I changed my imeem songs list two days ago if I am not mistaken.
There's now 6 songs all together (consist of friends fav song and songs that they suka)
Each of the six songs represents each of these people :
There's now 6 songs all together (consist of friends fav song and songs that they suka)
Each of the six songs represents each of these people :

I am not gonna tell which song belongs to whom he...he....
You guys know your song !!!
Oleh kerana Izati is away at her Suksis Camp in Malaysia, i will bagi the answer, No 5 belongs to her he..he...
Now guess, WHich is Mak Tam? Nadia ? Supirman? Kak Nita and Me
kih kih kih
You guys know your song !!!
Oleh kerana Izati is away at her Suksis Camp in Malaysia, i will bagi the answer, No 5 belongs to her he..he...
Now guess, WHich is Mak Tam? Nadia ? Supirman? Kak Nita and Me
kih kih kih
takkan kak nita suka lagu Thai kot..hehehheh
weihhh...tu Zati punya lah... he..he... Kak nita nombor 6. Mak Tam punya, tau aja la yang mana dia suka he...he...
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