In Marion, while doing our stuff, Rozila sms-ed telling us that Ei Leen will not be joining. So I gave the fon To Suzie to explain to Rozie about the BUs and all. A few minutes later, ROzie smsed,
"Dah dlm bas 680. Hehehe..Dh sampai nnt saya call"
Suddenly, Suzie came up with a brilliant idea...
"Haaa? 680???? Salah Bus tu...!!!"

Since nobody else can tahan gelak or even have the guts to do that, We pass the fon to Nadia.
and Nadia did her stuff. NAdia memang 'terrorist' dalam bab ni he..he...he....
Kesian Rozie..Dia dah panik...sampai dah nak turun bus dah tu.....But not for long coz Nadia gelak and told her, kita main main je...
Nasib baik, Rozie tak menangis dalam bus tuh....
Masa Rozie dah sampai, dia gelak je tapi dia panik gak laa.... Yeah, Who doesn't...Tambah pulak, she's new in town...
Sorry ler Rozie, Kami bertiga saja je "Ragging" junior baru kami ni...
Peace....... V(^_^)
hahha..macam kumpulan al qaeda la pulak..terrorist....hahhah..but tadi..mmg terasa bertanduk la gak...kenakan kan cik adik tu
Mak tam la punya tanduk paling besaq tadi... kih..kih...kih...husna kasi pinjam fon je...tapi idea, idea mak tam ha..ha...ha...
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