A lot of stuff had happened.. I lost Belle in Section 7. Gosh I really feel bad.. I felt like I was a bad Mother who left a 6 yrs old kid unattended, and died in a car crash while crossing the road. I cried almost every day. She appeared in my dreams for almost 3 weeks. But, Allah knows best.. and my time with Belle is only that much.... It is hard to accept but i still have to...I have to stop talking abt this or I'll cry again...
I've finished my thesis, and it is with the editor now. and after that, off to the supervisor they go. And i prayed hard that everything will be accepted and I can graduate !! Insyallah Amin !!
Ever since i came back from Adelaide, I've been watching some reality TV, cooking shows and dramas on TV. I kinda like watching the adaptations like Adam Hawa, sehangat Asmara and the latest, saya sebernarnya isteri dia (SSID).

I have to admit this, i first saw the SSID novel in Publika and I thought that the title is riddiculous ! let alone reading the synopsis makes me feel like there's too many component although it is kinda a good CE RE KA ( Cerita Rekaan) that would take you on a " somewhere only we know " moment after all the thesis writing and stuff. But i didn't buy the novel though. Instead I bought motivating books. and when i saw it on TV , the more ridiculous i thought it was. Izzue Islam looks ridiculous with a whole lot of foundation on his face, his lips doesn't look natural plus i kinda like him better in CIk PAris masuk kampung and tudung tweet. ( hahahaha still not a fan ey?? ) But i ended up watching episode 1 to 9 in one night and thinking of buying the book in the near future hahahahhaa Aduhaiiii.....
See what i mean, Izzue looks different. Of course I later found out that he was suppose to be a 21 yrs old college student... duhh... make sense lah actually !
Tizz pun okay, with her kelam kabut kinda cute way of acting hehehe makes the whole story enjoyable.
Adam and Ain Hawani. To tell you the truth, I watched this drama because it was my first time watching an drama - novel adaptation. Memang letih la tgh Ain yan degil tu, subhanallah !!!! I 'listen' to most episodes, rather than watch. Listen is where i sit at the table and do thesis stuff while my mom watch the drama and i listen hehehehe.
And this one, Sehangat Asmara... Gosh.... Does the a guy with the criterias and traits of Zainal Arief really exist out there ? Goshhhh...... Panting...panting... ( ish giler gedik lah Husna ni !!! hahahahaha) well, he is handsome, charismatic, and..... *Pengsan of luvestruck hahahahaha..... Oh well,
And then i started watching Dahlia, because it's in the decoder ( recorded it for Mak) and ada Faizal HUssien !!! squeeel!!!! hahahaha OMG, what on earth happened to me !!! Of course i didnt watch the first few episode because i got emotionally upset with that lady, dahlia's best fren. eeiii jahat giler seyh !
Apa kes tetiba jadi drama reviewer pulak ni ? hahaha tak pa lah, release stress sikit. Alah setakat layan jiwang tgk drama je. In real life, i dont think so.. especially with my standards... with the birthmark that makes me look weird, more to the plus size side, muka pun dah besar pinggan, udah rupa telletubbies kalau pakai telekung warna warni yang in trend sekarang ni hehehehehe.. well, i am not a princess hehehe. Cousins every where getting married, and they're playing the "who's next?' game. I am very lucky that they dont ask me when's my turn, but it makes me feel kinda bad sometimes.maknanya betul la saya tak layak sebab saya tak lawa. hehehehe because some are even thinking of match making my younger cousins...aihh it's okay, i tak simpan di hati pun.. people can get kinda excited when they meet cousins and tend to talk about anything without thinking about sensitivity. Anyway.. maybe marriage institution is not for me Kot for now, untill Allah says when...
Speaking of birthmarks, the Malaysian doctor detected i have another birthmark above the surface of my PWS ( Portwine Stain), it is Nevus of Ota, a non permanent birthmark that can be treated with laser. Ohh how blessed i am, not only one, but two birthmarks.. one of the reasons, i think that mariage institutions is not for me becaudse i dont think there's any guy out there who are game enough, sincere enough to go to the hospital with me or to accompany me for my laser treatment. I mean, it's a pretty burden-some kinda thing. and orang selalu nya tak suka benda yang menyusahkan.. dah la buruk rupa, nak kena gi hospital every two months pulak.. siapa lah yang sanggup wlpn bayaran hospital tu, celah gigi je..entah la, may be because i belum jumpa the right person, but wujud kah dia? mom always tells me to jangan bersangka buruk dgn ALLAH, i don't really, but i am kinda curious and wondering at the same time... especially bila pengalaman pahit tu muncul, a guy pernah kata to me right into my face " you tak cantik, walaupun you are a good girlfriend material" haihhh... terasa akak beb ! wlpn dah sepuluh tahun berlalu, tapi masih terngiang lah!! ala ala trauma gitu hehehehe... some people kata don dwell in the past..look for the present...well, screw you lah that person hahahaha
okay, i have to go to bed now, Hitler wanna masuk tido on the bed. ( yeah, cats nowadays... hehehehe)