The flu is getting worst that i slept half of Friday due to my new ubat selsema. This new ubat is okay, lepas makan , terus ZZZZZzzzz, and when u bangun, Aduihhh sesak dada... yeah hidung cleared but all the flam now goes to the chest and dah start minor coughing ... i am now in the stage which my mom calls " Hek..hek..." ( batuk la tuu....)
On early saturday Morning, lansung tak leh bangun coz the ubat ( Slept at two malaysian time coz farhan balik lambat and tak bawak kunci, dia jadi photographer kat majlis orang kawen) i missed Subuh kat mesjid and is one page behind of the daily after subuh quran recital beramai ramai kat mesjid shah alam. Hopefully tumorrow i can manage to bangun coz i ate ezede je malam ni.
and on saturday too, i went on a visit memvisit / open house. starting pi rumah Us. Sekejap je coz esok lusa dia dah nak balik segamat. Then balik rumah, join mak and ba pi rumah Uncle Siddique. Then off to rumah Kakak Fishah in Ampang which i then discover all this new highway NUKE la, AKLEH la...hehehehe.. Oh ya, Kak Fishah punya nasi aayam and hokkien Mee sangat sedap, and also Azura's sirap bandung .... fuhhh...
Then balik rumah, get ready all the barang nak masak kuewtiau goreng coz Kakak Ita nak datang. Intan was suppose to come too. At about 6, segerombolan Ishak clan sampai... ( Ishak is my uncle, mak's eldest brother which we all call Bapak Latip,... i wonder why....). Everyone,Mak Su, Kakak Ita, Abang Fauzi and kids, Johan, Lina and Daniel, Joeday and sheeks brown and also Kush was there except bapak latip himself hehehehe..dia puasa 6 so dia tak datang =). Sekali sekala berjumpa, bnyak la cerita itu ini hehehehe... Then the whole clan bergerak ke rumah CIca Hassan pulak.
I plak, dah janji nak pi rumah Mak Su Yet pada sebelah malam nye. Lama tak jumpa maksu yet. Mak Su Yet is adik kepada Aunty Ana, wife cica Hassan. Not related by blood but we're close. I used to give tuition to Ehsan , Mak Su yet's son and also bawak ehsan, his sister Muna and farah and DIana ( anak cica hassan) for movies and sleep overs kat rumah kita or rumah mak su yet. how time flies... semua dah masuk uni dah now... hehehehe... Anyway, Mak su yet dah pindah rumah baru and also recently got married again. So I went to visit her kat her new townhouse yang sangat cantik !!!
Before going to rumah Mak Su Yet, i singgah rumah Cica Hassan coz Intan ada kat sana. She's suppose to come to my house tapi entah mis com apa tak tau, hehehe... The ishak clan masih ada kat rumah cica hassan lagi at that time. kena tahan coz aunty ana nak buat banana split hehehehe...
And yeah, after the whole day kesana kemari dalam panas, makan itu ini yang hehehehe sedap...Hidung pun dah start sok sek sok sek balik, bukan setakat sok sek sok sek,, dah bertambah instrument orchestra "hek hek hek..."
Semoga akan cepat sembuh la hendaknya
Isnin nak pi Putrayaja !!!! hehehehe amik "Doing research in Malaysia" punya Pass.
Summer comes early for husna this year. Yeah, from winter straight to summer ( Malaysia kan summer all year round).
I have to admit ( I am not complaining because it is a fact...) that Malaysia semakin Panas. GLOBAL WARMING people !!!! Or maybe it's just me ? I dunno... =p
The kind of panas is like Panas semacam je. Farhan kept teasing me, that I have forgotten my roots, which region I am from Hahahahaha ! Very funny farhan. I know where i came from laa... Panas kat adelaide pun sebenarnya lagi panas dari Malaysia, it even reach up to 41c. cumanya kat sana Hot and dry, kat Malaysia Hot and HUMID...
Again, i am not complaining =) hehehehe
It's been one week since i came home, my flu belum subside lagi. I met Dayana, Farhan's fren tadi and she said that she also experience the same thing masa dia back for good after finishing her studies in US, with the flu and all and it took her two weeks to get better, after that she's fine ( dia lagi best, she claims that KLIA have diferents Air particles hehehehe..nice one dayana). Kak Nita pun ada cerita gak dulu masa dia balik, dia pun kena mcm ni, dua minggu dia gone case. So it's normal la kalau orang lain pun kena gak kan... =)
I hope, i'll get better soon. Coz, I have a lot of work in progress to finish and interviews coming up. Ezede is no longer effective coz i am kinda imune to it already. So, aunty ana gave me new ubat which is mengantuk one. but i only took it at night. still Ezede in the morning.
Selamat Pengantin Baru... Eh.. Silap, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan dgn lancar. Orang yang paling sibuk adalah my father, yang sibuk menguruskan Surau untuk bermacam macam aktiviti. Days before, ada Majlis Khatam Quran, then the last days of ramadhan were filled with Qiam every single morning till pagi aidilfitri pun ada Qiam juga and also his preparation for the kutbah stuff. Good Job on the Kuthbah thingy Dad !
Later, after kuthbah, we went home leaving dad at the surau. Sebelum balik rumah, singgah 7 Eleven jap, beraya dgn orang sana dulu hehehehe... Beli Paper, 100 plus and stuff... ( itulah routinenya)
The other routine pun macam tu jugak la, lepas breakfast, beraya bermaafan dgn Mak and Ba, Mak cik Minah datang, then mak cik minah balik, then Cica Hassan datang, pastu gerak ke rumah Bapak Latip ramai ramai berkumpul kat sana, then balik singgah rumah Aunty Mas then Kak Fishah and family datang, and Malam smua berkumpul kat rumah Cica Hassan.
All the gambars ada kat Facebook. Thanks to Farhan the photographer.
Walaupun saya dah menjadi owner kepada sebuah SLR, tapi, masih bertatih lagi....
buah cempedak di luar pagar, ambik galah tolong jolokkan saya budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan
But what ever it is, I am glad that I have the chance to come home for raya, to make Mak and Ba happy.
what a small world indeed... Today, lepas bergotong royong to wash up the porch and the drive way, me, mak and farhan pi Bank coz mak nak tukar duit raya. After that, kita pi DesaRaya, a kedai mcm pasar ( option pi situ je kalau agak agak ada barang yang suddenly habis or terkejut tergempak tak de...) while in Desaraya, i saw Tempe... wuuuuuuuhuuuu... tak sabarnya nak makan tempe goreng. Mak nak beli kerisik plus other small small stuff.
Masa dalam kedai, ada this girl looking at me,i look at her. "Mcm pernah tgk..." so we smiled at each other. I tak ingat mana i jumpa that girl. Still thinking....still thinking.... so i went to a corner kat kedai tu,thinking lagi while mak tgh bayar. ramai jugak orang masa tu. I was trying to figure out mana i jumpa dia, sebab rasa mcm jumpa kat adelaide sebenarnya... Pastu abang kedai tu tegur, "Orang jauh dah balik !!!" and i go... "Haaa betul la that girl tu jumpa kat adelaide, dia keje kat swinging bowl !!!!!!!!!!"
So i went to say hi to her, her name is Lisa. Lorr dia duduk kat 11/5b je...which is like 2 roads away from my house. Mak dia mengaji dgn my mom, ayah dia pi surau dgn my dad
Hehehehehe.... so we changed numbers and will keep in touch
Alhamdulillah, i arrived home safely a few days ago.
Over and excess Let me tell you a tale of an overweight luggage. It was overweight alright. I am prepared to pay the excess bagagge. BUt the thing that make me furious was when SIA declared that my hand luggage was too big.... Daaaaaangg.... Well, this is not the first time i traveled with the Black COACH luggage... Air Asia lepas, Virgin pun lepas.... Tetiba SIA tak lepas..Duuuhhhh..... That lady at the counter made a big fuss about it, that I have to transfer some of the stuff from the big bag to the COACH bag and then pay the excess if not i have to leave it behind..... OWWHHHKAYYY... Malu sangat... and geram sangat coz the COACH hand luggage di katakan besar utk hand luggage... AIsehh... anyway, Thanks Mirul for the patience and the help... everything pun dah selamat sampai dah.
The Journey It's my first time with SIA. Everything is perfectly fine and Nice. I Loike.... hehehehe... Love the entertainment COnsole thingy... I watched 3 movies. 17 Again, Night at the museum ( which i fall a sleep about setengah jam) and Hannah Montana The Movie. Entah kenapa, my heart went all mushy that, tears can't stop falling of my eyes. Tgk Hannah Montana pun leh nangis...Ngeeee..... Syahdu beb.. di awan biru , melayan perasaan "AWAN YG TERPILU" hehehehe. Well, Hanya Allah yang tahu lah kenapa AIr mata tak berhenti henti menitik sejak dari awal naik plane. dah tgk 2 movies lawak pun, air mata leh jatuh lagi... Sudahnya, Mata pun dah naik bengkak...
The Arrivals i reached Singapore at about 5.30 pm and took the train from T1 to T2 to catch my plane to KL. While walking to gate E20, i saw mak's kegemaran. Hah.... ni kena masuk ni.... So i had a quick tour in the shop, choose a thing, swipe here and there, Walllaahh.... Birthday present untuk Mak dah settle hehehehehe.....At this point of time i realy hope Mak will like it coz i pretended to be Mak with her taste in that shop coz i am not buying it for me..... Then, the journey continued to KL. Sampai kat KLIA, boleh rasa bahang panas semacam wlpn dalam KLIA lagi ....while walking to the baggage claim, my tekak dah start dah...
kelaur dari arival gate, my brother didn;t recognize me. WHATTTT ????? he said he tought it was orang Afrika mana ntah coz i look kinda darker than usual. Heh budak ni buat lawak pulak.... but i guess, betul la ckp dia, that day i used this Lancome extra moisturizing foundation because duduk dalam plane the skin will tend to dry up. the foundation did a good job on not making the skin dry but the colour is a bit too dark for me. Yeah, it was a sample pun, i got for free masa beli Lancome Primodiale the other day.
Dad was there too and he is so happy hehehehe... me happy tooo... Mak tak ikut coz mak gi terawikh lapan, Dad on the other hand sangat excited to pick me and he had his own terawikh kat rumah malam tu hehehehehe....
Kitty Toys Sampai je rumah, kita terus gi belakang cari pingu, puteh, belle and hitler. Hehehehe.. Kata kakak, awal awal lagi kucing smua dah kena kurung. hehehehe....Then later, Mak pun sampai, after terawikh 8.
I bought some Pet stuff for the cats. and they love it, infact one of the tikus i bought dah nak hancur dah di kerjakan si Puteh hehehehe.. the other three still fine. The shaking tikus pun elok lagi.
I was sooooooooo tired.Sakit pinggang, belakang, kaki segala...(Ye la, sejak kat adelaide lagi dok angkat all the boxes and bags of clothes turun bawah, simpan dalam storage room smua, )Kakak helped to put minyak kayu putih and urut me untill i tak sedar bila i fall a sleep dalam aircond 16 c in my room hehehehe....
Mother -Daughter Outing The next morning, awal awal lagi mak dah ajak pi kampung Medan for charity. Mak Took me to go visit the anak yatim, ibu tunggal yang sangat miskin and the person that took care of sick old people ( single old ladies and men yang tak de anak nak take care of them... kesian pulak, ada yang tak leh bangun and all..) so bergantung dgn jabatan kebajikan masyarakat and derma orang ramai. I followed her although i am so tired. Feet rasa mcm Balloon, Pinggang mcm nak tercabut, Belakang rasa mcm ada burden....Outside, Jerebu sangat teruk plus the heat. sebab tu badan pun terkejut kot. After Kampung Medan, Mak seronok nak ajak pi Ampang Park (which she tak pergi at all since i left) hehehehehe.....Mak got me another baju raya kihkihkih...While walking around, passed by our favourite kedai kasut ( the shoes are sangat cantik and kinda murah, its okay wlpn tak de brand janji sedap pakai... " U wan kasut raya, Luv?" "No.. Already got one from nine west" ( consolation prize utk diri sendiri, maka di benarkan beli kasut nine west utk mengubat jiwa lara dan memotivate kan diri semasa di adelaide...) So i told mak, no kasut buying but maybe some other stuff kot...Heheheh.. Mak agak terkejut sebab tolak offer dia nak buy kasut hehehehe...
So, the mother daughter shopping time started kat Ampang Park, continued to SACC mall ( where i went to get my Maxis bill yang tertunggak selama 9 bulan paid and to get my number activated.) and PKNS, kita singgah balik rumah amik Kakak join shopping skali. I wanted to buy kakak a baju raya but then, dia tak nak baju kurung,so i Bought her a blouse instead. in PKNS, dropped by to say hi kat Fahmy. Tokojuit dia tgk me... hahahaha.... but no time to chat coz he's so busy dgn customer berderet and will call me later. Fahmy's mom pun was not there.
Tak habis kat situ, after outing dgn Mak and Kakak, Ba pulak ajak pi beli printer. Our old printer dah rosak. So i drove Ba to Alam Sentral and go get the printer. Lalu depan Spa Sri Wajah, took the phamplets.. Boyyy... The price has gone up !!!!! waaayyyy up dari bulan january dulu....... tak jadi den nak melawat ke sana... After getting the printer, kita pi beli lauk pulak kat SANTAI. i just took asam pedas daging and japanese tofu , tu je.. plus ba beli kuih lapis dia hehehe... Then I went to say hi to abby, Kak Wati, Kak Sal and kak Yan kat Spalova. Dorang pun torkojuit...Unfortunately, Abby and Kak Watie dah di fully Booked till raya... sedey.... tak pe la, lepas raya je la appointmentnya hehehe....
Lepas buka puasa, i was totally flat. Dgn sakit tekak nya, hidung sumbat nya... sakit badannya.... Makan uphamol , check email and FB, and tido... it was only 8 something hehehehe... Izwan gelak at me when i said i am going to bed dah when he just got home from office and baru nak mandi hahahaha...
The Giant Today, awal pagi Mak kata we must go to Giant beli groceries, so, Me, Mak , Farhan and Kakak pun pegi la giant besar.. ish ish ish... dah Giant, besar pulak hehehehe... Ni la moment paling best, beli groceries kat giant, amik dari shelves letak dalam troley..Sapa bayar? Mak Bayar !!!! yeayyy !!! hishh tak senonoh betul.. idok le, i already gave to mak some RM dah for groceries hehehe... After Giant, lalu MPH.. wahhh novel novel nya sungguh memikat hati... i bought a few, Kakak pun suka coz dia pun suka baca novel. Then after giant, dropped mak and kakak off kat rumah with all the barangs, me and farhan pi Shah Alam Mall to potong kaki seluar, repair specticals yang patah kat adelaide hari tu and potong tali jam. Balik rumah, buat murtabak tipu for berbuka puasa. Bagi kat Aunty Siti and Aunty Che Nu skit. Esok nak buat Kuewtiau goreng and popia pulak requested by Mak. Mak pun dah lama tak makan popia and kuewtiau goreng. kihkihkih....
Yeah.. that's how busy i am running around everywhere. Dgn panas dan jerebunya... Tak play around with the cats pun lagi.. TV pun tak sempat tgk. okay then, my eyes dah half open dah...berapa kali dah dok tonyoh mata dah ni. Yawning tak yah tanya laaa....aduiiii.....
I can almost see it That dream I’m dreaming but There’s a voice inside my head sayin, You’ll never reach it, Every step I’m taking, Every move I make feels Lost with no direction My faith is shaking but I Got to keep trying Got to keep my head held high
There’s always going to be another mountain I’m always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm going to have to lose, Ain’t about how fast I get there, Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side It’s the climb
The struggles I’m facing, The chances I’m taking Sometimes they might knock me down but No I’m not breaking I may not know it But these are the moments that I’m going to remember most yeah Just got to keep going And I, I got to be strong Just keep pushing on, cause
There’s always going to be another mountain I’m always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm going to have to lose, Ain’t about how fast I get there, Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side It’s the climb
There’s always going to be another mountain I’m always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Somebody's you're going to have to lose, Ain’t about how fast I get there, Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side It’s the climb
Keep on moving Keep climbing Keep the faith baby It’s all about It’s all about The climb Keep the faith Keep your faith Whoaaa Ohwaoooh
Yeah, may be i'll get 'there' someday...insyallah...
I met keith before leaving today, kena la jumpa ATUK tu sebelum balik. He gave a lot of advises and kirim salam kat my parents.Marian pulak, is busy dgn simon's recovery. Simon, her husband had stroke and went into a coma. It's her toughest time. Sedihh....So, i have met marian last thursday coz hari ni dia sibuk dgn simon.Dia dah tinggal anual review progress and surat menyurat kat FBS office.
I dun feel that i am progressing in term of work, tapi, after reading teh progress report, it makes me feel good jugak la nak balik ni although i think bnyk benda nak kena improve lagi...
I think what i've gone thru this two three months has thought me a lot in life. I'll keep it to my self about what had's mine to keep. it tought me a lot n terms of me as a human, a woman, daughter to my parents,mak and ba, kakak to farhan, adik to kak long, cousin to my cousins ( the went through a lot too), a friend to my friends here Nadia, Amirul, Suzie, kak Nita, Kak Zatul, Kak Za, Atie, and not to forget Rozie, and me as a phD candidate under the supervision of Keith and Marian.
I dun ask for much in life, I dun ask for 7 dulang hati nyamuk or hati kuman or jambatan gantung emas … I just wanna be happy apart from nak complete kan the PhD, a happy muslimah, and maybe one day, who knows, I’ll get a husband and I’ll be a wife and mother, have a happy family with the little khalifahs alongside….which I myself dunno when, ( sekiranya ada rezeki dan jodoh yang telah di tentu kan oleh ALLAH, insyallah…) and the way to be happy is to make the best of everything that you have and sometimes, you didn’t realise the blessing in disguise that’s actually there. So, for now, I am making the best of what I have and I am happy. Insyallah…
May Allah keep giving me the strength,courage and iman to continue my journey..
I was cleaning up the room, finalising everything while Ustaz Badrul Amin dok Berzikir melalui iTunes. Kita pun ikut berzikir sekali la... Layaaaan.... Tiba tiba, Ustaz Badrul amin senyap... and, kluar ni pulak ...
let me be your hero... Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Would you run and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me crying? And would you save my soul, tonight?
AARGHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! NOOOOOO Symptoms Allergy pun muncul tiba-tiba. Rasa Tension semacam and terus rasa mcm nak vomit !! I quickly changed to Ustaz Badrul Amin's zikir again and remove the song from the list. REMOVE / DELETE... How on earth did this song boleh masuk dlm playlist pun tak tau..
Okay, i have move on with my life, I got over it again and again, keep on being strong, and after last month's incident ( dah sebulan dah...) ... Yeah, it's heart whrenching and heart breaking...okay, cukup. cukup..hehehe... TMI ( Too Much Info ) plak.... So, I guess, it's okay if i decided to not to have to listen to this song ever again..or may be for the time being hehehe... ( I stopped listening to this song since like 2004...) I take it as a consolation for myself la.. sekali sekala, nak jaga hati sendiri jugak... Tak salah kalau tak nak dgr lagu tu pun...
Tiba-tiba rasa sedih pulak... tak pe Husna, jgn sedih sedih kay... Cheer up dan jangan sia siakan ramadhan yang masih berbaki tak berapa lama je lagi.. =) <----- NOTE TO SELF
The above lyrics is from HERO by Enrique Igliasis. Another song that i am allergic to is I DoN"T WANNA MISS A THING by Aerosmith...
I have a meeting with Marian today at two but was shifted to 3. Realising that we are gonna finalise my paper for the conference in NOV, so, I dun think i will be home in time to buka puasa, instead i bawak food gi uni... Gigih ni, bawak sup ayam pi Uni.. Nasib baik tak tumpah... ( berangan nak makan Nasi Ayam Hainanese, pagi pagi dah rebus sup ala ala hainanese tapi, hanya buat SUp Ayam Hainanese.. Nasi nya mana? hehehe... makan nasi putih je la.. hehehe) dan sebab dah masak sup ayam, kita pun berbakti kepada Jiran hehehe....maklum lah bulan ramadhan..share juada berbuka dgn jiran kan...
Okay, before i LUPA what i want to write, i will put it in point form hehehehe
The one with the Photocopy Room I was preparing my Borang Annual Review dari UiTM Shah Alam. ( Sebelum fly, we were given this booklet with all the forms needed). So I went to photocopy and scan masuk dalam email flinders trus, senang. Then, dah habis smua, balik la ke office, prepare for the meeting jap gi. Hati tergerak nak buka Email flinders tgk outcome borang yang di scanned tadi. Tetiba nampak email bertajjuk MOBILE PHONE dari CHeryl.( chryl ni temporary worker ganti Trish yang pegi holiday enjoy selama dua bulan hehehehe) isi nya berkata
"sebuah moblie phone SONY ERRICSSON telah d jumpai di sebelah mesin photocopy"
Idok le CHeryl menulis lagu tu.. hehehe... I was like, Ooo ada orang tertinggal phone rupanya kat office depan.... Then i realised, "Aik... Mana phone aku?" The phone advertised in the email was actually Mine !!!!! ARGHHHHHH !!!!! Lantas saya pun menuju ke office depan dan amik balik fon saya. Marian miscall la pulak..WHen i called her back, dia tanya where am i, kalau belum gi Uni, dia nak datang rumah je...tak yah jumpa kat uni. hehehee... SEMPOI.... tapi kan, sebab dah ada kat Uni, meeting kat uni je trus...
The One with the RC beside me So the meeting with Marian went about 45 minits, we finalised everything and i will have to submit on Monday.before the final review dgn both supervisor. Annual review? Hmmm... HEPP!!!! soal kerja tak leh bincang kat Blog hehehe... everything is fine ... So since dah settle awal, i decided to balik rumah berbuka. Naik loop bus ni..Mengada betul hehehe....Later Nadia pun balik. nak ajak gi terawikh, dia on duty plak.
Dekat nak berbuka, all the plug point tripped and is not working. dah pernah jadi dah seblum ni coz heater kami power sangat. So i went to the bilik termenung kat bawah and buka the switch point. Hmmm... smua soket tu okay je on.. then while i was there nadia pun datang tgk gak.
"hmmm everything seems to be fine..." 'ya la... How ek?" "Nak call duty RC, U la duty RC hahahaha " GELAK dua dua
"Hello,Duty phone, Nadia speaking ..." hehehehehe
So, sebab waktu berbuka dah masuk, kita pun makan la nasi putih and sup ayam tu dgn sambal ikan bilis, TELUR MASIN je tak de...hehehehe
Then later before lleaving for terawikh, dah okay dah Nadia tolak one of the socket naik.
So, that's all yang i nak membebel pun.. dalam otak dah buat announcement,
"The Otak is now shutting down.. Husna, please make way to the bed...NOWWW!!!!"