01 July, 2010

Excruciating Pain......

That's what woke me up in the middle of the night..The full blast Aircond didn't help. I could not toss and turn because of my right cheek so i have to sleep on one side or terlentang. Sadly to say, Terlentang is not my kinda way of sleeping.hehehehe... I was restless before i went to bed actually. The pain starts developing in the afternoon actually but I was just simply taking it off my mind..By night it was even more painfull...

The pain is kinda different from the treatment I get in Adelaide. The machine in Adelaide was a lot newer than what we have in Malaysia. The one in Adelaide has a cooler attached to it that every sparks the laser splashed, the cooler sprayed it's cooler straight away. But not in Malaysia.Although they dun put any anesthetic cream in Adelaide but the lower Joules and the cooler factor made it a lot easier.The after effect is not that Bad... In Malaysia, they put or let say smothered my face with the anesthetic cream and when it's numb, they start shooting the laser. The joules was kinda high. it was 7.5 this time compared to 4 to 5 in Adelaide. MANA TAK SAKIT !!!!!! 7.5 used to be the normal joules for me, my doctor used to do even 8 and 8.5 but it gives me blister after a few days...the healing process also takes longer time. So, we decided to stay at 7.5. Tu pun muka dah terbakar teruk.. bertompok tompok mcm Kucing...

Warning : the image shown below is kinda !@#$%^*..so kalau anda tak leh tahan, jgn tgk...

I can't do much. SABAR je yang I can only do. This reminds me of the time I was doing my Diploma.After a few days of resting after the treatment, I went to class with the scars and all.. What can I do? There's exams waiting in the end kan.. hehehe. Ada la a few classmate yang avoid tgk my face coz it's too scary kata depa.. and they said it right to my face " eii.. takut laa..."... Aihhh.... engko takut, aku ni dah la menanggung sakit, hai laaa.... well, manusia kan ada bermacam macam jenis kan... Ada jugak yang kata, ala...u ada birthmark jee... orang lain lagi ada yang lebih cacat.. Yeah..cuba kalau u ada birthmark, tgk apa u nak kata plak? sedangkan ada jerawat yang kecik pun dah squeeeek arround sibuk nak pakai concealer bagai... cuba kalau dapat birthmark like me ni.. mau tak keluar rumah kott !! no offence.. but sometimes it's not helping. Ada jugak yang dah berbelas tahun tak jumpa, masa add kat FB pun ala ala kadar. Tetiba bersalin, anak ada birthmark, baru nak cari and still boleh pulak ckp " i tak nak laa, nanti anak i jadi mcm u kena ejek kat sekolah dulu.. i risau...nanti tak normal la.. itu la. ini laa Bla bla bla...."  OH MY  GOD!!!!!! you could at least put it in a nicer way kot kalau nak tanya pun.. i know you risau pasal anak you but still, ....

Yes, i was the one yang kena buli, ejek apa apa lagi lah...entah lah.. thingking about it makes it more sakit je..
Arghh..i better stop thinking about it now coz i can't stand the pain no more. Baring pun sakit, duduk depan Laptop pun sakit, teringat kisah dulu pun sakit...... Nangis, lagi sakit !!!tak tak terkeluar air mata dah pun...

Tapi tak pa, ALLAH maha Adil...dan Semuanya rezeki ALLAH... dapat rasa sakit mcm ni pun rezeki dari ALLAH.. orang lain tak pun dapat rasa sakit mcm ni kan.. So, orang yang tgh komplen sakit ni,  bersyukur lah ye.... hehehehehe


CuppyCakeMommy said...

babe..salam kenal ya..banyakkan sabar ok..cantik katluar tak semestinya cantik kat dalam..i ada je kawan yang ada birth mark bsar2 macam u.tapi hati mereka baik and saya suka berkawan dengan orang baik2

Ammi Sara said...

betullah kan manusia tu pelbagai..mulut manusia tu lg lah pelbagai..hehe..
the thing is to sabar jelah..InsyaAllah sabar tu separuh dr iman, iman tu pulak akn memberi pahala..InsyaAllah..:)

btw, did u notice waidi ada birthmark kat right hand dia, i called it his watch/jam tgn..hehe..

ada juga manusia2 yg kata 'eh, ketaranya birthmark,besaq nanti ni nakal/nyusahkan'(to them birthmark yg too obvious are a sign for that particular person to be a nuisance as they get older)- ??? haa?? biaq betul, taktau la mana depa dpt ni..tgk u, smpi ke phd level lg! hehe..takde lak nyusahkan/nakal/tak berguna etc...

napelah manusia2 ni ckp benda2 mcm tu ek, to me..people are unique in their own ways..be strong girl! ;)

What's luv gotta do ? said...

Salam kenal to you too cup cake mummy
Thanks =)

Kak Sara, tu lah, tak de benda lain lagi melainkan SABAR..
Yeah, ada nampak tanda lahir kat tangan baby Waidi. comel je jam tangan waidi. pernah gak terbaca dalam facebook kak sara, kawan kwan kak sara usik kata tu peta australia hehehe comel giler..kalau nak ikut nakal, semua budak pun nakal kan =) hehehehe termasuk yang tengah menaip ni, masa dia kecik kecik laa hehehehe. Insyallah tak de apa apa...mulut orang kan...Thanks kak sara =)

Aizan Suhaira said...

I understand how you feel, my dear. We share a similar fate.

But having 'defects' as ppl put it only makes us more resilient.

And to the mangkuk ayuns who give thoughtless and hurtful statements.. what can I say... maybe they're not brought up well by their parents.

iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...


Takpe kak husna. Sabar. InsyaALLAH, nanti orang yang mengata tu pasti sedar kesilapan dia. Biar orang mengata, kak husna terus je kumpul pahala k. ALLAH Maha Adil.

Semoga Kak Husna cepat sembuh, dan boleh keluar 'melarikan diri' dari kuarantin. Mana2 yg kena pantang tu, pantang. Kalau tak boleh gelak sgt, jgn gelak. Tengok gambar kak husna ni, tak terbayang rozi sakitnya bila kak husna gelak masa rozi dok melawak td.

Take care kak husna.