This entry is all on Pingu... Miss him a lot...

A few days old...look at the kitten's tiny feets , tiny ears and tiny tails..

one week old....and saying 'hi'

A few weeks old with his adik, Jam. ( Jam is now under the care of Ayumi )

Mummy's Boy

A few Months old ( peyut muncit....)

Just recovered from perging and muntah2...So kurus....muka pun muka kucing sakit....

Such a Poser ..

Explore cara-cara nak kluar dari rumah....

Tempat Hang Out

Eeeiii....Shy only ar....... ( Pingu was 4 months at this time and he is as big as his Mom, Belle)

Dah pandai keluar.... he..he.. hiding under the Car

'Trying' to make friends with the ikan

Performing his Job description

Hobby ( posing depan camera)

he...he... apa la yang dia tgh fikir masa ni kan?...

Kontrol Macho ni...

This is my PENGUBAT RINDU di Adelaide.... Soft toy version of Pingu. Jadi laah....
( jumpa kat one of the toy shop kat Marion )
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