So, sebab busy, every Sunday is the Family Day. It starts from going to Tasik for morning walk, then off to Syed, Khalifah or Syedina ( whichever yang berkenan) for breakfast, Then off to Pasar where, Mak will handle the Ikan and daging, Ba will handle the fruits and newspaper, me and my sis handle the sayur and other stuff. Lepas tu, balik rumah.. Its is a routine and it will not happen only bila they went outstation hehehe....The routine still goes on now cumanya, ‘ahli rombongan’ dah kurang plus Mak and Ba dah retired so, sesuka hati during weekdays pun still boleh gi pasar jugak. Mak pun dah ada activiti baru panjat bukit cerakah (Hiking) dgn geng Tasik dia every Sunday.

I know the tajuk is Telur Goreng mak, so here’s the telur goreng part.
And kalau Public Holiday, Breakfast at home. Mak selalu buat telur Goreng Bawang and we will makan at the Patio dgn Milo. Hehehe… Proses buat telur goreng bawang ni sama mcm nak buat telur dadar,cumanya kita goreng sampai hancur..makan dgn roti, butter and Delmonte tomato Sauce…Huihhh Layannn…….
Lagi satu telur goreng Mak is the plain telur goreng. In the morning, I usually keluar rumah at about 6.45 in the morning to go to class which starts at 8.30 am. Rumah dgn UiTM agak agak 10 minit tak sampai…Actually Macam Flinders pegi Marion je…Tapi sebab nak dapatkan parking space kan.Kadang kadang kalau malas nak drive, Mak atau Ba lah yang kena hantar pi UiTM… yang best tu, kalau time Mak atau Ba hantar ni, dapat pakej breakfast skali hehehe sebab Mak will make sure I eat breakfast before keluar, kalau hari lain, breakfast kat Abg mat je dgn Gang kat UiTM..…
Telur Goreng dgn nescafe susu… Ni breakfast special sebab bukan Kakak buat, tapi Mak yang buat. I dunno la, but the telur yang Mak goreng tu is different and kalau kita buat mesti tak jadi.. dia kena mak jugak yang goreng baru jadi…She knows best, I mean, when its time to pecah the telur, when to kacau and the texture pun one of a kind.. Giler hebat hehehe.. Sama gak la macam nescafe susu yang Mak buat. One of a kind…kalau too Hot, sanggup simpan dalam fridge nanti balik boleh minum hehehe…punya sedap…
I called Mak again tadi and talked to her saja saja.Hari tu masa mothers day pun dah call dah.. Mak Masak Kari Udang masa mothers day…Aduiii sedapnyeee….Jeles tul, si Farhan dgn Ba dapat Makan Kari Udang…
Luv Ya and Miss U Mak…
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