01 January, 2010


I was changing the bed linen in my room when my mom walked pass by my room. The bed linen looked hedious on my bed as a part of the matress is still showing. Ala, the bedlinent use to fit my old matress which is not that thick. This is the problem when u buy new matress heehehehehe.....

So Mak say she'd give me a new sheet. Yeah... a new single bedsheet alright....

I followed her to the bedlinen cabinet and she opened the drawer and handed me a single bedlinen set with pillow case. It is still in it's original packaging.

"Oh My God, Mak, don't tell me, this thing is as old as me..."

"Yeah.. it is......Take la this one for your katil, I'll look for a matching plain pillow case to go with that." Mak says..

So i took it to my room and started to belek belek the packaging. hujung sini ke hujung sana.Tgk manufacturer dia la and stuff. Then, when i was about to open it,

"Ish.... mcm sayang je nak buka..." I just dun have the heart to bukak the set.

Original Pierre Cardin Bed linen which is nearly 30 years old. Corak pun masih Retro lagi tu....Mak bought it while my dad was studying in the US of A in the end of 1980 till 1983.  She bought a lot of other stuff as well, not only the bed linen, other stuff like pinggan Correlle ( yang Pingu bagi pecah 8 bijik hari tu....). Biasalah, beli masa Christmas sale, or warehouse sale.  She told us that she used to amik upah type assignment pak Arab and babysit to gain extra money. In fact she told me, my nick name "Love" comes from a Pak Arab who always tease me "Love!!! I love you!!" hehehehehhehe...

As i dun have the heart to bukak the bedlinen set, i gave it back to my mom and said,
"Simpan la balik, Mak... sayang nak bukak... ni vintage ni...heehehehehe"

So i keep it back in the drawer with some other bedlinens yang belum bukak lagi. yang dah guna pulaka, the quality is tip top la. Just imagine, As long as I could remember, Mak had never bought any bedlinen at all since I was young. She may have bought one or two but that's for us coz she thinks we like new age punya design hehehehe, tu pun satu dua je, yang lain smua yang lama.. And Of course her anak anak also gatal tangan and go crazy over Aussino's bedlinens hehehehe, so tu smua sendiri beli hehehehe( ala, ada dua je pun. bukan banyak...).

Most of the bedlinen we are using now are the one that she bought 30 years ago which still look as though they just came out of the packaging. I dunno how long it can last but it look as though it can go for another 30 years hehehehe. My fav is the Sesame Street bedlinen with all the character on it, My sister have one too. Aqeel is using it now, not like his Aunt, still using for her self hehehehehe. The quality simplt amaze me compared to the one we buy nowadays, cepat je luntur and berbulu.

Bak kata pepatah, "Alah membeli, menang memakai...."

* All i hav to do now, is to ganti Mak's correlle yang Pingu bagi pecah 8 bijik hari tu... kena la cari jalan gi Melbourne, pi warehouse Correlle.. Tengok la nanti mcm na =)

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