Being away from home, makes you watch Drama melayu a lot...
Coz it makes you feel at home
( hahahahaha statement tak leh blah punyaaaa...)
Well, on one side, it makes you feel at home because it is Drama melayu. Kat Aussie ni, letih benar bercakap english all the time. Jadi bila tengok drama melayu, fuhhhh lega skit, something we can relate to walaupun,
Drama Melayu is drama melayu... Drama... dah nama pun drama, tak logik bagai, too good to be true, watak lelakinya yang super duper Ah-mazing ( insert bunyi bunyian magic disini), watak wanitanya yang fuhhhh lengkap pakejnyaa, and dont let me get to the part where they meet each other, (either terlanggar kereta kat simpang ke, terlanggar kat tepi tangga ke, kawin paksa ke, kena tangkap basah tapi tak bersalah ke, kena rape ke, di set up utk tangkap basah ke, pura pura bercinta and kawin sebab tak nak kawin dgn pilihan mak ke, haaaa apa lagi ye ? hehehehehe semua di atas lah...)
A student once was so Terkejut Dinasour and look at me with disbelief when I told her I watched "Love you Mr arrogant"
"Miss, Miss layan benda benda merepek mcm tu?" said the final year student..( errrrrr shouldn't the question be the other way round ? I mean , shouldn't I be asking that question instead of her? Naahh.. i think it's fine, Lecturer tak leh tgk drama melayu pulak dah ke? hahahaha Bukan lah Miss tgk and tangkap leleh nak Berangan jadi mcm dlm novel tu, or may be lelaki idaman mcm tu... haihhhhh puhhh-leees... Reality check !! Life is not a novel. As far as I am concern, I am attached to the ground hehehehe ( peace ).
I don't know, to me, I watched all those illogical love story for fun ( as if there's not enough drama in my life kan....hehehe) Just for fun and just to waste time. Plus, dalam diam saya menyokong industry hiburan tanah air kannn ? Dari yang tak tengok tu ? haaaaa nampak tak permainan di situ hehehehehe...
Anyways, this are the ones I've watched recently
and the one I am currently watching.
Cuma satu je la, the feeling when the Drama reach its final episode, will always be like
"LA !!!!! ni je???"
"Aik.....??? penat penat tgk, ending nya mcm ni?"
Mcm compressed gitu... haihhhh'
or may be I will have to pursue Kursus pembuatan Drama dan filem in the future for me to make a drama of my own and choice with the right ending and all...
Anyway, this is just my 2 cents, I am not responsible on how you interpret it ( peace )
01 August, 2014
31 July, 2014
Happy Eid !!!
Happy Eid peeps !!!
I celebrated Eid in Flinders. In a gym , and I ate Bakso on Eid morning. Wow, such a different kind of Eid. But I enjoyed it. Alhamdulillah, God's given me the chance again. I used to complained that we celebrated Eid the same way for the past donno how many years. Same old routine, same old people who doesnt care if you exist or not and same old drama hehehehe (may be its just me but, i need a break please. Especially when your presence doesnt make a different at all. Nobody cares.)
So, last year I was in adelaide too. But my flight was on Eid day itself. On the Eid morning when everyone is busy dressing up going yo the mosque and stuff, M booked a taxi for me to go to the airport. Because I was really early, i went to Harbourtown hehehe. The rest of my 1st of syawal was spent on the plane. Before i left, the stewardess handed me a huge packets if nuts, 'for raya' she said. Heheheh how toughtfull of her.
This year, after Eid rayers with the muslims in Uni, we had eid feast. BecAuse it was conducted by MIAS (muslim indonesia Australia Selatan) , so I get to eat Bakso :) it was amazingly delicious. A new experience for me. Met a few other malaysians student and had some photography session by the Flinders Lake.
Later we (Me and Alia) went to Ismah's place where she cooked a feast!!! That girl is amazing !! She cooked rendang, kuah kacang and sambal goreng!!!

And it was all delicious !!! Then we went back to Uni and continued with our work.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri,
Maaf Zahir Batin
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I celebrated Eid in Flinders. In a gym , and I ate Bakso on Eid morning. Wow, such a different kind of Eid. But I enjoyed it. Alhamdulillah, God's given me the chance again. I used to complained that we celebrated Eid the same way for the past donno how many years. Same old routine, same old people who doesnt care if you exist or not and same old drama hehehehe (may be its just me but, i need a break please. Especially when your presence doesnt make a different at all. Nobody cares.)
So, last year I was in adelaide too. But my flight was on Eid day itself. On the Eid morning when everyone is busy dressing up going yo the mosque and stuff, M booked a taxi for me to go to the airport. Because I was really early, i went to Harbourtown hehehe. The rest of my 1st of syawal was spent on the plane. Before i left, the stewardess handed me a huge packets if nuts, 'for raya' she said. Heheheh how toughtfull of her.
This year, after Eid rayers with the muslims in Uni, we had eid feast. BecAuse it was conducted by MIAS (muslim indonesia Australia Selatan) , so I get to eat Bakso :) it was amazingly delicious. A new experience for me. Met a few other malaysians student and had some photography session by the Flinders Lake.
Later we (Me and Alia) went to Ismah's place where she cooked a feast!!! That girl is amazing !! She cooked rendang, kuah kacang and sambal goreng!!!
And it was all delicious !!! Then we went back to Uni and continued with our work.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri,
Maaf Zahir Batin
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Location:Ring Road,Bedford Park,Australia
Aboo's Passing
Aboo our beloved cat passed away on the 17th of July 2014.
My brother said it was Sporo.
So, the house is one cat less and no more Chatty Aboo ðŸ˜
I am currently in Adelaide to complete my thesis. Such a sad news but I know Aboo is now in a better place and not suffering.
Sleep well aboo, i will miss your 'tazkirah'

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My brother said it was Sporo.
So, the house is one cat less and no more Chatty Aboo ðŸ˜
I am currently in Adelaide to complete my thesis. Such a sad news but I know Aboo is now in a better place and not suffering.
Sleep well aboo, i will miss your 'tazkirah'
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
14 June, 2014
This is a story yang actually dah basi, i've moved on but since it was brought up again, i think i should blog about it.
In December, i attended a wedding on behalf of my parents. They were away for umrah and asked me and my bro to attend the wedding. Well, i was kinda excited at first as it is a wedding of this 'someone'.
So when the day comes, we went to the wedding. They served us 5 course chinese Meal. Yeah something you dont usually get at weddings. But i pity the Datin next to me as she's not into chinese food. But the dessert was good.
So i posted a few photo's of the bride and groom on instagram with her wedding hashtag and all. Okay, you see, i love to put photos of any bunga telur i get at a wedding and i have a follower on intagram whom likes to comment about it. We dont kutuk but simply saying 'wow, cantik' or 'wow, hadiah paling bergaya' and stuff.
So i uploaded the photos i took during her wedding, and later a photo of the bunga telur.

A few months later, while browsing my instagram, i saw the exact photo on her instagram. I was surprised, but i thought it was not mine. But then i saw my kitchen window in the reflection and also the scratch i have on the kitchen counter. OH my god!! It's my photo !!!! I tagged the bride on my photo, even commented on her photo, It took me a few hours, to post it on my IG and some of my friends were having the same opinion as mine. One of my friend confronted her and later i went into the picture. We were badly bashed by the bride's follower. Then they even make fun of us by posting a few other post. Some of the follower claimed that i am tak sedar diri that i dah pergi melantak kat kenduri tu, dapat coklat mahal, and then the bride cnnot use the photo. I say, Memang lah, sebab it's my photo!! Then Some other claimed that the photo belongs to the bride because its her bunga telur. I say , sejak bila pulak ada rules mcm tu?

All i am saying is, confirmkan la dulu gambar tu ambik dari mana (which is still a mystery that the bride pun tak tahu), i mean, if its from your instagram wedding hashtag pun, check la siapa user nya. A simple credit would be nice rather than bashing and memalukan orang. There are rules and formality for this kind of things. I know some people were telling me to let go, and it is not worth my time. But it kills me to see this kind of things. Nak kata tak educated, masuk uni, google ada, guna laa.
Yeah i did confront her as well and her bestfren. But no sorry no nothing after all the bashing. The bride replied to me but still she made it as though she donno anything and her intention was to eat the choc. Well let me get that straight, i dun care if u wanna eat chocs but you dont simply use people's photo. And when somebody tegur and say the photo belongs to someone else, say sorry or do some investigation la about it. Not just simply play 'i dunno' and let your followers bash me. I have to admit, i am upset about it. Some of her followers even asked me why i did such things this to their idol. I was like 'what????' I am the one to be blame now? Serious sedih kot!
But then, i did let it go until today. I decided to write about this in my blog. From the moment I let it go , keeping quiet during the incident, i have learned and seen a lot of things. Valuable things and life lessons. I redha dgn apa yang terjadi. Nobody says sorry, nobody contacted me. Fine i redha. ALLAH maha adil.
Someone brought the matter up again and i accidentally come accros it on her sister's IG a few weeks ago and it brought back bad memories to me. I was kinda defending myself when a follower was talking bad about me. She claimed i am 'makcik yang meroyan pasal bunga telur tu'
But its okay. I dont wanna start more drama. As i've said, i redha dgn apa yang terjadi.
I have nothing to say to the bride or anyone anymore. Plus, anything that i have to say or convince her wont make me look good, i will still be in the wrong. I am not a popular person that have so many followers to back me up even when i am in the wrong. I am happy with my life and i hope you are happy with your life too.
Disclaimer : all photos in this entry are mine and taken from my instagram snapshots. ( hahahahaha siap bubuh disclaimer okay!!!)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
In December, i attended a wedding on behalf of my parents. They were away for umrah and asked me and my bro to attend the wedding. Well, i was kinda excited at first as it is a wedding of this 'someone'.
So when the day comes, we went to the wedding. They served us 5 course chinese Meal. Yeah something you dont usually get at weddings. But i pity the Datin next to me as she's not into chinese food. But the dessert was good.
So i posted a few photo's of the bride and groom on instagram with her wedding hashtag and all. Okay, you see, i love to put photos of any bunga telur i get at a wedding and i have a follower on intagram whom likes to comment about it. We dont kutuk but simply saying 'wow, cantik' or 'wow, hadiah paling bergaya' and stuff.
So i uploaded the photos i took during her wedding, and later a photo of the bunga telur.
A few months later, while browsing my instagram, i saw the exact photo on her instagram. I was surprised, but i thought it was not mine. But then i saw my kitchen window in the reflection and also the scratch i have on the kitchen counter. OH my god!! It's my photo !!!! I tagged the bride on my photo, even commented on her photo, It took me a few hours, to post it on my IG and some of my friends were having the same opinion as mine. One of my friend confronted her and later i went into the picture. We were badly bashed by the bride's follower. Then they even make fun of us by posting a few other post. Some of the follower claimed that i am tak sedar diri that i dah pergi melantak kat kenduri tu, dapat coklat mahal, and then the bride cnnot use the photo. I say, Memang lah, sebab it's my photo!! Then Some other claimed that the photo belongs to the bride because its her bunga telur. I say , sejak bila pulak ada rules mcm tu?
All i am saying is, confirmkan la dulu gambar tu ambik dari mana (which is still a mystery that the bride pun tak tahu), i mean, if its from your instagram wedding hashtag pun, check la siapa user nya. A simple credit would be nice rather than bashing and memalukan orang. There are rules and formality for this kind of things. I know some people were telling me to let go, and it is not worth my time. But it kills me to see this kind of things. Nak kata tak educated, masuk uni, google ada, guna laa.
Yeah i did confront her as well and her bestfren. But no sorry no nothing after all the bashing. The bride replied to me but still she made it as though she donno anything and her intention was to eat the choc. Well let me get that straight, i dun care if u wanna eat chocs but you dont simply use people's photo. And when somebody tegur and say the photo belongs to someone else, say sorry or do some investigation la about it. Not just simply play 'i dunno' and let your followers bash me. I have to admit, i am upset about it. Some of her followers even asked me why i did such things this to their idol. I was like 'what????' I am the one to be blame now? Serious sedih kot!
But then, i did let it go until today. I decided to write about this in my blog. From the moment I let it go , keeping quiet during the incident, i have learned and seen a lot of things. Valuable things and life lessons. I redha dgn apa yang terjadi. Nobody says sorry, nobody contacted me. Fine i redha. ALLAH maha adil.
Someone brought the matter up again and i accidentally come accros it on her sister's IG a few weeks ago and it brought back bad memories to me. I was kinda defending myself when a follower was talking bad about me. She claimed i am 'makcik yang meroyan pasal bunga telur tu'
But its okay. I dont wanna start more drama. As i've said, i redha dgn apa yang terjadi.
I have nothing to say to the bride or anyone anymore. Plus, anything that i have to say or convince her wont make me look good, i will still be in the wrong. I am not a popular person that have so many followers to back me up even when i am in the wrong. I am happy with my life and i hope you are happy with your life too.
Disclaimer : all photos in this entry are mine and taken from my instagram snapshots. ( hahahahaha siap bubuh disclaimer okay!!!)
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26 March, 2014
17 January, 2014
Chapter 1 - page 17 - NEW YEAR, NEW TEMPLATE
Happy New Year to all !!!
A New Year brings with it a new opportunities,
It is the time to make a new beginnings,
as you open the new chapter of your life
And also a new template to the blog !!!
A New Year brings with it a new opportunities,
It is the time to make a new beginnings,
as you open the new chapter of your life
And also a new template to the blog !!!
12 January, 2014
The Note
I was in the midst of marking the exam papers now, its crazy !!! I've got 7 bundles to mark and it is within one week duration only 😓
But bila dah penat marking, and suddenly terjumpa notes mcm ni, terasa berbunga bunga hati hehehe

Sweet je budak ni... Nasib baik dia memang perform well for final exam..

And this became a laughing stock at bilik gerakkan today!! Hahahaha depa kata depa tak pernah dpt jawapan tied up with ribbons mcm
Hantaran... Hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂
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But bila dah penat marking, and suddenly terjumpa notes mcm ni, terasa berbunga bunga hati hehehe
Sweet je budak ni... Nasib baik dia memang perform well for final exam..
And this became a laughing stock at bilik gerakkan today!! Hahahaha depa kata depa tak pernah dpt jawapan tied up with ribbons mcm
Hantaran... Hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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