The heat dah start masa kami balik dari crabbing lagi. ( Yes, we went crabbing again on Monday = Tuesday night.) Now is actually the crabbing season, so Crab all you can crab peeps!!! We arrived home from Brighton Beach at about 2 in the morning and the wind starts to get warmer than ever.
Then on Tuesday morning, I did my laundry and guess what, the clothes are all dried within one hour he..he...ish..ish..ish....Jakun nye... tak pernah jumpa Summer la katakan...he..he...

The heat is Ya Allah, jgn ckp la... But yours truly, jalan pi uni at 12 noon masa matahari tgh terik. Alhamdulillah, all went well. Yeah, at least I dapat rasa the warm breeze they told me about kan...dengar cerita je tak achi la, kena la merasa jugak kan... The heat, UV rays and segala mak nenek even the pollen count is too strong and high. kalau setakat berjalan 10 minit tu boleh la tahan lagi..longer than 10 minits, hmmm..... boleh pengsan he..he....There's a few fire bush reported around Adelaide today.
So,tgh musim musim Summer yang sangat Panas ni, dun forget to
Slip on a shirt
Slap on hat
Slop on some sunscrean
Seek for shades
Slide on some glasses
( Oh ya, please sing mcm sid the seagull in the SUNSMART TV advert tu ye...)

According to Yun, Alyssa suka sangat lagu ni.. aunty Husna pun suka gak, and aunty husna suka itik tu punya dance step... comel...he..he...
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