16 October, 2010

Cop kat Dahi part 2

I wanted to write this earlier but i was kinda busy.

On my brithday, I went to Marion nak membuang masa lah kononnya. Habis tu, nak celebrate kat mana lagi kan? hehehe.. Geng pun tak de... So, I went to Marion je lah.. cari barang Mak kirim and pi beli barang kat Coles sikit.

So, on the way home, mcm tak larat nak naik bus dgn barang berat ( milks and juices segala..), so i took a Taxi home.

While on the taxi, the Taxi driver started the conversation. He asked me what am i studying in FLinders, he told me about his daughter...and asked me what will i do with my degree later and the best part was when i told him what i will be doing after this,

Taxi driver : So where are you from sister? India ?
Me : No... I'm from Malaysia..( dah nak tergelak dah..tapi tahan...)
Taxi Driver : But you look like indian, sister..
Me : You are kidding right.. I'm Malay.. ( laughing my heart out)

Hahaha.. i've got myself a new record... Indian... The last time people mistaken me as an indian girl was when I was still in school. ye la dulu naik bus turun bas jalan dalam panas so gelap laa.. lepas pindah ke shah alam, and masuk sekolah kat sana, my classmate ingat i am an indian girl and confuse sebab i pakai baju kurung.. hahaha boleh mcm tu?

The taxi driver is a bahai btw


Che Kay said...

tak kesah la apa pon bangsa yang orang anggap pada kita....janji kita diberi kesihatan olehNya~~~ =)

(hehe tergelak i baca tau!)

What's luv gotta do ? said...

hahaha... tu la kan.. insyallah Amin..