We had breakfast at Nadia's that morning. Our Singaporean friends, Siti and Maria came too. Then we walked our usuall route to Uni. This year, the Aidilfitri Prayers was held outdoor at the Flinders Uni Plaza. I was excited as this is my first Raya abroad.
The environment kat Uni Plaza totally changed.With the jemaah dah duduk dalam Saf and it really looked like orang dalam Khemah Haji. he..he..he... Of course it is full of Indonesians. They are the largest muslim comunity in Flinders. Being somesort like kinda JAKUN, we started taking photos. This really reminds me of my usual years pergi solat kat MASJID SHAH ALAM. Dulu kalau masa solat aidilfitri kat shah alam, selalu there will be indonesian ladies yang akan sibuk bergambar walaupun dalam saf, or after prayer with the enviroment. Dulu kita kata depa jakun, sekarang sapa yang JAKUN ? he...he...he....
After prayers, FUISA ( Flinders Uni Islamic Students Association) buat BBQ but Kami makan cakes and minum minum je.
Angin was so strong....Yang selendang terbang tu is our imam for terawikh. He is from Dubai
After that, all the five of us, ( Husna, Nadia, Izati, Suzie and Amirul) we rush to Encik Talib's place. Kira mcm encik Talib's place is our tempat gathering for orang bujang la..orang lain semua dah berkeluarga. So, kat rumah encik Talib,kita makan breakfast yang betul betul dengan Lemang yang Kak Azie buat, Kuah Lodeh, sambal goreng Suzie, Serunding Corn beef Nadia, and Ayam Kuali Husna.
After rumah Encik Talib, we went to Kak Alin and Abang Man's house. Its our check point for the next open house kat city. So, while waiting for others, we went raya firsts with Kak ALin. Dia buat Marmar Carey ...he..he.. sedap....
After rumah Kak Alin, we went to the city for the open house. Jauh nyaa sampai terasa sesat padahal tak sesat. he..he...he... Me and Suzie received our Raya call from our family back home. Ba called me. He called earlier but i was at uni plaza and he and Mak tgh dok siap nak pi surau. So, masa Ba called lagi sekali, kami tgh 'mcm sesat'. Suzie, Izati and Nadia wahhhh... dok Zzzzzzz kat belakang. Driver dah resah... Navigator plak busy on the phone. he..he... But everything went okay. Sampai rumah Kak Salina in one Piece.
After rumah Kak Salina, we went to rumah Abang Rushdi and Abang Nordin. Kalau tadi kita kata rumah kak Salina tu jauhhhh, tapi rumah Abang Rushdi laaaaaaaaaagi jauh... by the time we reached rumah Abang Nordin pulak, I dun even know where we are..... he..he..he...( the photos below are taken at Abang Nordin's place)
So, all of us pun balik lah kerumah encik talib again. After Asar and golek golek and gelak gelak dgn Anis, we had dinner and proceed with the potong potong job. Suzie and Izati went to entertain Anis main bunga api kat luar. So, me and Nadia potong all the sayur for kuah lodeh. he..he...he... i cut the carrots into bunga pecah empat like mak used to do back home.... kak Azie gelak je. Dia kata dia pun tak terfikir nak buat mcm tu. Saja je nak bagi nampak cantik.
Anis and her 'Buna' Api
We left at about 10.30. That's when Suzie start 'Mabuk' he..he...but we had a gud laugh though...Suzie....Suzie..... Sampai je kat housing, we went to Siti's house. She's been waiting for us since pagi to raya at her place. Sorry Siti, kami datang VERY VERY late.
All in all, that was how my first day of raya. Penat tu penat but seronok. It was also tearless he..he...Cuma I kesian kat My mom as 'assistant' dia dah kurang seorang back home.
I would like to entend my most warmest Thank to Encik Talib and Kak Azie for having us arround during raya...( kami semua sebatang kara kat sini....=( he..he..) also to Nadia, Suzie, Izati ( girls... i dunno what to do if you all are not here....) and Amirul ( pak imam /pak supir yang paaaaling berjaya).
You guys ROCKS !!!!
All in all, that was how my first day of raya. Penat tu penat but seronok. It was also tearless he..he...Cuma I kesian kat My mom as 'assistant' dia dah kurang seorang back home.
I would like to entend my most warmest Thank to Encik Talib and Kak Azie for having us arround during raya...( kami semua sebatang kara kat sini....=( he..he..) also to Nadia, Suzie, Izati ( girls... i dunno what to do if you all are not here....) and Amirul ( pak imam /pak supir yang paaaaling berjaya).
You guys ROCKS !!!!
Rawwwwks??? is that a hybrid between Raw and Rocks?? hmm...interesting...
he..he..ok la, i edit balik ok.... You guys ROCKS !!!!!!
weii..nice posting....macam ni i kena belajaq writing skill la dgn u..but..kenapa kisah i "mabuk" tu ada kluaq gak..huhuhu...jatuh saham..hehehh
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