09 October, 2010

Cop kat dahi

I dunno what i look like, who i look like... Everytime i looked in the mirror, all i see is Me, the girl wth this huge red birthmark on her face. I am not that fortunate like someother girls who prefer not to wear make up coz they dun wan colour on their face...hehe i on the other hand have to put colour to make it look natural coz other wise, all i get is people staring at my me! hahha people who knows me knows.. ( but Alhamdulillah, i got a normal pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth and a pair of ear hehehe) as far as I remember, i always hated whenever me and my family goes for outing and i get people staring at me, people of all age.. kids will make their " I am so afraid of you" face, adults will make their " what on earth happened to you..." face. Don't even mention kenduris... I used to hate to go to kenduri when i was young. I stopped going to kenduri since i was 12 and started going again only when I was in Uni. Kawan and relatives got married. Tu pun, jenuh... i always get those moments where the kids will come and ask me, "kakak, kakak ni cacat ke?" "eeeiii apa pasal mata kecik sebelah..." huhuhu.. mencabar sungguh... tapi kids say the darnest things kan.....  Aiyohhh.. panjang la pulak intro dia hehehehe...

Well, what i wana blog about today is actually about the cop kat dahi ni.. No, no , no... bukan i kena cop kat dahi hehehe.. but i rasa lah, ada somekind of cop kat my dahi tulis "indonesian" hehehe instead of "Malaysian". kadang kadang "Arab". hahahaha....

The mat salleh here couldn't tell what my origin is. Contohnya dekan di kawasan perumahan university yang saya duduk ni. Dia pun konfuse saya ni orang apa masa baru jumpa. hehehe...beriya dia kata dia tak dapat nak teka dari mana saya  ni sebenarnyaa... saya kata, cuba teka... dia teka indonesia. okay... hehehehe

pada suatu hari di dalam bulan julai dua tahun lepas, beberapa budak indonesia approach saya dengan happynya di pejabat ISSU " Kamu dari Indonesia ya?" .... okay... these gurls and i remain friends and diorang dah abih masters dah skrang and dah balik ke daerah masing masing.

Pasa suatu hari , dua tahun yang lepas juga, saya sedang berjalan nak ke offis, saya senyum pada seorang budak indonesia ( Jelas dia bertudung sarung dan manik manik di awning). lantas, dia terus senyum dan datang pada saya. Dia sedang mencari bilik kelasnya. sambil menunjukkan kertasnya, dia pun bantai ckp dalam bahasa dia. I was like "huh?". She realises when i gave her a blank look...
"Kamu bukan dari indonesia ya?".... hahahaha okay... dia ni dah pun habis buat masters dia dan dah balik indonesia dah.

beberapa hari yang lepas, saya prgi workshop statistic, si penceramah meng-explain pasal sampling. dia bagi contoh indonesia. dia melihat kearah saya dan bertanya in english " there's how many states in Indonesia?" "i donno..." i told him with my confuse look. " Aaahhh.. so you are not indonesian, where are you form then? i can't tell".... okayy !!!! hahahaha gelak guling guling dalam hati.

When i was back in Malaysia last few months,I was waiting at the concierge for my questionnaires this bell boy thought that I am an arab lady checking in that hotel. Beriya dia nak menolong..
Bellboy : How can i help you miss
Me : Thank You, I'm already being assisted.
Bellboy : Ahhh... i see...So where are you from Miss? Middle east? ( i dah lupa what he said to me)
Me : ..... (smile...)....saya dari Malaysia
Bellboy : Haaaah... Saya ingat orang arab datang bercuti, Orang Malaysia rupanya...
Me : ...(smile again).... dalam hati gelak guling guling, muka penyek mcm ni di kata arab... Perli ka apa? hehehehehe

Pokoknya, wajah saya seperti wajah orang indonesia kah?

Agaknya ada cop kat dahi tulis indonesia kot....

teeeeheeee.... ;p


Che Kay said...

soalan yang selalu i dapat masa keje kat kilang dan beberapa tempat:

Soalan: "Tamil Tarima?"
reaksi: Huh? apa dia? (hahaha)

boleh gitu? hehehe

What's luv gotta do ? said...

hehehe lawak kan...

dulu masa baru masuk sekolah kat shah alam, orang ingat i indian girl.dorang heran kenapa masa agama i tak kluar, pastu baru tau i ni melayu.. boleh tak? hehehe it was my first day in school and nobody dtg say hi plak tu heheheh later they told me the story about how they thought i was an indian girl hehe

Che Kay said...

hihihihi. ya, mungkin cop di dahi kita memang besar! hehehe