Mirul took us for a treat today untuk meraikan Mak Tam. ( Thanks Miruk ;p) He decided to take us to Mia's Dad's restaurant at the city. ( The restaurant's name is kinda berbelit lidah, tak berapa nak ingat..oohhh ohhhh... dah ingat dah....its 'Tangritah Ugyur" if i am not mistaken.Located on Grote Street, 1 shop after the Korean Market) The restaurant is cantik dgn chandelier and the interior sangat kemas. The kitchen is super clean too ( yeah, i went to the kitchen to basuh tangan...)
Before going to the restaurant, we consulted Mia on which food is the best and she said its the laghman which is the handmade noodle topped with beef sauce. So, smua orang pun ordered yang tu. hehehe... plus the super yummilicious Kebab ( which terlalu sedap, sampai lupa nak took photo hehehe). We also forgot to take the photo of the Mahmood tea being served in a very nice tea set.
And yeah, we goofed arround, all the four of us...tetiba teringat lagu lagu rakyat plak time time mcm ni...lagu tiga kupang lah, malam yang sepi pi pi pi, putih putih melati ali baba...hahaha....merepek berangan ckp utara dgn bapak Mia.. hehehe.... Lawak sungguh....
And yeah, we goofed arround, all the four of us...tetiba teringat lagu lagu rakyat plak time time mcm ni...lagu tiga kupang lah, malam yang sepi pi pi pi, putih putih melati ali baba...hahaha....merepek berangan ckp utara dgn bapak Mia.. hehehe.... Lawak sungguh....
We met Mia at the restaurant too. She came to help out her dad. Oh ya, the dish is kinda big per serving. Tapi, Mak tam habis sepinggan. Mirul pun sama. Rozi tak habis separuh, husna? suku hehehe... but i combined mine with rozi and we packed it and take it home.
Its good to know that there's one more halal restaurant in adelaide.Alhamdulillah...
Its good to know that there's one more halal restaurant in adelaide.Alhamdulillah...
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