26 February, 2010

Selamat Bertunang !

Tomorrow is the happy day for both my friend, Aizad and Diana. They're gonna get enggage !!!! heeeee seronok nya...  There's one funny story about this couple to tell you guys. How I met them and how we became friends. Sebelum Cerita, tgk gambar dulu ya..

Aizad is actually my junior in high school. But we've never knew each other's existance until we both pursue our MBA in UiTM. Although Aizad enrolled in my batch, but since he is from non-business background ( He did Hotel Management for his Bachelor Degree), he has to do his MBA foundation while yours truly got exempted from foundation.So jadilah Si Aizad tu mcm junior jugak =).

feom the photo, she's the one in white pants. 
I was working out at Celebrity Fitness. I saw one young Malay girl in the gym too. Selalu tak de pun orang lain, other than mak mak orang melayu, Chinese, Indians. So happens i was using the treadmill next to her and we began chatting. Chat and chat and she says she knows Aizad from Shah Alam and was doing MBA in UiTM. Its the same Aizad i know hehehehehehe... What a small world.

How they met? they met in Mekah while performing Haj.... Sweet kan.... =)  We exchange fon numbers. Diana was doing her Masters in Food Technology in USM, Penang and was on holiday while having 7 day free trial at the gym. so we exchange numbers and became friends. A few months later, Diana got a job interview in Nestle, Shah Alam, she came by comuter to Shah Alam and i picked her up and broght her home, gave her lunch and tought her out of her nervousness and later send her to Nestle. After her interview, Aizad pick her up. I didn't know that this two are love birds until we met during Tea kat Old town white coffee Kopitiam that one fine Friday evening ( masa i was in Malaysia hari tu) Both of them are now lecturing in UiTM, Diana in food tech, Aizad in Business School. hehehehe... Oh ya, by the way, that fella in stripey yellow tshirt is not Aizad. (Aizad la yang jadi cameraman masa ni) Itu Izwan si sengal ! hehehehehe the one who would like sms me ikut dan je,tak mengira masa.... in the middle of the night, awal pagi, sebelum subuh, selepas subuh, anytime, u name it for any important reason at all hahahahaha, it's important for him lah kan..... nak decide itu lah, ini lah..... Wan... wan.... sengal sungguh u ni kan... Tak pe lah, consolation utk dia actually, he's been thru a lot in 2009.. and when i mean a lot, A LOT - A LOT !!! so  tak pe la, kasi can laa.... Hope you'll go thru an amazing recovery this year okay, Wan =). Allah knows best ...

Concluding remark,
So,for both Aizad and Diana, Selamat Bertunang !!!!!! CAn't wait to see all your photos kat FB nanti, who knows, i got the chance to attend you guys punya wedding kalau lah i ter-balik ke Malaysia during that time kan =)

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