31 August, 2009

Dah Jumpa dah...

3. I managed to track back old friends from primary and secondary schools i went last time. A whole bunch of them from different states. Primary school friends ( which we went for form 1 together too) in Terengganu, ( i still haven't got Fadli Che Mat who always tease me and everyone else in class. He used to call me "Red Indian" becoz he said i look like indian and half of my face is red kihkihkih...). My Melaka girls, My Johorians and my Shah Alam peeps. And it's all Facebook punya hal.

The above statement was taken from one of the ramblings tengah malam posting which I posted a few post away. before i proceed with the real story, i have a few things nak ramble dulu

1. Diam tak diam dah seminggu kita umat islam berpuasa. Alhamdulillah, semuanya okay. Idok le teman mengidam nak makan yang bukan bukan hehehe... semuanya within reachable la so far. DAh dua kali dah beriftar kat CC. Minggu pertama meriah dgn Mee Bandung, Tom Yam, kuih sagu, kek pandan lina and food dari friends from Iran and pakistan ( walaupun fruit salad je hehehe). Second week, Meriah dgn Roti Canai, Kuah parpu, Kuah Dalca, Mee Rebus and Nadia's one of a kind dessert. To me iftar mcm ni meriah giler coz smua orang pun masak dgn hati yang ikhlas,bersih dan suci untuk makan bersama sama.

2. Malaysia dah pun 52 tahun merdeka dan kita anak anak malaysia yang lahir selepas merdeka dan kita tak rasa betapa payahnya nak membela negara dari penjajah. ( teringat cerita bukit kepong dan Hati malaya.) Walaupun kita tak rasa susah payah mcm zaman dulu dulu, tapi kita pun kena ada jiwa merdeka jugak. hehehe... Tak pe lah, i dunno how to say this but i think , what i am doing now, being here, is my part of contribution towards the nation. ( nama pun guna duit kerajaan Malaysia kan....=) hehehehe )

3. I realised that i have become worst..... in terms of memory, short term memory loss, headache yang sesuka hati je nak datang ( tak tau nak kata headache ke tak coz the pain is behind the eyes..) Mcm kelakar pun ada jugak, dah at the stage od doing PhD, baru merasa sakit kepala mcm ni... Layak lah kot, umur pun dah makin meningkat. Bak kata kak nita, esok nak turn 30 nanti, lagi macam macam perubahan rasa... hmm... mcm ni kalau, i will wait for next year tgk apa akan jadi hehhehe.... as the conclusion for this part, boleh rasa berapa bnyk neuron yang dah hilang nih....

4. Quoting the above from the previous posting ( aik... apsal mcm thesis je bunyi nya ni.....hehehehe) Ada reason sebenarnya kenapa i quote that part. Esp with the Fadli Che Mat punya part tu...
Guess What????
FINALLY !!!!! , dah jumpa dah si Fadli kat facebook. Kind of seronok jugak la hehehehe.... Boleh dia tanya, ingat dia lagi tak? Mau nnya tak ingat... kahkahkah, sempat lagi dia buat lawak antarabangsa dia tu hehehehe ....bila dah tua mcm ni, and teringat zaman darjah 6, lawak giler...

5. Husna, sila Tido sekarang, malam bukan semakin muda....bak kata orang kat library " The library is now closing, Please make your way to the exit, Thank you"
So, Husna "Please make your way to the bed..Thank You"


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