Looking at the title, as though i am discipline enough to blog about daily activities.. But, we will see how lah...hehehe
Today is the First of Ramadhan.. Alhamdulillah, I managed to wake up for Sahur. I puff up my pillow 5 times ( when i was young, my dad always tell me that he don't have alarm clock when he was young, not even a mattress to sleep on, so he said, his alarm clock is by puffing up the pillow according to what time you want to wake up.. cool kan, Not only my dad told me this, a few other frens also got this petua from their parents ;) .... )
This year, it was a bit chaotic in determining when to start fasting. This year is a bit different. Some part of Australia will be fasting tumorrow on tuesday, and some started today.Like us in Adelaide, there are also some who will start fasting tomorrow. Mcm giler berpeccah belah.. Macam mana tu? Tak dapek teman nak menjawab eh...
So i managed to sahur with nasi goreng, and went to office, do some stuff, helped liana to look for Coder, then go back to my work, i didnt really pay attention on the timing , it was already 5.15 when Liana smsed me to go buka puasa in Surau.

This is our menu berbuka. I brought along nasi goreng but i was too little to share. TOO little. there was 5 of us in the Surau. Plus we know the Arabs are going to sekedah food. So, we make do with The stuff you see in the first photo. that blue thingy is my THERMOS travel mug, which i drank my berocca in it. Kalau malam ni Skuna Hyper sampai tak leh tido, sila salahkan Berocca hehehehe.. The rice cracker in the clear plastic, Medjool dates in the paper bag, Liana's Whitaker dark choc, and Fazila's yogurt strawbery choc stick thingy.
Not long after berbuka, somebody knock on the surau door, I went and open the door and this mamat arab tanya, "ada berapa orang perempuan?" ( idok le mamat tu ckp melayu kan.. dia tanya bahasa omputeh le..hehehe)
So, ada dala 4 trip dia hantar food and drinks kat kami, He gave one bottle of juice,paper cups, spoons, nasi arab ( mc nasi bryani), salad, arabian karipap, falafel with inti daging, and roti arab. So we ate all of those je la. It's kinda fun and interesting berbuka mcm ni. it somehow thought me on a few aspect of life, to appreciate what ALLAH had given you and to be happy with what you get..After berbuka, we prayed isyak and terawikh jemaah in Oasis coz its bigger.
It's only the first day of ramadhan, i dun really miss the food that much, i don't even miss the bazar ramadhan ( coz jarang kami pi bazar ramadhan kat shah alam nuu), Of course I miss my mom's cooking ( like bergedil, tauhu sdaging etc) and murtabak hehehe Tosei, ok ok, i miss it but i can live without it. What i miss the most and apa yang terkesan di hati is tak dapat jemaah magrib together with my parents and bro. Teasing how my bro Qamat hehehe.. and my bro will tease me bila nak salam lepas magrib, or me and my bro teasing our parents ahahaha... lawak giler.. Anyway, thn ni rezeki kat lain kan...
So after Terawikh, me and the girls walked home and here i am blogging. Am going to bed early tonite but i am kinda Hyper pulak ni.. ni semua Berocca punya pasal huhuhu....patutnya minum masa sahur laa..apa lah skuna ni !
So, how's your first day of ramadhan ?
1 comment:
nanti i share story. suppose nak taip semalam. tapi semalam penuh konsentrasi buat keje di ofis. hehehe
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