Well I couldn't tell you why she felt that way, She felt it everyday. And I couldn't help her, I just watched her make the same mistakes again.
What's wrong, whats wrong now? Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. That's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes. Broken inside.
Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why. You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you've left behind. Be strong, be strong now. Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. That's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes. Broken inside.
Her feelings she hides. Her dreams she can't find. She's losing her mind. She's fallen behind. She can't find her place. She's losing her faith. She's falling from grace. She's all over the place! Yeah!!
She wants to go home, but nobody's home. That's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes. Broken inside.
Yes... I am so in love with my new 'old' iMac G5 hehehehe.... Can't take my eyes off u Mac.... (Mac juga adalah penghuni baru di Townhouse 13, selain dari Nadia dan Rozi... ;p )
p/s : i sent Toshi for a vacation under the TV...Toshi needs a rest, he's been working VERY hard these days...
Today's ( 22nd April 2009 ) is Mak Tam's big day...
Kenape ? Kenape ? Mak Tam nak Kawin ke?
So early morning, we went to for a photo session at the Batu FLinders before we head for Uni.
Eh....Usop pun Convo gak .... Bila balik German?
In Uni, we had Make up session plak untuk special Day Mak Tam ni...... Siapakah Make Up artistnya? eh... Siapa ek? Yang Pasti, Mak Tam jadi Maybelline Girl hari ni coz 70% of the make up is from Maybelline range...Bukan calang calang ni, Mak tam di taja oleh Maybelline Aussie plus Maybelline Malaysia...
so inilah hasilnya...Dah mcm Farah Fauzana dah Mak Tam...
Mak Tam selepas di 'conteng' mukanya oleh siapa entah......
Then later, Me, Rozi and Isma went to Alan Mitchell Sports Centre to tgk Mak Tam menerima Graduate Diplomanya... It's all our first time tgk Konvo orang Puteh, Aussie style...Tak de Gamelan-gamelan....The best part is, we didn't know that they are playing the national anthem so we were like suk sik suk sik bertiga sedangkan orang lain senyap je....i realised that it was the national anthem bila dah hujung lagu coz that part je i remembered hehehe...The session was a quick one. Then later, lepas keluar dari dewan................
Congratulations Mak Tam !!!!!
later that night, we took Mak Tam out for dinner in Felfella. we set the table outside and it felt just like makan at Mamak hehehe... kerusi meja dah nak sama dah...
Ada lagi dua orang jejaka tidak termasuk dalam gambar...
Mak Tam yang masih solo...hehehe... ada sesiapa nak borang ? cik skuna boleh bagi borang...
it's in the middle of the night... Thought of going to the lab to finish up my writing with Rozy tadi tapi tak jadi coz Rozy kata nak wat kerja kat bilik.Tapi Rozy akhirnya ended up kat Lab jugak without me ...ceh....
Since tak jadi pi Lab, Mak Tam came over after isyak. So, Nadia and Me hang out with Mak tam. Lama sungguh tak hang out mcm ni. It's not easy to hang around like that anymore these days. Everyone is so busy... Both of Nadia and Mak Tam and also Mirul will be completing their Masters soon and off they go. Rozy, on the other hand pun will be going off very soon. Soon, tinggal lah saya sorang sorang....ada lah kawan kawan lain but they are married / dah ada partner so they hav their own obligations kan.. hehehe
Aiyahh... sapa je yang single single girls yang tinggal nanti kat sini.....AAhhhh...Geng pengembaraan dah nak balik smua......aaaaa........ i dun wanna think about it yet.....but then, as much as i dun wanna think, i have to, coz nanti tak la susah sangat nak adjust kot... nanti airport banjir kan susah...
'Gang pengembaraan' during happy moments together.....
Victor Harbour - April 09
Victor Harbour - April 09
Rymil Park - Indo Fest 09
OUr first and last Raya together hehehe Raya 08
Jalan jalan cari pasal - August 08
Kat Surau - Sept 08
Iftar in CC - October 08
Iftar in CC - October 08
Gosh.....i didn't think it will be so soon....
But i had the greatest time with the Gang walaupun sekejap .....
The playlist is playing along while i am doing my work in the office today. This particular song made me smile and laugh sorang sorang. nasib baik, no one was in the office.
The one that i was listening was the original version but it reminds me of this ;
* teringat masa Rozi tanya, "dah berapa kali tgk ni sampai dah boleh hafal skrip citer ni?" or something like that.. lupa la ayat dia...
Why do you play me like a game? Always someone else to blame Careless, helpless little man Someday you might understand There’s not much more to say But I hope you find a way
Still I wonder if you know How it really feels To be left outside alone When it’s cold out here Well maybe you should know Just how it feels To be left outside alone * A part of Anastacia's Left Outside Alone
The plan was to hav a cook ( by a chef imported from Thai) and DVD session after berbuka puasa. But then, I dun feel good and hav to cancel it. Rozi went home after berbuka and I went up tp pray. I called Home as a return to my dad's SMS.
Then, dah makan ubat smua, nak tunggu Desperate Housewives lah kononnya...GEt myself comfy on the bed and watch "Hollywood & Plastic Surgery" or something. Entah bila, tak sedar, dah.... It was a good Doze i guess , coz i woke up at about 12 feeling healthy hahaha... boleh tak? I felt good and start doing my work after my isyak prayer. Then i .....
Again... hehehe
Well, After all those ZZZzzzz, Hopefully, I'll have a productive day ahead.... Insyallah... Amin.
Now that it's all said and done, I can't believe you were the one To build me up and tear me down, Like an old abandoned house. What you said when you left Just left me cold and out of breath. I fell too far, was in way too deep. Guess I let you get the best of me.
Well, I never saw it coming. I should've started running A long, long time ago. And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you More than you, more than you know. I'm slowly getting closure. I guess it's really over. I'm finally getting better. And now I'm picking up the pieces. I'm spending all of these years Putting my heart back together. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you.
You took a hammer to these walls, Dragged the memories down the hall, Packed your bags and walked away. There was nothing I could say. And when you slammed the front door shut, A lot of others opened up, So did my eyes so I could see That you never were the best for me.
Well, I never saw it coming. I should've started running A long, long time ago. And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you More than you, more than you know. I'm slowly getting closure. I guess it's really over. I'm finally getting better. And now I'm picking up the pieces. I'm spending all of these years Putting my heart back together. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you.
Well, I never saw it coming. I should've started running A long, long time ago. And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you More than you, more than you know.
Well, I never saw it coming. I should've started running A long, long time ago. And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you More than you, more than you know. I'm slowly getting closure. I guess it's really over. I'm finally getting better. And now I'm picking up the pieces. I'm spending all of these years Putting my heart back together. Well I'm putting my heart back together, 'Cause I got over you. Well I got over you. I got over you. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, i got over you.
I was bitten by the flu bug. Dun even ask why, how? or when i got it...sensitive issues...
i didn't really expect that what happen on that night will lead to such a 'wonderful' flu...
i lost my taste bud...i can't taste my nasi kacang and daging hitam properly ( yes, i miss my mom and dad so much) cooking our family tradition feast makes me feel just like home...Ye la, kala tension tension mcm ni.....( sorry gambar tak sempat amik, dah masuk dalam perut orang pun...) And i found out that Mak pun demam jugak but she's having a GALA time with her sisters in Penang.
i will be accompanied by the flu for the weekends. I just dun feel like resting or staying in bed all day coz its really really really DEPPRESSING !!!!!
cukup cukup lah. I am not THAT strong anyway....
emotionally unstable, mentally unstable, health wise unstable..... apa lagi? apa lagi yang unstable ? hehehe ( still can joke summore...see...)
received this form Mak Tam whom received from a friend of hers.... Thanks for sharing Mak Tam... Luv ya.... ( hugss..)
"Inginkan mutiara selamilah lautan,
Inginkan bahagia tempuhilah penderitaan, Inginkan kejayaan relailah pengorbanan.. Ketahuilah bahawa setiap kepahitan itu sebenarnya terkandung seribu kemanisan......." - Dr. HM Tuah Al-Haj
I was suppose to meet Isma in Uni at about 9. I called mak tam early in the morning to remind her to watch Ronan Keatin on channel 9, then mak tam nak datang amik jacket. Thought of walking to Uni with Mak Tam tetiba Isma dah call she's kat housing already.
So, Me, Nadia and Isma walked to Uni.Had breakfast kat Blue Duck Cafe coz nak makan Ubat. I had flu today.After breakfast, i took Isa to the library before singgah kat office Mak tam.. Cayalah Mak tam dapat bilik to herself... Then lepas sembang kejap, i took Isma to my room where i printed out a few stuff. Then Off to lunch kat oasis.
Cadangan awalnya nak tinggalkan Isma kat 24 hrs lab with my password, coz i have to go to RHD workshop at 1.30 pm. Akhirnya, bawak je ISma pi workshop tu skali hehehehe....selambe je kan... At about 2.30, me, Isma, Rozi, Mirul and Alan ( adik Nadia from Brisbane) push off to City. Isma tak pernah makan kat Swinging Bowl so, kami pun bawak la dia pi sana. Isma ada group meeting at 5 kat UNISA. so we departed after Asar prayer kat Uni Adelaide.
Me, Alan, Mirul and Rozi make our way to Torrent River and Elder Park. I am having Flu yet gagah and gigih berjalan sekeliling tu. I only hope tak de la nak demam teruk sangat nanti coz tak rehat.Hidung sumbat, hehehehe.. tapi jalan jugak dalam sejuk yang agak agak manja hehehe...
Lepas dah round, we left Alan with his frends and we went for maghrib before jumpa Isma again to balik ke FLinders. We balik naik bus.
Reach Flinders, Ada request nak tgk dvd anime and so, out of the four choices by Mirul, we ( Nadia, me, Ismah, ROzi and Mirul) watched this
My flu masih tak okay. Nadia buatkan Roti Canai and we had dinner with Isma. Isma will be sent home lepas tgk anime.Tapi, akhirnya, isma ended up tido kat rumah kami je.hehehe...While watching the movie, Mak tam pun dropped by dari uni and leter lepas Mak Tam balik, i really can't control my eyes, panadol dah telan, ezede dah makan, otak pun layaaaaan je.... Ya Rabbi, tertido la pulak walaupun cerita sangat best, kalau setakat tido je tak pe, ni terbedengkur plak skali... hidung plak tersumbat,lagi la teruk....Adehhh MALUUUU nya... kat Ismah and Mirul. I was too tired jugak. dgn jalan jalan kat torrent river tu, dgn Flu nya lagi.. Nasib baik terjaga tak lama lepas tu. Just in time tgk Mirul Melompat... kenapa Mirul melompat? hhehehe.... kena la tanya Rozi......
After movie, lepak dgn Isma and Nadia. Nadia is on duty tonite, Untung gak la ISma, dapat tgk RC menjalankan duty when ada villagers ter lock herself out from her room. Pas tu balik, lepak lagi and tido...
So , begitulah my day with Isma.....
CIk Skuna je blum tido pasal hidung sumbat...tak leh nak tido....
Kau merpati putih terbang di awanan Ku ingin ikut bersamamu di sana Sucinya hatimu seputih warnamu Lembutnya sifatmu indahnya rupamu
Berkali ku tunggu utk melihatmu di tempat yg engkau singgahi selalu sayangnya diriku tak sesuci kamu ku bisa memandang tak dekat padamu
Sedar diri ini sebatang ranting yang mati sampai masa ku kan jatuh ke bumi walau pada hakikatnya kita tak dapat bersama agar kau dapat tahu diari di hati (Agar kau dapat tahu ku mencintaimu)
Ku tulis puisi cerita diriku Lantas ku kirimkan ia kpd mu Kukarangi lagu nyanyikan untukmu teman dikala mendatangnya sepimu
i was suppose to go to RHD workshop today on Literature review. i've already gone to that workshop last semester and was thinking to go again this time. Tapi..... aduhai, walaupun dah siap minum Coffee smua tak nak bagi tido kat workshop, i ended up in 24 hrs lab di saat saat akhir. Kesian Atie pi sorang sorang. Sorry lah Atie, Kak husna JIWA KACAU skit.
At the lab, i did my work and then later watch this.....
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us It's time to make our move, I'm shakin' off the rust I've got my heart set on anywhere but here I'm staring down myself, counting up the years Steady hands, just take the wheel And every glance is killing me Time to make one last appeal for the life I lead
Stop and stare I think I'm moving but I go nowhere Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared But I've become what I can't be, oh Stop and stare You start to wonder why you're 'here' not 'there' And you'd give anything to get what's fair But fair ain't what you really need Oh, can you see what I see?
They're tryin' to come back, all my senses push Untie the weight bags, Some never thought I could Steady feet, don't fail me now Gonna run till you can't walk Something pulls my focus out And I'm standing down
Stop and stare I think I'm moving but I go nowhere Yeah I know that everyone gets scared But I've become what I can't be, oh Stop and stare You start to wonder why you're 'here' not 'there' And you'd give anything to get what's fair But fair ain't what you really need Oh, you don't need
What you need, what you need, what you need
Stop and stare I think I'm moving but I go nowhere Yeah I know that everyone gets scared But I've become what I can't be Oh, do you see what I see?
A fren told me that she had me on her mind when she listened to a particular song. Struck me like a lightning at first. Tried to see the resemblance /connections. I did some correlation study ( ni dah mcm analysing a research plak dah ni) on it to see how far it is true coz it might do good for me. But then,
1.Was i .......... ? A. Angry B. Sad C. Frustrated D. Happy E. All of the above
2. Should i be .......? A. Angry B. Sad C. Frustrated D. Happy E. All of the above
3.Could i be ............? A. Angry B. Sad C. Frustrated D. Happy E. All of the above
Basically, it ended up making me think and think and think.....
Entah lah.... Kalau the fren think of it that way, whom am i to change it... :) kalau nak marah pun, buat terbakar neuron je kan...hehehe....peace....( with a smile and peace sign)
Love is something precious to me. Love is also a complicated thingy where, it's sometimes unexplainable, makes u go crazy, makes u upside down, makes u go as far as you haven't gone before. However, FIRST CUT is always the deepest. Ask anyone, anyone at all...Tanya lah anyone, siapa yang boleh lupa how beautiful their first love is? even if it's not something beautiful to remember but still it remain in our heart. There's always a daerah dalam hati untuk kisah first love kita ( ni dah mcm lirik lagu kopratasa la pulak..."telah... ku siapkan satu daerah, paling sunyi, dalam hati untuk kau isi, sebagai isteri....hehehe). It's not easy. Only time can heal the pain....... And sometimes, mcm lirik lagu di bawah ni,
.....Sekali segala ada Ada rindu yang datang tiba2 Tak mungkin kerana sayang Cuma terganggu oleh perasaan
Begitu hidup ini Tiada yang abadi Yang patah tumbuh Yang hilang berganti......... ( this is not the song which reminded my fren about me hehehe..)
We do not know what's install for us, whom we'll fall in love with, whom we will marry, Semuanya di tangan Allah.
But,still it kept me thinking......and i think i know when to put a full stop and it's not a reason to be upset :)
ini lah yang terjadi di musim musim kala malam bulan mengambang....hehehe
Geram plak tgk the tigers tu...mcm mcm aksi, Tido tergolek lah, dok melawak antara satu sama lain lah...The Cat walk yang smoooth and elegant lah...Pouncing here and there...
heeee....... I miss my kitties back home.
Hitler tergolek terbalik
*Paan, please "Squeeezee this fella for me okay,...and the rest too..."
Asap Berasap dari Tom Yam DIsaster ( Disclamer :tangan di dalam gambar bukanlah tangan Husna, tapi...)
Asap Berasap dari Teh O Nadia Malam dalamanginKencang
Telur BUngkus......errr...
Not really bungkus ekceli... More of Telur Telangkup...
All those pics posted above is hasil kerja tangan Mirul, Husna, Nadia and Rozi. Aiyoh...
Pening kepala and Keciwa teringat Tom Yam disaster tu...Adoiyaiii.....Oh ya, Kerabu Daging Siam Mirul tak sempat nak amik gambar... sorry ye Mirul.
Satu pagi berperang dalam dapur nak buat benda benda ni smua... ikut resepi pun jadi tak betul gak, but then, salah sendiri.....and kita learned valuable lessons from this incident.. It was my first time buat Tom Yam from scratch...Tak pakai Paste tau...not a real tom Yam pun, Tom yam putih je. Walaupun tried to amend mcm na pun, dah tak leh di selamatkan... Nasi dah menjadi bubur... ( i am really scared and phobia of this kind of situation...but then, ....) Tak pe, nanti boleh cuba lagi.... :) Last resort, bubuh corriender, jadi lah okay sikit taste dia, alhamdulillah
Yang best tu, tak tau lah, apa kenanya dengan kami smua hari ni,.. agaknya empat empat orang pun terlebih Dose gelak tgk Zombie Kampung Pisang and The Cats Return the night before kot... segalanya tak menjadi keesokkan harinya. Telur bungkus ter jadi telur telangkup...
Telur BUngkus......errr...
Not really bungkus ekceli... More of Telur Telangkup...
but then the telur bungkus is Sedap... nasib baik jugak ada yang tak jadi tu ( kami tak de la bawak ke rumah Atie) so all the four of us ate it for dinner dgn Tom Yam Disaster tu sambil tgk Lord Of the Rings : The Two Towers. Punya lah payah nak kontrol tak nak tido, tersengguk sengguk gak la tgk tadi towards the end.... ( masa tgk this movie kat cinema,i did slept sebelah Amir, my cousin, it was lepas kak long punya wedding and i was soooo tired after kenduri in 2003)
Thanks you guys "berperang' dalam dapur TOwnhouse 13
* "Bior Usop je yang temankan Usin....." kih kih kih.....gelak lagi....aduiii, watak usop tu really meninggalkan kesan sungguh.... USop...usop....ishh..ishh...ishh....
He's totally transformed from to this Yeah, dia dah grown up alot since his Newboyz era. Voice quality, performance wise pun improve a lot. ( ewahhh...dah mcm Paul Moss (polmos) and Shafinaz plak..)
I hope he will make it to the top 3 with another of my favourite, Amylea.
Here's all of Tomok's performance from to 12 to top 6. Check out when Tomok sang beyonce's Crazy in Love, Syafinaz's ingin bersamamu and rihanna's umbrella hehehe....the rest pun best jugak
Berangan dalam hati nak makan 'nasi goreng kampung ala-ala Dapoq jalan Silat, Shah Alam'... dulu pernah buat masa Sleep over kat rumah Mak Tam Suzie masa Raya thn lepas.
Tapi... di sebabkan kita berada di dapur townhouse 13, Flinders Housing, maka, 'nasi goreng kampung ala ala Dapoq jalan silat , shah alam' pun tak jadi.
Bila buat post mortem kat modus operandi, banyak jugak penemuan bukti bukti yang menunjukkan sebab ketidakjadian 'nasi goreng kampung ala-ala Dapoq jalan Silat, Shah Alam' itu.
Faktor cili - cili yang biasa di gunakan di shah alam adalah Cili Puteri...kat sini, bukan setakat cili puteri yang tak dak, Cili Raja pun tak dak...sampai sekarang, masih mencari cili yang sedap...masih belum ku temui....
Faktor dapoq - ( PEMBERITAHUAN : Dapoq dalam bahasa inggeris nya ialah Stove, bukan sahaja bermaksud keseluruhan dapur seperti mana yang kita belajar dalam bahasa melayu di sekolah....Teringat kepada Mak saya bila dia sebut "Dok Kacau kari ataih dapoq" hehehe...buat kari pun best gak kan....?) Dapur di shah alam, ialah dapur gas... kat sini, dapur piring plates ( bukan pilates okay..) yang mana the heat is uncontrolable mcm kepala cik skuna yang tak betul plak ni tetiba... - Mungkin juga, ianya akan jadi kalau kita masak di dapur rumah no 2 plak? What say u Mak Tam? (^_^)
Faktor ikan bilis - kat shah alam, kita tak goreng ikan bilis before hand, memang la kita pun tak goreng hand, tapi kat sini entah kenapa, kita pi goreng ikan bilis tu... eh, bukan kita, ROzi yang goreng...sebab kak husna dia takut minyak ( teringat laser yang sakit tu...)
ada bnyak lagi faktornya yang menyumbangkan kepada nasi goreng yang TERAMAT_AMAT pedas itu, sehinggakan, meleleh air mata masa makan...(FAIL !!!!!), salah satunya, tukang yang nak masak tu ( cik skuna) pun tgh kepala tak center...pasal tu tak jadi kot....
makanan kali ini juga tiada gambar.....dah masuk perut orang pun....
Does this mean,.....Perlukah, saya amik gambar perut orang je letak kat sini?
We went to the library again tonite and came back as soon as the library is closed. The night is sooooo COLD !!!! masuk kereta pun Still dok menggigil-gigil, jacket dah tahap winter jacket siap dgn bulu bulu lagi...Melerts Mak, Nyahhh!!!! hehehehe ( ni apa kes ckp mcm ni ? heheheh). But then, its is all inside your Mind ...."it's not cold....it's not cold".... he he he....
Then sampai rumah, pum prang...pum prang....set up my lap top and wanna start to do my work. Berhajat besar nak siapkan sebelum jumaat ( walhal, esok rabu ada hati nak berjimba-jimba kat city).While waiting for the setup, i was looking arround....
I look at the phone, So i was thinking of listening to my voice mailbox. The last time i checked it was on Friday night. So I i pushed the buttons..... 16099....
and waited for "Please enter your security code.....****, you have 3 new messeges...to listen, press 1...bla bla bla...."
instead i got........
"Hello...." "Hello......( Aik, kenapa ada Hello plak....).......Laaah......." "ye..kak husna, kenapa?" At this time i burst out in laughter........kih kih kih...... "Laaa Rozii!!!! kak husna nak call voicemailbox!!!!!!! " or i said something else.... was laughing tak habis....
Ya Allah....nasib baik ter call Rozi je ojay... kalau orang lain, or di buatnya ter call rumah sapa sapa ntah...
My bad....
Tu lah, ( bukan Tulah Jawa, Siam atau Minang ye....)....berangan lagi....
Focus Husna, Focus ! Bukan Hocus Pocus ojay !!!!!! hehehehe
Decided nak masak Kari Hijau. Too Bad, no more green chillies left although bahan lain SEMUA nya ada.....Tak kan nak pakai sambal Hijau.....( oooo Kenot....nanti Cik Skuna punya hidung meletup dek Sinus....Sambal Hijau doesn't go along well with my nose....)
So, Akhirnya, guna lah cili dalam tube dari this product range.... Nasib baik ada....
Maka jadi lah, Kari Hijau yang tak tak hijau lansung....instead, jadi Kari merah hehehehe.... Tapi masih boleh di makan dgn Roti Canai utk berbuka puasa , Alhamdulillah he he he
Went to Indo Fest on Sunday afternoon with Nadia, Mirul, Mak Tam and Rozi. Had a wonderful time there at Rymill Park. Picnic bawak pokok and eat lunch ( although the food is Mahal and kinda of Okay je, hehehe..) tapi seronok minum TEH KOTAK he..he.. Teh Botol berat sangat kot nak bawak ;p
Then later, lepas lunch, tengok Silat, tgk Dangdut ( hehehe....), makan gado gado sedap, minum choc shake free, we went home. It was kinda panas in Rymill Park, but vVERY cold in FLinders.
I was ke hulu ke hilir dalam bilik till dah petang. I was kinda bored. Jenguk Nadia, she fall asleep dah. Penat... ye lah tadi panas..I dunno about others whether they tido or apa activity. Rozi ajak pi Gym but i was kinda malas coz Sunday is suppose to be "the lazy" day... So, I stayed home and spend quality time with my living room.
Since I dah ada DVD player ( Beli kat Lions Bargain), and the wheather pun sangat romantic petang ahad tu, so I watched
he he he.... I bawak dari Malaysia nih.... Too bad, i didn't bring the rest of the collections like Notting Hill, Sweet home Alabama, Wedding Date, plus all chick flicks...( Nanti dapat gelaran "Pembekal VcD haram plak he..he..) May be next time lah...
Vivian : So, what's your name? Edward : Edward. (mcm tak de nama lain lak kan? bubuh la Mike ke, Tim ke..( ehem...rozi) Vivian : Really? That's my favorite name in the whole world.
See.....Edward again.....Aisaymen....Ed....reminds me of someone :)
and one more
Vivian : Can I call you Eddie? Edward : Not if you expect me to answer. ha ha ha.... comel je kan....
I love the whole EVERYTHING about this movie, the characters, the actors,the soundtrack, however, i can't put all of the songs here, so, i choose this one right here...
This is from the movie,
This is the whole song,
Fallen _ lauren WOod
I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true. I can't believe how I have fallen for you. And I was not looking, was content to remain. And it's ironic to be back in the game.
You are the one who's led me to the sun. How could I know that I was lost without you...
And I want to tell you, you control my brain.. And you should know that you are life in my veins.
You are the one who's led me to the sun. How could I know that I was lost without you...
I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true. I can't believe how I have fallen for you.
As i was creating this post, i was thinking of a suitable title, and was trying to translate the real thing which is SILAT GAYUNG ANAK HARIMAU, So, ANak harimau is Tiger Cub, but what about gayung ? so, i went across the hall and ask Nadia,
Husna : Nadia, what's gayung in English....? Nadia : ( she was doing something on the net..and before she could answer,....) Husna : Aik... English people mana guna gayung,.... ( it came across my mind and i started laughing) Nadia : Is that suppose to be a joke? Husna : No....i just thought about it..he..he..he... Nadia : ehhh... orang puteh pakai Shower lah !!! ( nadia gelak...) Husna : (...dah start gelak....)
Okay, back to the real story,
we ( Me, Rozy and Mirul) went to "........." ( i forgot the name of the place and which surburb it is in, too late to ask Mirul now, dah midnight) to tgk budak budak bersilat. Diroang silat dalam Hall kat tempat tu la. The age ranges from 6 yrs old to ada seorang Mak orang yang muda.
It's kinda interesting to see ada dua mat salleh adik beradik belajar Silat gayung anak Harimau ni. Plus, all other half malaysian, half aussies kids here.
yang dua orang paling belakang tu lah mat salleh dua beradik tu...
Looking at this kids bersilat, brings me back down to memory lane.... I used to belajar silat gayung back when i was in Melaka. i was 13 and we do it twice a week depan Dewan Tun Tan Siew Sin in Akmal. Those were the days.... kalau hari tak de silat, me and the Gang, lompat masuk swimming pool lah !!! The swimming pool is like sebelah dewan je...if not main galah panjang or Belon Achah... hehehehe.... the tok guru is this one uncle. (Lupa plak nama uncle yang ajar silat tu... but i remember anak dia is my classmate in school, and that uncle took his degree in UiTM ( off campus mode) masa ni and Mak selalu kata, "tgk uncle tu rajin belajar walaupun dulu dia tak berpeluang nak sambung belajar dulu sebab tak cukup duit " but he sangat determined nak improve his life, buat degree off campus, ajar taekwondo and silat...ye lah, kalau ada degree, gaji bnyk sikit kan...) The anak , which is my classmate in MGHS, got married last year.
Not for long, my dad was transfered to Singapore and i was sent over to Penang. Staying away from yr parents makes it hard for you to join anything... ye la, tak de orang nak hantar amik, rumah yang kita duduk pulak jauh... i left my Piano and Silat just like that....Although, the interest is still there. My old piano is still in Melaka, ada kat asrama ke somewhere kat AKMAL tu...Tapi, mcm dah tak kan dapat balik dah je kot he..he..he..
Tapi, sangat seronok lah tgk bebudak tu bersilat, rasa mcm nak join je, tapi he..he..he.. Segan la pulak....kita pun bukan budak perempuan yang berumur berumur 13 thn lagi dah he..he..he...
I had my first seminar today at Business School. I would like to take this opporto ( eh... Oporto la......may be I should go get some opporto's Bondi burger in Marion la ... yum yum....)
Okay, okay, i would like to take this opportunity to thank Mak Tam Suzie, Mirul , Atie and Rozi Oggy for their support today. Thanks for coming you guys... :) Nadia, u can come next time punya okay..
ALhamdulillah, It went well, although i think, i can do better, Basically he..he... ye la, skill pun dah berkarat, i think, i did not do any public speaking thingy for almost about a year. The last time was during my MBA Thesis Final Presentation in november 2007.. Gawshhh giler lama....
Yeah, i keep saying Basically like a gazilion time during my presentation. ( Tak sedar pun ter cakap basically bnyk kali....) And , i get so nervous during the start, but then, i am a bit more comfortable in the middle. Then, They shoot me with a whole lot of questions, all kind of questions,
Too Bad , Keith cannot make it today becoz he is in Melbourne now. His 95 year old mother in law passed away on tuesday. But At least, the rest of NILS showed up he..he...Thanks for the support guys. And Thank you Darcy, Julius, Victor and Laurence for the questions he..he...
Alhamdulillah for the good feedback i get after the seminar from Peter and Bill. Thanks Rozi Oggy and Mirul for their comments, yes, i will improve it...insyallah.... :) Giler kelakar bila teringat how nervous i am today and i felt like its not that i tak pernah present before, tapi entah kenapa GEMURUH dia lain macam skit...he..he..he... Now i rasa Shy he..he..he...eiiii Buat malu kampeni je kaedahnya present Ghope itu....
I guess, i have to brush up the presentation skills now... he..he..he.... No, I guess, i will hav to go get my Opporto's Bondi Burger first, then brush up the skills he..he..he...
[allure] All alone on a sunday morning Outside I see the rain is falling Inside Im slowly dying But the rain will hide my crying, crying, crying And you Dont you know my tears will burn the pillow Set this place on fire cause Im tired of your lie All I needed was a simple hello But the traffic was so noisy that you could not hear me cry (I) I gave you my love in vain Now Im all cried out, over you.
[112] Cryin over you, yeah
Never wanted to see things your way, Had to go astray For why was I such a fool (why was I such a fool) Now I see that the grass is greener Is it too late for me to find my way home, How could I be so wrong?
[allure] Leaving me all alone Dont you know my tears will cause an inferno Romance often fades Why should I take the blame? You were the one who left me neglected (so sorry baby) Apology not accepted Add it to the broken hearts youve collected
(I) I gave you my love in vain My body never knew such pleasure, My heart never knew such pain And you
[112] You left me so confused
[allure] Now Im all cried out Now Im all cried out Over you
Today, i went to the office without the 'I hate Monday' syndrome. I spend the whole office hours in my office. Okay....okay, i went home at 4 actually, so not quite the whole office hours he..he..he.. Ala...Victor balik lagi awal. Kul 3 dia dah blah...hehehe.......Spend most of the time 'romancing' my powerpoint plus my blog hahaha.....
I talked to my cousin who is Finally pregnant. Congratulations dear. lebih menggembirakan, the baby di jangka due nearby my birthday.. Yeay !!!! bertambah geng octoberians Aunty Yurve...
*gambar diatas bukan lah di ambil di gym flinders..its a random gambar from the net so, tak yah la cari skuna atau rozi kat situ ye....hehehehe
Later, i went for Bodypump class with Rozi. Suzie followed but she went back home for some unforeseeable reason. the class was fun. The routine we did in Bodypump, reminds me of Hafes and Rahman, Rahman is my childhood fren who's working in CF while, Hafes is my 'used to' be trainer in CF. Hafes used to 'torture' me to do lots and lots and lots and lots of lunges, weights and stuff hahahaha...BUt he did a very good job motivating us, the trainees. Recently, i found out that Rahman and Hafes are no longer in CF, but they are now with FF. Rugi la CF dah tak de Hafes. he.he.he. Hafes used to teach me on how to talk to our muscle. And after so long, i finally got the chance to spend quality time and talk to my muscles during bodypump tadi. hehehehe.... Hopefully, my muscles tak de la terkejut plak nanti ek... Tolonglah jgn !!!!