24 September, 2010

Adelaide Sky

I am back in Adelaide.

Mixed Feelings though hehehehe... Hatiku tertinggal di sini hehehehe... 

Di sini saja, bukan di lain lain tempat di Malaysia =)

 Zainun picked me up at the airport and then straight back to my cute TownHouse. After mandi and stuff, i took a bus to En Talib's place to see Ismah. Ismah is leaving that day. Balik for good. =(. Then kak azi jamu nasi lemak and stuff. Kak Azi insisted me follow to the airport. So I did dalam mengantuk mengantuk ni hehehe.. I didn't sleep much in the plane. I watched SHREK 4

I dun really like it this time. But it is entertaining and full of good things for people to pick up and learn from it. But i just don't like it that much... Sorry. Oh ya,  In the plane, I met Victor. We chat all the way. Such a sweet gentleman. He lives in Mitcham and was on the way back from Austria to visit his family there. He is staying alone in Mitcham. Nice to meet you, Victor. =)

While sending Ismah at the airport, i really cant hold my eyes anymore.So i excuse myself to go home and sleep. The initial plan was to go to Marion to buy food stuff and then baru balik tido. But dah pergi airport kan. I tersengguk-sengguk dalam Bus from Airport to Glenelg. Tahan ... tahan....  Hahahaha... BUt then on another bus from Glenelg to Marion, i cannot tahan anymore...... Krohhh...krohh... krohhh....  Nasib baik, terjaga betul betul depan Marion. hehehehe...  It's dangerous I know. Anything could happen kan.. But I hope this wont happen again.

Other than that, Back to work and more and more RHD workshops hehehehe. =)


1 comment:

Che Kay said...

Che Lurve...up la picca2 kat sana... Che Kay teringin nak tgk suasana sana.... =)