian nak kejut dia turun katil. Nak pasang sendiri tilam tu maha berat !! So in the end lupa nak pasang cadar baru.
He's not himself today, asyik melepek tido and a bit clingy.tak tau why. Tapi still sempat posing
Gud nite peeps !!
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Berapa Kilometer?
Wahahahaha i am laughing at the location that the iphone detected. Skali kluar jalan sumazau bah...
On wednesday or thursday, i made apam pelangi. I really want to bake but both oven at my mom's place is broken. Arghhh payah okay kalau oven tak de!! Tak boleh buat apa lansung.no roast chicken, no cakes, no breadbutter pudding no nothing. I know i can use the microwave but its kinda different.the taste and stuff..(my microwave is so gonna merajuk) tak de la, we still do use the microwave utk ayam and ikan but oven is more practical for baking lah.
So since tak de oven, can only do stuff on the stove lah. So palingsenang apam pelangi. So masa i was beating the sugar, eggs and ovallete till its fluffy, i asked kakak to measure the santan.
Me : kakak, tolong sukat santan sat. (kakak faham ckp utara ok)
Kakak : santan mau di sukat berapa kilometer? ..eh.. (pause and look at me)
me : (looking at kakak with one kind of look before kakak burst i to laugh realising she used kilometer instead if milimeter)
Hahahahaha we both laugh !!!!
And here's the apam
I used pink,green, the baters' natural colour and also purple hhehehe
But the flower effect kinda tak jadi though hehehe
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11 February, 2012
A Prayer for him
I was told that an old friend of mine, is having Lung Cancer.
Shocking , I know...
He is the one who called me Harvey Two Face.
He would swing with his bicycle at my aunt's place in the evening to sembang with my cousins and me when i was staying with my Aunt.
And later he would drop by at night to deliver some chickens and side dishes from a fast food joint that he did his part time in.
He is kinda obsessed with bicycle and had a dream to be a national cyclist, but he went into hotel management instead.
As time goes by, all of us went separate ways. I last met him in early 2000 where he took me and my cousin out to Bukit Jambul. I think i met him again during my cousin's wedding, i cant remember.
My cousin was also not in touch with him for quite sometime.
As he is now in Stage 4, it is serious.
I don't really know the possibilities of me meeting him before anything...
I can only say a prayer for him..
ALLAH knows best.
Shocking , I know...
He is the one who called me Harvey Two Face.
He would swing with his bicycle at my aunt's place in the evening to sembang with my cousins and me when i was staying with my Aunt.
And later he would drop by at night to deliver some chickens and side dishes from a fast food joint that he did his part time in.
He is kinda obsessed with bicycle and had a dream to be a national cyclist, but he went into hotel management instead.
As time goes by, all of us went separate ways. I last met him in early 2000 where he took me and my cousin out to Bukit Jambul. I think i met him again during my cousin's wedding, i cant remember.
My cousin was also not in touch with him for quite sometime.
As he is now in Stage 4, it is serious.
I don't really know the possibilities of me meeting him before anything...
I can only say a prayer for him..
ALLAH knows best.
04 February, 2012
The tom yam
03 February, 2012
masak apa
Kakak : Husna, hari ni nak masak apa?
Husna : Udang ada ?
kakak : Udang yang bagaimana?
Husna : yang biasa utk masak..
Kakak : ada..udang kuewtiau pun ada
Husna : Sotong ada?
Kakak : ada
Husna : Tomato ada?
Kakak : Ada, tapi tak banyak, 3 biji
Husna : Ok la tu, Lengkuas?
kakak : tak ada
Husna : tak pe la. serai ?
Kakak : ada..Nak di bikin tom yam ke? itu kiubnya adaa...
Husna : ehh tak nak lah kiub kiub.. Daun limau purut ada?
Kakak : Ada !!! itu di belakang!! satu pokok !!! Haha
Husna : Hahahahahah !!! ok ok...
Kakak : ok nanti udah siap potong semua, kakak panggil ya
Husna : ha, ok...
As i am typing this, it reminds me, pokok cili padi dah kena tebang pulak.. Tom yam apa tak pakai cili padi kan??
Husna : Kakak !!! CANCEL !!!! \
Kakak : kenapa?
Husna : cili padi tak de....kita buat sambal sotong aje la....
Kakak : Ya udah...
Let's just be prepared because everyday from now on, Kakak will ask me the same question every morning. and the question is
"Husna, nak masak apa hari ini?"
"***** bilang suruh tanya sama Husna nak masak apa hari ni?"
Husna : Udang ada ?
kakak : Udang yang bagaimana?
Husna : yang biasa utk masak..
Kakak : ada..udang kuewtiau pun ada
Husna : Sotong ada?
Kakak : ada
Husna : Tomato ada?
Kakak : Ada, tapi tak banyak, 3 biji
Husna : Ok la tu, Lengkuas?
kakak : tak ada
Husna : tak pe la. serai ?
Kakak : ada..Nak di bikin tom yam ke? itu kiubnya adaa...
Husna : ehh tak nak lah kiub kiub.. Daun limau purut ada?
Kakak : Ada !!! itu di belakang!! satu pokok !!! Haha
Husna : Hahahahahah !!! ok ok...
Kakak : ok nanti udah siap potong semua, kakak panggil ya
Husna : ha, ok...
As i am typing this, it reminds me, pokok cili padi dah kena tebang pulak.. Tom yam apa tak pakai cili padi kan??
Husna : Kakak !!! CANCEL !!!! \
Kakak : kenapa?
Husna : cili padi tak de....kita buat sambal sotong aje la....
Kakak : Ya udah...
Let's just be prepared because everyday from now on, Kakak will ask me the same question every morning. and the question is
"Husna, nak masak apa hari ini?"
"***** bilang suruh tanya sama Husna nak masak apa hari ni?"
I can't believe myself !!!! I wanted to take the toner but i grab my eye make up remover instead ! Nasib baik tak tuang atas cotton pad lagi...hahahaha
Whether its optical problem or 'suzie's syndrome', i've gotta becareful.
Dulu kat adelaide nyaris nak squeeze facial foam atas berus gigi.. Nasib baik tersedar.kalau tak menangis tak berlagu.facial foam tu mampu beli setahun sekali je tau !!! Hhehehehe
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Whether its optical problem or 'suzie's syndrome', i've gotta becareful.
Dulu kat adelaide nyaris nak squeeze facial foam atas berus gigi.. Nasib baik tersedar.kalau tak menangis tak berlagu.facial foam tu mampu beli setahun sekali je tau !!! Hhehehehe
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
02 February, 2012
Today's lunch
Sup tulang kak Nani eostam :) the best thing is, they all love it !! Farhan requested it to be cooked with chili padi.yeah i asked kakak for some chili padi but she told me that the pokok dah ter accidentaly being potong-ed by the gardener.hahahaha
So next time la ye :)
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Location:Jalan Najat 11/2n,Shah Alam,Malaysia
12 years...
I first met them in the old accountancy building which is now Business School in UiTM Shah Alam. We clicked instantly during Part 1 in the diploma days. Surya, the brainy one, Azreen the one who drives, Dina the sweetheart and Liana the Princess.Me, i am the crazy,gila kuasa who always be the one who wants i repeat WANTS to compile the assignments. i did it without fail sampai ke degree hehehehe.... anyway, they know me Well hehehehe
K4's TV room is our lepak place. Back then, i was the K4 resident. I stayed there in Dorm 1 with other freshies walaupun rumah dgn UiTM tu sekangkang kera ( which eventually became an issue for other girls who questioned my pressence there..I did all the activities, and got all the points ( hostel points) to continue staying there.. but i decided to go home during part 3.
So, K4 is our all in one place lah, tempat study, tempat buat homework, assignments, tempat tution dgn surya coz she is the brainy one. tempat makan, tempat solat, tempat bercerita pasal boys and artis hehehehe... and when i decided to balik rumah pun, K4 is still the port hehehehe sampai lah kita pindah ke Section 17. then my rumah became the port other than the Cafe or empty classes.
I am glad that we are still together and that every other time we still do meet up at the same place we used to hang out. I am glad that we still keep in touch with each other and be there for each other when something goes wrong. Although the gathering is not complete sometimes but it still does help ;)
The last time we met was last year before i went back to Adelaide.it was not complete, Surya had an exam or something.and the group also had a new member, Dina's baby girl, Iman. And this year, we have a new member too, a boy, Naufal, Liana's baby boy.
It was Surya's wedding last saturday and Lucky me, i got the chance to attend her wedding reception although i am all tired and not that well. At least i attended one of the girls' reception after missing put on DIna's and Liana's.
It was during that night also, we heard the not so good news from Liana. Its okay Liana, ALLAH knows best. We are here for you...
Looking forward for the next gathering in which dina's husband said
" haa tak pe lah, korang girls gi laa sembang sembang..i tak yah la join..."
hehehe Thank you Mr S !!! hehehe
K4's TV room is our lepak place. Back then, i was the K4 resident. I stayed there in Dorm 1 with other freshies walaupun rumah dgn UiTM tu sekangkang kera ( which eventually became an issue for other girls who questioned my pressence there..I did all the activities, and got all the points ( hostel points) to continue staying there.. but i decided to go home during part 3.
So, K4 is our all in one place lah, tempat study, tempat buat homework, assignments, tempat tution dgn surya coz she is the brainy one. tempat makan, tempat solat, tempat bercerita pasal boys and artis hehehehe... and when i decided to balik rumah pun, K4 is still the port hehehehe sampai lah kita pindah ke Section 17. then my rumah became the port other than the Cafe or empty classes.
I am glad that we are still together and that every other time we still do meet up at the same place we used to hang out. I am glad that we still keep in touch with each other and be there for each other when something goes wrong. Although the gathering is not complete sometimes but it still does help ;)
The last time we met was last year before i went back to Adelaide.it was not complete, Surya had an exam or something.and the group also had a new member, Dina's baby girl, Iman. And this year, we have a new member too, a boy, Naufal, Liana's baby boy.
It was Surya's wedding last saturday and Lucky me, i got the chance to attend her wedding reception although i am all tired and not that well. At least i attended one of the girls' reception after missing put on DIna's and Liana's.
It was during that night also, we heard the not so good news from Liana. Its okay Liana, ALLAH knows best. We are here for you...
Looking forward for the next gathering in which dina's husband said
" haa tak pe lah, korang girls gi laa sembang sembang..i tak yah la join..."
hehehe Thank you Mr S !!! hehehe
01 February, 2012
Kisah 1
Yesterday, i was browsing the net for recipes. Cool recipes and traditional food.
Kakak came and join me because the photo looks interesting.
We were looking at otak otak recipe and plan to do it.
While we were discussing about the ingredients, My Mom came along,
We told her we are planning to do the otak otak..
Mak : Pies ada? resepi of Pies..Depa nak buat pertandingat masak Pies.. ( Depa is one of the association she joined, i dunno which one, but she just say depa as kata ganti. jgn plak tanya i Depa tu persatuan apa hehehe.. eversince i got back which is not even a week, she has gone to two Mesyuarat Agung persatuan oredi.. God knows what else..)
Me : Pies? (sampai senget kepala ) u mean, Pies orang puteh tu?
Mak : Pies... Pies ikan..
Me : OOOOHHHH PAIS !!!! Hahahahaha....
So then i googled Pais which look similar to otak otak.
Kisah 2
My sister called that night on the day i arrived. But since i was operating according to adelaide time ( i still do till today) and the fact that i didnt get enough sleep during my final days in adelaide.. (average of 2 1/2 hrs a night only)
The phone rangs, and I pick it up and told her i am sleeping already. Apparently she also called my bro and he is also asleep.. That lawyer buruk tu penat coz ada case kat court pagi then terus ke office petang tu sampai late evening. So my sis called my dad merajuk kut coz dua dua adik dia tido pulakk plus adnin yang nak ckp dgn i. but i was asleep.
Tried to sleeep on the plane but the sikh girl who sat next to me kept kicking and stumble on to me. not once, not twice but three times. 4 years old, whaddaya expect? Mak ayah dia ada je tapi entah mcm tak de buat apa pun, just say sorry to me.then later i asked the girl what's her name and stuff. one hour later, she pat me and asked me to listern to the cartoons on her screen.then she asked me my age, where i am going. Layankan je la budak kecil although masa tu i am watching "WHat's your number?" distrupted a few time sebab this girl dok kacau.
Ehh ehhh.. nak citer pasal lain ni sebenarnya
So the next morning, i sent sms to my sister
Me : Dah Gree ke? boleh try facetime hehehehe
Sister : Dah Gree tu apa? hihi
Me: Hahaha Again... Dah free ke, gree pulak....
Sister ; tu la pening gak dok fikir, agree ke kan...
Me : Hahahahahaha ( gelak sambil baca sms dia !!!)
it's already 1.48 malaysian time. i am still not asleep... i better go sleep now.. memang pun dah dok Yawn sejak kluar dgn Joe and Sheeks Brown tadi for supper.
Oh ya. semalam ada Masam masam manis on TV 2, so i smsed amirul and rozie. Rozie replied sakit mata and MC 3 hari. si Amirul pulak, sms me balik during the part yang that dude nak curi bag cikgu normah, ala masa cikgu shaari tolong dia tu hehehehe
I replied to him,
"Inchik !! itu bag saya !! " hahahahaha...
those were the days, the three of us would lepak to watch P.Ramlee movies after dinner at townhouse 13 di mana kita kerah Amirul masak sometimes. Pastu, nanti masa dia nak basuh pinggan dia, habis semua kuali dia basuh sekali... Nadia balik malaysia masa tu.. hahahaha...and this is how pimpam pempot dapat nama, from this movie lah...
BUt i didnt watch the movie sebab mata dah tak leh bukak dah...
Yesterday, i was browsing the net for recipes. Cool recipes and traditional food.
Kakak came and join me because the photo looks interesting.
We were looking at otak otak recipe and plan to do it.
While we were discussing about the ingredients, My Mom came along,
We told her we are planning to do the otak otak..
Mak : Pies ada? resepi of Pies..Depa nak buat pertandingat masak Pies.. ( Depa is one of the association she joined, i dunno which one, but she just say depa as kata ganti. jgn plak tanya i Depa tu persatuan apa hehehe.. eversince i got back which is not even a week, she has gone to two Mesyuarat Agung persatuan oredi.. God knows what else..)
Me : Pies? (sampai senget kepala ) u mean, Pies orang puteh tu?
Mak : Pies... Pies ikan..
Me : OOOOHHHH PAIS !!!! Hahahahaha....
So then i googled Pais which look similar to otak otak.
Kisah 2
My sister called that night on the day i arrived. But since i was operating according to adelaide time ( i still do till today) and the fact that i didnt get enough sleep during my final days in adelaide.. (average of 2 1/2 hrs a night only)
The phone rangs, and I pick it up and told her i am sleeping already. Apparently she also called my bro and he is also asleep.. That lawyer buruk tu penat coz ada case kat court pagi then terus ke office petang tu sampai late evening. So my sis called my dad merajuk kut coz dua dua adik dia tido pulakk plus adnin yang nak ckp dgn i. but i was asleep.
Tried to sleeep on the plane but the sikh girl who sat next to me kept kicking and stumble on to me. not once, not twice but three times. 4 years old, whaddaya expect? Mak ayah dia ada je tapi entah mcm tak de buat apa pun, just say sorry to me.then later i asked the girl what's her name and stuff. one hour later, she pat me and asked me to listern to the cartoons on her screen.then she asked me my age, where i am going. Layankan je la budak kecil although masa tu i am watching "WHat's your number?" distrupted a few time sebab this girl dok kacau.
Ehh ehhh.. nak citer pasal lain ni sebenarnya
So the next morning, i sent sms to my sister
Me : Dah Gree ke? boleh try facetime hehehehe
Sister : Dah Gree tu apa? hihi
Me: Hahaha Again... Dah free ke, gree pulak....
Sister ; tu la pening gak dok fikir, agree ke kan...
Me : Hahahahahaha ( gelak sambil baca sms dia !!!)
it's already 1.48 malaysian time. i am still not asleep... i better go sleep now.. memang pun dah dok Yawn sejak kluar dgn Joe and Sheeks Brown tadi for supper.
Oh ya. semalam ada Masam masam manis on TV 2, so i smsed amirul and rozie. Rozie replied sakit mata and MC 3 hari. si Amirul pulak, sms me balik during the part yang that dude nak curi bag cikgu normah, ala masa cikgu shaari tolong dia tu hehehehe
I replied to him,
"Inchik !! itu bag saya !! " hahahahaha...
those were the days, the three of us would lepak to watch P.Ramlee movies after dinner at townhouse 13 di mana kita kerah Amirul masak sometimes. Pastu, nanti masa dia nak basuh pinggan dia, habis semua kuali dia basuh sekali... Nadia balik malaysia masa tu.. hahahaha...and this is how pimpam pempot dapat nama, from this movie lah...
BUt i didnt watch the movie sebab mata dah tak leh bukak dah...
26 January, 2012
Australia Day
Today is Australia Day.
I was forced to go to the city.by who? The girls ofcourse.. We r gonna meet C in the city. C is gonna belanja me at Mamak Corner today. :)
Will put pic later when i get to the city
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I was forced to go to the city.by who? The girls ofcourse.. We r gonna meet C in the city. C is gonna belanja me at Mamak Corner today. :)
Will put pic later when i get to the city
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:First Terrace,Bedford Park,Australia
The last one
One last night...
One last entry....
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Location:First Terrace,Bedford Park,Australia
24 January, 2012
Summer heat
It is now peak summer and the weather is not doing me any justice, can i say that? heheehe
the heat is unbelievable !! ( South Australia is well known for its extreme weather . gets too cold in winter ( i like !!!!!) and hets tooo HOT in summer ( I dun like)...)
the sun rays here stings the skin ! imagine in a 40c temperature,SAKIT... even yesterday, its 36c, and i was working from home, the rays the comes thru the window pun stings jugak. rasa pedihnya kulit, ALLAH yang tahu. i ended up pulling down the blind and work in the dark hehehehe
today, at only 9 am, it is already 30c !!!! kat malaysia mana ada mcm ni ??
Ha, time time mcm ni baru la nak ingat Malaysia kan? masa winter, tgh seronok seronok dalam sejuk tu, ada ingat Malaysia? Tak de kan? hehehehe
the heat is unbelievable !! ( South Australia is well known for its extreme weather . gets too cold in winter ( i like !!!!!) and hets tooo HOT in summer ( I dun like)...)
the sun rays here stings the skin ! imagine in a 40c temperature,SAKIT... even yesterday, its 36c, and i was working from home, the rays the comes thru the window pun stings jugak. rasa pedihnya kulit, ALLAH yang tahu. i ended up pulling down the blind and work in the dark hehehehe
today, at only 9 am, it is already 30c !!!! kat malaysia mana ada mcm ni ??
Ha, time time mcm ni baru la nak ingat Malaysia kan? masa winter, tgh seronok seronok dalam sejuk tu, ada ingat Malaysia? Tak de kan? hehehehe
23 January, 2012
TyPo tipuuu
Okay, before i start, i am gonna take a loooooooooong sigh first.
why? because TyPo dah bukak outlet kat Malaysia !!!! Eiiiiiii geram,
Why geram? Geram sebab i bought a whole bunch of office accessories from TyPO a few weeks ago and now i feel like @#$%^&*( sangat sangat...
why feel like @#$%^&*() ? Sebab kalau tahu ada kat Malaysia, tak payah la beli kat sini !!!! Because, i know me very well, kalau tahu ada outlet kat Malaysia, i will not buy kat Aussie, The thing is, gigih betul hari tu... GIGIH OKAY !!!! pergi Marion di tengah kehangatan SUMMER !!! Naik Bas !!! utk pergi ke Typo !!!! semata mata nak beli benda alah tu !!!! lepas tu angkut usung bawak balik rumah pulak! SAnggup dan sangat GIGIH !!!! haihhhhhh i cant belive it !!! Hahahahahaha Bila fikir balik, sangat Lawak !!!
Tak pe lah, benda pun dah beli kan....
why? because TyPo dah bukak outlet kat Malaysia !!!! Eiiiiiii geram,
Why geram? Geram sebab i bought a whole bunch of office accessories from TyPO a few weeks ago and now i feel like @#$%^&*( sangat sangat...
why feel like @#$%^&*() ? Sebab kalau tahu ada kat Malaysia, tak payah la beli kat sini !!!! Because, i know me very well, kalau tahu ada outlet kat Malaysia, i will not buy kat Aussie, The thing is, gigih betul hari tu... GIGIH OKAY !!!! pergi Marion di tengah kehangatan SUMMER !!! Naik Bas !!! utk pergi ke Typo !!!! semata mata nak beli benda alah tu !!!! lepas tu angkut usung bawak balik rumah pulak! SAnggup dan sangat GIGIH !!!! haihhhhhh i cant belive it !!! Hahahahahaha Bila fikir balik, sangat Lawak !!!
Tak pe lah, benda pun dah beli kan....
Mari tanamkan rasa cinta
" Bacalah al-Quran setiap hari 1 juzuk. Kalau tidak mampu, bacalah separuh juzuk. Kalau tak mampu, bacalah
sekadar sehelai atau satu muka surat. Kalau tak mampu, memadailah dengan satu ayat.
Kalau tak mampu juga, cukuplah hanya dengan memandang al-Quran dan tanyalah kepada diri sendiri "Ya
Allah, apakah dosaku sehingga aku tidak dapat membaca ayat Mu?"
"Jika kamu ingin Allah 'bercakap' denganmu, bacalah Al-Quran kerana Al-Quran adalah ayat-ayat Allah yang
ditujukan kepadamu. Tetapi jika kamu pula ingin 'bercakap' dengan Allah maka dirikanlah solat, kerna solat
hakikatnya ialah doa, pengaduan, pujian dan rintihan seorang hamba kepada Tuhannya."
Jom tanamkan rasa cinta kita pada Al-Quran :-) "
Daku terasa ingin membawa
Cinta yang terlara ke titik mula
Kembali mencuba untuk kali kedua
Menggilapkan gerhana jiwa
Pernah ku terasa ingin merayu
Pada kasih dulu pulang padaku
Lupakan dosaku putihkan kelabu
Tenangkan amarahmu
Bisakah yang terpadam dinyala
Bisakah yang terhina dicinta
Walau ku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
Naluri meminta kuungkapkan kata
Seindah bahasa janjikan setia
Akan bersemilah cinta dihatinya
Percaya ku semula
Bisakah yang benci disayangi
Bisakah yang dusta dimaafi
Walauku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
Bila senduku berlinang sayu
Dalam rinduku ku tertanya
Bisakah yang benci disayangi
Bisakah hatiku difahami
Walauku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
20 January, 2012
Fruits and Veges
All from adelaide's central market. We went for early dinner afterwards at Mamak's Corner with ismah, zetty and Hazreel. The usual nasi lemak hehehe.the thing is we usually do the groceries on friday evening.ni kira time off la kejap.
First time with sharon
The second time, but forgot to take the photo of the nasi lemak hehhe.got this ais kacang for free because the waiter forgot to send
My teh tarik then third time lupa.
Forth time kot, fifth time tadi lupa jugak
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Location:First Terrace,Bedford Park,Australia
Comel !!!
Riezal & Intan Diyana - Solemnization from CandidSyndrome Film on Vimeo.
This video is so comel !!!
I was smiling ear to ear while watching hehe
Naah, I dun know them, but their video is so COMEL !!! and Cantik..
Candid Syndrome kan... memang lah ;)
Oh ya, Nadia is getting engaged tomorrow and I am going to miss it !!!
I hate to not have the chance to attend my closest friend's wedding or engagement.
I miss out on my best friend's wedding, thankfully i didn't miss their engagement though..
another close friend of mine, Surya is getting married or dah kawin kot ! hehehe her reception is end of January... Haihhhh... I missed on Dina's, Liana's, and now Surya's ???
It's okay, no rezeki hehehe
17 January, 2012
I know Leona Lewis also sing this song but i like Snow Patrol's version better. I really love this song that my brother would kill me because i kept repeating this song in the car before hahahaha
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak, I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes
I nearly do
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak, I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
Slower, slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart, my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
One more og my fav from snow patrol
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak, I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes
I nearly do
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak, I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
Slower, slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart, my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear
One more og my fav from snow patrol
Tapi, bukan aku...
jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini
meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
aku memang manusia paling berdosa
khianati rasa demi keinginan semu
lebih baik jangan mencintaiku aku dan semua hatiku
karena takkan pernah kau temui, cinta sejati
berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini
dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
sebab rasa ku tlah mati untuk menyadarinya
semoga saja kan kau dapati
hati yg tulus mencintaimu
tapi bukan aku
16 January, 2012
Wedding video 2
Okay, here's my nephew, Azri's video pulak ;)
Azri + Anis // 11.11.11 // Love Story + Same Day Edit from Sweet Motion Production on Vimeo.
Azri and Anis,
Semoga berbahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat
Azri + Anis // 11.11.11 // Love Story + Same Day Edit from Sweet Motion Production on Vimeo.
Azri and Anis,
Semoga berbahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat
Wedding video
Shahril's and Iliana's Wedding video ;)
Kak Lurve wish u all the best and semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.
Wedding Highlight | Shahril & Iliana from Style Weddings on Vimeo.
Iliana sangat sangat sangat Cantik :) , the make up and dresses... Cantiknyaaa !!!
I realised that my mom who's also in the video looking radiant and more beautiful than ever on all three events,
At 6.48 in the video, I was thinking " geee, the grill really looks familiar" until I saw the bed, Wahahahaha !! that's my Mom's place !!! and My sister's room ! teeheee...
Kak Lurve wish u all the best and semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.
Wedding Highlight | Shahril & Iliana from Style Weddings on Vimeo.
Iliana sangat sangat sangat Cantik :) , the make up and dresses... Cantiknyaaa !!!
I realised that my mom who's also in the video looking radiant and more beautiful than ever on all three events,
At 6.48 in the video, I was thinking " geee, the grill really looks familiar" until I saw the bed, Wahahahaha !! that's my Mom's place !!! and My sister's room ! teeheee...
14 January, 2012
i am deeply troubled by something yesterday..
Kinda sad though, but I know and I believe ALLAH knows best...
Tried to clam myself down with every words of motivations, Surah Al QUran,
Zikir and etc...
Alhamdulillah, but it is not easy to forget and let go
BUt how bad it is, how i don't want to accept it or how i CAN'T accept it,
Who am i to defy it
As I've mentioned before, i am tired to fight for it,
I do not want history to repeat itself,
It's painful, very painful..
I dunno why and how i ended up this way again.
Allah put it that way, be it that way then,
I'll accept it as it is... I have no choice
Yes, there's a reason of why it happen.
To make me strong,
To make me tough,
BUt.. BUt...
Still, the reason that i can give myself is
Maybe it's not the right time and stuff...
After all the surah and Zikir,
I started cleaning up.
Cleaning up every inches of the room,
Sorted things to be shipped,
Clothes to leave behind,
Books and what's not
I guess , that's how i mend a broken heart
ALLAH, please do provide me with all the strength to carry on,
having to numb the heart or act like nothing happen is indeed impossible,
but i will try with you help Ya ALLAH...
hah !! the oven's timer just rang, my tandoori chicken niblets are ready, my chicken soup with chinese noodle is simmering on the stove, and some rencah mee goreng from yesterday also is on the stove..
Now tell me who's gonna eat all these? Not me for sure.. ( tahap kronik ni, After the surah QUran, Zikir, songs, Cleaning up and then cooking some more... still, what happens in the heart remains in the heart.....)
Kinda sad though, but I know and I believe ALLAH knows best...
Tried to clam myself down with every words of motivations, Surah Al QUran,
Zikir and etc...
Alhamdulillah, but it is not easy to forget and let go
BUt how bad it is, how i don't want to accept it or how i CAN'T accept it,
Who am i to defy it
As I've mentioned before, i am tired to fight for it,
I do not want history to repeat itself,
It's painful, very painful..
I dunno why and how i ended up this way again.
Allah put it that way, be it that way then,
I'll accept it as it is... I have no choice
Yes, there's a reason of why it happen.
To make me strong,
To make me tough,
BUt.. BUt...
Still, the reason that i can give myself is
Maybe it's not the right time and stuff...
After all the surah and Zikir,
I started cleaning up.
Cleaning up every inches of the room,
Sorted things to be shipped,
Clothes to leave behind,
Books and what's not
I guess , that's how i mend a broken heart
ALLAH, please do provide me with all the strength to carry on,
having to numb the heart or act like nothing happen is indeed impossible,
but i will try with you help Ya ALLAH...
hah !! the oven's timer just rang, my tandoori chicken niblets are ready, my chicken soup with chinese noodle is simmering on the stove, and some rencah mee goreng from yesterday also is on the stove..
Now tell me who's gonna eat all these? Not me for sure.. ( tahap kronik ni, After the surah QUran, Zikir, songs, Cleaning up and then cooking some more... still, what happens in the heart remains in the heart.....)
13 January, 2012
Khata ho gayi mujhse,Kaha kuch nahin tumse
Rabba mere ishq kisi ko
Aise na tadpaye... hoy
Dil ki baat rahe is dil mein,
Hothon tak na aaye,
Na aaye...
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna... 2
Tujhe har khushi de di
Labon ki hansi de di
Zulfon ki ghata lehraayee
Paigaam wafa ke laayee
Tune acchhi preet nibhayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Wo chand mere ghar-aangan
Ab to aayeega
Tere soone is aanchal ko
Wo bhar jaayega
Teri kar di god bharaayee,
Teri kar di god bharaayee,
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
O mahinyaa, O mahinyaa
Khata ho gayi mujhse
Kaha kuch nahin tumse
Ikrar jo tum kar paate
To door kabhi na jaate
Koi samjhe na peer parayee
Koi samjhe na peer parayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Aise na tadpaye... hoy
Dil ki baat rahe is dil mein,
Hothon tak na aaye,
Na aaye...
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna... 2
Tujhe har khushi de di
Labon ki hansi de di
Zulfon ki ghata lehraayee
Paigaam wafa ke laayee
Tune acchhi preet nibhayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Wo chand mere ghar-aangan
Ab to aayeega
Tere soone is aanchal ko
Wo bhar jaayega
Teri kar di god bharaayee,
Teri kar di god bharaayee,
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
O mahinyaa, O mahinyaa
Khata ho gayi mujhse
Kaha kuch nahin tumse
Ikrar jo tum kar paate
To door kabhi na jaate
Koi samjhe na peer parayee
Koi samjhe na peer parayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
11 January, 2012
darjah satu
last week was the new schooling term in malaysia. Can't help to read the wall on FB, A few of friends, my age, anak dah masuk sekolah. either Primary or Kindy. Not forgetting Cousin and family friends.
Pheewww.... I feel really old now. especially when i saw this video of Wardina and her Kids. her eldest, Amna is now in standard 4. Whoooo, how time flies.. it seems like yesterday we board the same flight to perform Umrah and Amna was about 1 or 2. She is 10 now.. ye la, it was 2004 then...
Teringat jugak masa I started standard one. I was not bad at all. Some of my Kindy friends and other kindy kids who took the same school bus were there so not a problem. Ada geng laa.. plus anak anak orang lain in the academy were there too.. there were 4 of us, Me, Faeza, Azura and Faiz. I couldn't remember if it was my mom or Dad or the maid (or all three were there) who sent me on my first day. back then, the school shares the fence with the academy where me and my family's place is. the academy is my dad's workplace. So during recess, the maid will be waiting at the canteen with other people's maid or mom ( from the academy lah). If my mom cuti, dia lah datang. Saja seronok je, then when i move on to standard 2, Kita makan bayar bulan kat kantin je and i am being monitored by my sister.
Through out my life, i went to 8 school, so everytime its like your first day all over again, making new friends all over again.. letih mak jemah uolsss... ( hehehe sorry, i kinda am in to JoHaRa di pagi ERA nowadays) . i got tired of FBI and Fafau oredi for some reasons..hehehehe all u need in the morning is a light comedy, jokes and stuff. Congratulations ERA !! a good combo of Johan, Ray and Haniff ( i have no idea who these talented people are except for johan, and Haniff who kinda looked like Che Kay hehehe)
Somehow rather, the segment called "can I help you?" makes me realise.. ya allah, mcm ni ke english orang malaysia, not bad but lawak kot.. hehehehe disini lah pentingnya english edukesyen kan hehehehe
Okay, so last monday, a funny thing happened.
here's a snippet from my FB
"Faridah Ohan wrote that she loves Monday on her wall. Then, I was thinking "eh.. today is wednesday, what's wrong with faridah, all of a sudden she loves monday on a wednesday? Today is wednesday.." until i realised TODAY is MONDAY !!! Oh Dear God !!! what's happening here???"
here's a snippet from my FB
"Faridah Ohan wrote that she loves Monday on her wall. Then, I was thinking "eh.. today is wednesday, what's wrong with faridah, all of a sudden she loves monday on a wednesday? Today is wednesday.." until i realised TODAY is MONDAY !!! Oh Dear God !!! what's happening here???"
Hahahaha... mcm na boleh ingat that monday is Wednesday???
And then, on monday night, I sent a message to H congratulating him on his intention of getting married and i wanna ask him abt something he posted on FB. I thought of buying it for my Bro. He will surely like it, i know, because he and H has the same interest. So, H replied that the wedding cards are not for him but for her sister instead and give me the details of the buyer where he got his stuff from.
So, i went to buy the stuff online. Settle... then as i was about to sleep, i realised that the delivery address is in adelaide. Nad when the thing arrives, i am no longer in Adelaide. Slap forehead !!! but i was too tired to go to my Laptop. So the next morning, i sent an email to the buyer. location on the otehr side of the world !! informing him about the new delivery address. So settle again..
A few hours later, he sent me an email again,
"You FORGOT to give me the recipient's name.."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!! I was laughing my *** off... Haaihhhh my otak is deteriorating.. i know...
Anyway, Thank you H for the info on the stuff that i bought my bro and thank you to the seller B, for keeping up with me hahahaha... i still cant believe i did such a thing..kihkihkih
09 January, 2012
the Promo
By the way, here's Revenge's promo on CHannel 7.
when every hour dok kluar promo ni je, it becomes very intriguing hehehe
when every hour dok kluar promo ni je, it becomes very intriguing hehehe
I am Broke... Officially broke..
tapi nasib baik sempat beli Ice Cream maker sebelum chrismast hari tu sebelum Broke ni..
But don't worry, I am broke for a good cause. I bought Books
Bought 4 books in UniBooks today and another 4 from Amazon to be shipped directly to Malaysia.
Total Damage, after conversion to RM dot dot dot dot.... Not gonna tell, not complaining, but, i was just laughing at myself, nasib baik tak beli handbag mahal but instead 8 beli buku hehehehee... 8 buku which will cost more even in Malaysia.
There's this one research method book written by one of the research GURUs, here in Aussie, it's already $96.00 AUD $96.00 which if u convert to RM would be RM 308.15. Gilerr kan.. but the book is drop dead bagus lah walaupun tak setebalnyaa.. i told Mak tam to get the book becoz she is kinda doing her PhD as well.its a good help. She contacted MPH, and the price is (according to Mak Tam, if mak tam lie to me, then i am also lying...) RM 500 over kata mak tam laa.. I was like What ???!!! lebih baik beli online kat Amazon ke, Powells ke, Booktopia ke,readings.com ke, So mak tam is not prepared to buy the book... *sigh**
Anyway, I am broke, tapi Tak pe lah, beli buku, bukan beli benda merepek kan...Of 8 books, 4 books on research method, 2 books on hospitality management, one on lit review and one of data analysis.
Ok, mari ikat perut lepas ni ye....
tapi nasib baik sempat beli Ice Cream maker sebelum chrismast hari tu sebelum Broke ni..
But don't worry, I am broke for a good cause. I bought Books
Bought 4 books in UniBooks today and another 4 from Amazon to be shipped directly to Malaysia.
Total Damage, after conversion to RM dot dot dot dot.... Not gonna tell, not complaining, but, i was just laughing at myself, nasib baik tak beli handbag mahal but instead 8 beli buku hehehehee... 8 buku which will cost more even in Malaysia.
There's this one research method book written by one of the research GURUs, here in Aussie, it's already $96.00 AUD $96.00 which if u convert to RM would be RM 308.15. Gilerr kan.. but the book is drop dead bagus lah walaupun tak setebalnyaa.. i told Mak tam to get the book becoz she is kinda doing her PhD as well.its a good help. She contacted MPH, and the price is (according to Mak Tam, if mak tam lie to me, then i am also lying...) RM 500 over kata mak tam laa.. I was like What ???!!! lebih baik beli online kat Amazon ke, Powells ke, Booktopia ke,readings.com ke, So mak tam is not prepared to buy the book... *sigh**
Anyway, I am broke, tapi Tak pe lah, beli buku, bukan beli benda merepek kan...Of 8 books, 4 books on research method, 2 books on hospitality management, one on lit review and one of data analysis.
Ok, mari ikat perut lepas ni ye....
08 January, 2012
Another summer day
Is come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I want to go home
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just want to go home
Oh I miss you, you know
And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby, how are you?"
Well I would send them but I know that it?s just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aerorplane
Another sunny place
I'm lucky I know
But I want to go home
Mmmm, I've got to go home
Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I want to come home
And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
But this was not your dream
But you always believe in me
Another winter day has come
And gone away
And even Paris and Rome
And I want to go home
Let me go home
And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
Oh, let go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
Let me go home
I've had my run
Baby, I'm done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It will all right
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home
Penangan tengok The Wedding Date ...haihhhhh.....
06 January, 2012
Nana in the House !!!
Hi guys, presenting
This is Nana Azmi btw. As Malaysians dah tahu she won jangan Lupa Lirik a few years back.
It is so amazing to see her as a recording artist now.
Ye la, dulu tgk masa dia kecik kecik kan ;)
Me and her sis, Ayu are classmate and tution mate with 3 others. Tution Account the very famous Timothy and Aru hehehehe tapi account tetap dapat 6 ye.. heehehe i wonder where they are now? BTW, both Nana and Ayu memang pandai menyanyi. Ayu is the songbird in our class ;) she can sing anything and have a nice voice too.
Any way, Nana is all grown up now and i only come to know about her new single on her facebook. So proud of her. I have forgotten how sedap her suara is until i listen to the song hehehe
05 January, 2012
Double infinity
I guess, being sick also has a bright side
I couldn't sleep for a few nights and ended up watching
it is suppose to be aired on channel 7 soon. The advert is so inviting that i googled it to find out more... I dunno if ASTRO dah tunjuk ke belum.
I ended up watching 11 episode. another 2 to go to complete season 1 which haven't go on air yet.
i've tried watching other series like Gossip Girl, the OC, One tree hill and etc, but the one that gets me going are only Grey's Anatomy, Desperate's Housewives, Raising Hope , a few others and now Revenge.
To me it's fantastic !!! i dun usually like to watch stuff like backstabbing thingy and all, but this one is different. i Tell you !!!
I hope i can sleep tonite, insyallah....amin
I couldn't sleep for a few nights and ended up watching
it is suppose to be aired on channel 7 soon. The advert is so inviting that i googled it to find out more... I dunno if ASTRO dah tunjuk ke belum.
I ended up watching 11 episode. another 2 to go to complete season 1 which haven't go on air yet.
i've tried watching other series like Gossip Girl, the OC, One tree hill and etc, but the one that gets me going are only Grey's Anatomy, Desperate's Housewives, Raising Hope , a few others and now Revenge.
To me it's fantastic !!! i dun usually like to watch stuff like backstabbing thingy and all, but this one is different. i Tell you !!!
I hope i can sleep tonite, insyallah....amin
04 January, 2012
The Bond
I've been sick... Yeah, i'm telling the world again..
My Dad's been sick too...
Same sickness
Bad cough, we both lost our voice.
Mcm sangat sedih bila masing maisng bercakap dgn tak de suara.
I dunno..
I get extra sensitive when it involve Dad and if he is sick...
Semoga ALLAH memberikan kesihatan terbaik buat my Dad , My HERO..
My Dad's been sick too...
Same sickness
Bad cough, we both lost our voice.
Mcm sangat sedih bila masing maisng bercakap dgn tak de suara.
I dunno..
I get extra sensitive when it involve Dad and if he is sick...
Semoga ALLAH memberikan kesihatan terbaik buat my Dad , My HERO..
The photo is so VERY INSPIRING ...
Pic if the day
Hahahahaha !!!
Taken at SHELL,darlington.Kak Hanim looks like a pencuri tayar while adding up some air to ALAN's Tyre hehehehe
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Ring Rd,Bedford Park,Australia
Mentari tak bersinar
Malam hilang serinya
Burung tak ceria seperti dulu
Seakan memahami kedukaanku ini
Jiwaku kekosongan dan pilu
Ku kehilanganmu .....
Malam hilang serinya
Burung tak ceria seperti dulu
Seakan memahami kedukaanku ini
Jiwaku kekosongan dan pilu
Ku kehilanganmu .....
Okay, i think, i need to switch my playlist to Paul Mauriat now...or my Surah List...
Hari ni entah kenapa playlist KRU yang di pilih pulak..
I am in the office now, weather is quite nice today, Less cruel and below 35c.
I know if i am an animal in the zoo, 33c upwards, no visitors shall see me hehehehe
i'll be hiding in my habitat hehehe
ouh well,
Lets get started shall we...
There's plenty to do, not plenty actually, LOADS !!!!!
wish me luck !!!
one of my fav from KRU
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