Aqeel and Tok Ba

So happy to see PIngu and Hitler. But not for long, They are afraid of the kids so they ran off. I didn't get to see Belle and Puteh though.
Glad to see Mak and Kak Long too, Mak is busy cooking but we managed to chat for a while. Mak typed something that made me laugh and smile. Like, I was so surprised to hear such things from Mak he..he.. he...Mak...Mak....anyway Thanks Mak...I love you too... =)
At 2, We are suppose to go to Asian Groceries and Foodland to get the stuff to be cooked for Raya and paper cups and plates for Raya Gathering at Zul and Jibah's Place. Nadia was too busy with her papers so, Amirul took us in the Nimbus instead.Half of the day was spent in outside, buying stuff.
By the time we reached Flinders, it was 5.30 pm. So, everybody rushed back home to get their food stuff for potluck, solat, salin baju and then we went to Zul and Jibah's place.For Iftar and Takbir Raya.
After Isyak, Pak Imam ( Amirul) start to Takbir. Everybody was in Syahdu mood dgn suara pak imam yang agak syahdu je..Jemaah pun syahdu je... he..he..he... Lepas takbir, it's Bunga Api Time... kids ada dalam 2 je, yang lain todlers and babies.Tapi yang terlebih excited is all the aunties he..he..he... Anak anak Abang Mi tak de, so kids tak kurang la.... ( Abang Mi balik raya kat Kokdiang , Kedah thn ni...)
Then not long after that,everybody bersurai. Semua orang nak balik Masak untuk Raya esok. As for us, Suzie nak buat sambal Goreng, Nadia buat Serunding Corn beef and Me, Ayam Kuali.
Esok is the first day of Syawal. Solat Aidilfitri will be held at FLinder's Plaza. Thn ni semayang outdoor.
macho dan hensemnya pak imam tu...kehkehkeh...
ayam nmpk best
Pengsan setelah mendengar komen komen di atas......
errr..pak imam tu..aku macam pernah nampak jer...cicak man..kat tugu flinders yg kat jalan sturt road..
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