I dun celebrate Christmas, I'm a Muslim. BUt it's pretty quiet here at the Housing and Uni. I was told that the shops will be close for like a week, and i was advised to do my groceries, Nanti kebulur plak tak de makan, coz COLES, WOOLIES segala semuanya tutup. he..he..

Kat Housing, only me, Mak Tam Suzie and kak Nita yang tinggal. Masing masing punya Housemates dah balik home country.So, lately, kami bertiga selalu makan kat rumah Mak Tam, Macam Pot luck jugak la konsepnya.
But tonite is a little bit different. Usually, we eat and watch TV. Tonite we had a Movie Marathon. I did spageti Goreng dgn 10 biji cili padi ( cili kat sini tak pedas lansung) and Bergedil Mat Salleh. Kak Nita buat Doughnut.Sedap.Mak Tam jadi tauke Air. The idea is to watch Madagascar 2 that i've downloaded from Syok.Org. A couple of weeks ago we watched Madagascar on channel 7 together, so, mcm menarik jugak kalau tgk the sequel together jugak.

Kat Housing, only me, Mak Tam Suzie and kak Nita yang tinggal. Masing masing punya Housemates dah balik home country.So, lately, kami bertiga selalu makan kat rumah Mak Tam, Macam Pot luck jugak la konsepnya.
But tonite is a little bit different. Usually, we eat and watch TV. Tonite we had a Movie Marathon. I did spageti Goreng dgn 10 biji cili padi ( cili kat sini tak pedas lansung) and Bergedil Mat Salleh. Kak Nita buat Doughnut.Sedap.Mak Tam jadi tauke Air. The idea is to watch Madagascar 2 that i've downloaded from Syok.Org. A couple of weeks ago we watched Madagascar on channel 7 together, so, mcm menarik jugak kalau tgk the sequel together jugak.

Tumorrow, I will be going to Hellen's place for Christmas. She invited me over hari tu. Hellen is the Dean at Flinders Housing and rumah dia dekat je within our housing area jugak, so can go la... other than that, looking forward to go Crabbing again ( but dunno when ). hmmmm....perhaps, can makan ketam masak lemak cili api with all the hasil tangkapan...he..he..he...
*Kebulur = pinjam dari Ain, anak sedara Mak Tam.
*Lengkali = pun pinjam gak dari Ain, anak sedara Mak Tam
ur spegetti goreng yummy la, cepat betul u update..anyway..thx for the tayangan amal tu...hehehe..lengkali leh buat lagi..also thx for the credit tu ain...lengkali kita buat lagi yer..
he..he.. Lengkali kita wat tayangan amal lagi ek.. And Thanks to Ain coz telah mengajar kita mengenal dan menguna kan perkataan itu dgn penuh perasaan, he..he..he... =P
spageti goreng?
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