03 September, 2009

Electric trip

I have a meeting with Marian today at two but was shifted to 3. Realising that we are gonna finalise my paper for the conference in NOV, so, I dun think i will be home in time to buka puasa, instead i bawak food gi uni... Gigih ni, bawak sup ayam pi Uni.. Nasib baik tak tumpah... ( berangan nak makan Nasi Ayam Hainanese, pagi pagi dah rebus sup ala ala hainanese tapi, hanya buat SUp Ayam Hainanese.. Nasi nya mana? hehehe... makan nasi putih je la.. hehehe) dan sebab dah masak sup ayam, kita pun berbakti kepada Jiran hehehe....maklum lah bulan ramadhan..share juada berbuka dgn jiran kan...

Okay, before i LUPA what i want to write, i will put it in point form hehehehe

The one with the Photocopy Room
I was preparing my Borang Annual Review dari UiTM Shah Alam. ( Sebelum fly, we were given this booklet with all the forms needed). So I went to photocopy and scan masuk dalam email flinders trus, senang. Then, dah habis smua, balik la ke office, prepare for the meeting jap gi. Hati tergerak nak buka Email flinders tgk outcome borang yang di scanned tadi. Tetiba nampak email bertajjuk MOBILE PHONE dari CHeryl.( chryl ni temporary worker ganti Trish yang pegi holiday enjoy selama dua bulan hehehehe) isi nya berkata

"sebuah moblie phone SONY ERRICSSON telah d jumpai di sebelah mesin photocopy"

Idok le CHeryl menulis lagu tu.. hehehe... I was like, Ooo ada orang tertinggal phone rupanya kat office depan.... Then i realised, "Aik... Mana phone aku?" The phone advertised in the email was actually Mine !!!!! ARGHHHHHH !!!!! Lantas saya pun menuju ke office depan dan amik balik fon saya. Marian miscall la pulak..WHen i called her back, dia tanya where am i, kalau belum gi Uni, dia nak datang rumah je...tak yah jumpa kat uni. hehehee... SEMPOI.... tapi kan, sebab dah ada kat Uni, meeting kat uni je trus...

The One with the RC beside me
So the meeting with Marian went about 45 minits, we finalised everything and i will have to submit on Monday.before the final review dgn both supervisor.
Annual review? Hmmm... HEPP!!!! soal kerja tak leh bincang kat Blog hehehe... everything is fine ... So since dah settle awal, i decided to balik rumah berbuka. Naik loop bus ni..Mengada betul hehehe....Later Nadia pun balik. nak ajak gi terawikh, dia on duty plak.

Dekat nak berbuka, all the plug point tripped and is not working. dah pernah jadi dah seblum ni coz heater kami power sangat. So i went to the bilik termenung kat bawah and buka the switch point. Hmmm... smua soket tu okay je on.. then while i was there nadia pun datang tgk gak.

"hmmm everything seems to be fine..."
'ya la... How ek?"
"Nak call duty RC, U la duty RC hahahaha "
GELAK dua dua

"Hello,Duty phone, Nadia speaking ..." hehehehehe

So, sebab waktu berbuka dah masuk, kita pun makan la nasi putih and sup ayam tu dgn sambal ikan bilis, TELUR MASIN je tak de...hehehehe

Then later before lleaving for terawikh, dah okay dah Nadia tolak one of the socket naik.

So, that's all yang i nak membebel pun.. dalam otak dah buat announcement,

"The Otak is now shutting down.. Husna, please make way to the bed...NOWWW!!!!"

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