01 June, 2010

Bank blues

I was suppose to do the Telegraphic Transfer to China in Adelaide but I was behind time. The scholarship provider pulak main achi lot Chak dgn the scholarship. It was delayed a few days. Deb the finance manager form housing office dah dua kali hantar notice late payment... Haissshhhh.... Tak pe, sabar.... sabar.... It finally came thru but still tak sempat nak buat TT tu.

So, i was thinking of doing it in Malaysia lah coz no other choice.. So, Monday after lunch, went to the bank. The first bank ( okay... i put there First bank...continue reading for more...) i went is of course my Bank lah.
 The girl at the number counter was making a big deal out of my TT. I dun mind actually coz she's telling me things i dunno...but then, apa ke he nye kalau tak bawak buku tak leh wat TT. I have my ATM card with me, withdraw duit sudah la.. ko nak kecoh apa ? Puhleeezz laaa....dekat 10 minit deal dgn dia je.. belum dapat nombor lagi... tak pe, coz she's telling me the things that i dun know.. tak pe lah, at least kita dah tahu..still sabar ni..Then she issued me the number.So i went up coz the service counter is all upstairs. I waited patiently for my number. And when my number is up, i went to the counter.

Me : Selamat petang CIk, saya nak buat Telegraphic Transfer ke China.( sambil menyerahkan borang dan segala particulars kepada cik di kaunter tu)
Cik : Selamat petang.. Oo okay, sekejap ye cik... Nak pergi study kat China ke?
Me : Tak.. ada conference je..
Cik:Ok, so berapa nak transfer?
Me: RMB dot dot dot...(sambil menunjukkan amount yg dah di tulis kat kertas)
Cik : RMB? erm... maaf cik, matawang ni tak de dalam system kami...kalau Hong Kong Dollar ada ...
Me : !@#$%^&*()
I dun need to tell more about it coz i am 40% pist!!!! Bank jenis apa ni? apasal merepek sangat sampai matawang China pun tak recognize...I was wondering.

Okay, then I went to the bank next door.( tiba tiba terasa lucky pulak, sebab that one row of shophouse ada 4 bank.. jangan memain, 4 bank tau... sampai jadi hot spot dan jam penuh sesak dgn pelanggan bank setiap hari dari mula bank beroperasi hingga bank tutup, kat korner plak ada hospital...Aaarghhh talking about planning huh? atau cari untung? tak pe lah, who am i to complain kan....

So i pi the next bank... Ada la drama jugak, kita tanya kat the kaunter pertanyaan, dia suruh amik nombor dan tanya kat kaunter nanti.. Eh, terang terang kat meja ko tu tulis "Kaunter pertanyaan" and you are a bank officer kot !. When i reason things out dgn dia ( of course secara berhemah dan senyuman) dia escorted me to the counter without taking any number and the things are about to get to the boiling point.
Cik : yea cik,
Me : Selamat petang cik, saya nak buat TT ke CHina.
Cik : Ya, RMB...
Me : ( alhamdulillah dalam hati....) ok, ini particulars dan borang saya.
Cik : er cik, maklumat ni tak lengkap... kalau nak buat TT ke CHina ni cerewet sikit. kalau tak terima dia reject balik.
Me: (sabar...husna sabar...) Mcm mana pulak tak lengkap, ini semua ni maklumat yang Pihak China sendiri yang email pada saya...( which is a bank slip lengkap semuanya dari nama beneficiary , ccount number, semua mak nenek...)
Cik : Ni nombor telefon tak da.. berdasarkan pengalaman yang lepas, kami perlukan no telefon pihak university. CIk dapatkan no telefon pihak university dulu pastu datang semula..
Me : ( aiyohhh.....)

Okay... then, i went to the next Bank..after going thru the same procedure and finally got the the counter,
Cik : Maaf cik, ada masalah sikit
Me : apa masalahnya...
Cik : butir butir ni ada dalam Chinese character tak?
Me : WHAT THA >>>>> Terkedu saya di situ....
Cik : lagi satu, boleh ke cik email beneficiary ni tanya bank ni terima matawang USD tak?pastu cik datang semula lah
Me: Okay... Terima KAsih bannyak banyak ye ( with a smile)

3 Banks !!!! half a day.. Fine!!!

The next day, i was suppose to go and settle my Visa with the CHina Embassy.I brought along the printed particulars and RM to do the TT after the Visa thingy. Cantik pulak, kat ground floor tu ada BANK of China..I was like " Wahhhh !!!! SOnang korjo den..."  Lepas settle VISA, lansung ke Bank of CHina, tak sampai setengah Jam, ALHAMDULILLAH.... smua settle..Sah SAh, bank dia kan...mesti lah senang..... siap the amoi kat kaunter tu recomend pi tempat tempat yang best.. hahahaha..... and orang kat Bank of CHina tu tak pun tulis in chinese characters mcm one of the banks nak buat, no phone number needed and so and so...  =)

fated to be that way,
fated for me to go to 3 banks and deal with all the ruckus...
fated for me that Bank of China is already waiting there...
Fated to learn new things...

Heehh... Life's beautiful kan... =)
ALLAH dah letak segalanya cantik utk kita sebenarnya...
begitu jugalah dgn kehidupan kita....

and here's the bank i visited put at random not according to my visit...

 if only i could reveal the sequences hehehe... tak pe lah, i'll keep the secret ya =)

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