It's not a special occasion, but i am just thrilled to see the vegetables at the market.
Subhanallah, cantiknya sayoq ni smua....
the colours, the sizes...
( Suddenly, suka amik gambar vegetables plak...hari tu kat Gepp Cross pun mcm ni...Mcm jakun tak pernah jumpa sayur =p)
Subhanallah, cantiknya sayoq ni smua....
the colours, the sizes...
( Suddenly, suka amik gambar vegetables plak...hari tu kat Gepp Cross pun mcm ni...Mcm jakun tak pernah jumpa sayur =p)
Hari ni Kak Nita nak masak Nasi Bryani...
One thing caught my eyes....
idayatul thusna
we've all been indian'ized..
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