Took Panadol Actifast but for some reason, this time it doesn't act that fast like usual. Leaves me lying on my bed baca ayat kursi and 3 bismilah. Habis, dah sakit sangat... Later En Talib called to ask if i know Marian CLinic's fon number. So i called Dalilah, Atie and asked Nadia, kita smua pun tak de number tu hehehe.. slalu pi GP kat Uni je. Then Dalilah bg the name of the clinic and suruh i google dulu coz she's not at home ( number ada kat rmh). All of a suddden rasa mcm nak vomit. So i went to the toilet.(Okay... Too M uch Info..hehehe) Lepas tu, Google la the clinic and I smsed the number to en talib.

After that, the pain is like unmanageable/ unbearable lagi dah. kalau sakit kat surface, boleh la kita pegang, ni tak tau mana nak pegang coz sakit kat dalam hehehe..... I took another round of panadol and went to bed forcing myself to sleep.... Pain pain go away... please.... i've got to finish my paper now...
When i opened my eyes arround 3, the pain is gone.. Wait till i get out of Bed... WHOOO.....the pain is still there but just a little. Its there on and off.. I really wonder what causes the pain.

As at this moment, i can still feel the thumping inside my head behind the eyes but its just once in a while lar...
Okey, Now can continue do work...
after a dose of Serendipity's Belgian White CHoc Ice Cream.....Wooohoooo....
Me and Nadia got so excited yesterday after discovering the halal-ness of this ice cream. We will come back for more, Hiks !!! =)

Yeah, I got sudden crave to eat Ice Cream and Nadia took me to Foodland ( the mighty South Aussie, Yeahh !!!) Since Pimpam Pengpot is in my care this few days (Mirul went to Brisbane for his research) we took Pimpam Pengpot to FoodLand for a spin anyway to heat up the engine.
Headaches, like men, are a mystery.
But it does sound like you had a bad migraine.
Take care, Hope you're feeling better now.
Take care kak husna... Get well soon.. =).
With love,
Aizan, after a lot of sleep, its better now.. I baru tau, this is what migrane feels like ey.... Tq =)
Tenkius veri nice...
translation : Thank You Very Much
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