It's been 3 weeks now, i haven't eat all the food yet..Bukan lah nak makan banyak, tapi cukup la, nak rasa je hehehehe.... Oh My, to think about it, how big am i gonna grow by January. hahahaha....
Roti canai telur and Tosei telur has been the top of the list lately. Oh ya, Me, Mak and Ba went for breakfast in PJ, SS17 or 19 like that with Tok Din ( my grandfather angkat who also owns his mamak in section 6) ( Usually Tok Din will be accompanied by Mak Din ( what i called his wife hehehehe) but Mak Din puasa so dia tak ikut). Tok Din just came back from Brisbane celebrating Raya with his anak cucu there. Whenever you go out to eat with Tok Din at SS17, PREPARE YOU TUMMY coz Pak Din will oder a table full of food apart from yr own Tosei or roti canai, he will also order the deep fried fresh seafood and quail, and chicken thigh, telur ikanand etc. Oh My !!!!! He is such a happy old man when it comes to makan. While makan, the old man spread out his words of wisdom which i find very true and usefull. Next plan, Tok Din wanna take me for lunch in a malay restaurant in Mentari COUrt. They serve kampung style food there. heheheh.....
Speaking of Milo Ice, i've been craving for Milo Ice since I got back, but with the flu and stuff, I put the craving a side. it was substituted with Teh Tarik instead. I dun really drink Teh tarik often pun. but sesekali teringin jugak minum.
So yesterday, although i am still having the leftover flu stuff, I simply make myself a mug of Milo Ice like the one I used to make. Perghhhh..... ( sendiri puji milo ice sendiri laa...sebab sendiri suka kan... ikut selera sendiri la... hehehehe) Kat adelaide tak Teringin pulak nak minum Milo ice, mungkin sebab dah ada Farmers Union Iced Coffee tu kot. hahahahaha..

Drinking too much Milo Ice sampai overdose , haaaaa... Sugar High till late night hehehehehehehe....
Maybe these few days, i'll go drink Milo Ice kat kedai mamak plak.. Fuuuhhhh...
habis la mcm ni...
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