i didn't really expect that what happen on that night will lead to such a 'wonderful' flu...
i lost my taste bud...i can't taste my nasi kacang and daging hitam properly ( yes, i miss my mom and dad so much) cooking our family tradition feast makes me feel just like home...Ye la, kala tension tension mcm ni.....( sorry gambar tak sempat amik, dah masuk dalam perut orang pun...) And i found out that Mak pun demam jugak but she's having a GALA time with her sisters in Penang.
i will be accompanied by the flu for the weekends. I just dun feel like resting or staying in bed all day coz its really really really DEPPRESSING !!!!!
cukup cukup lah. I am not THAT strong anyway....
emotionally unstable, mentally unstable, health wise unstable..... apa lagi? apa lagi yang unstable ? hehehe ( still can joke summore...see...)
dah selamat masuk perut usop dah hehehe ..... thanks kak husna for d great nasi kacang (walaupun tak direndam semalaman) n daging hitam...
GET WELL SOON..... (~_^)
thanks for the wish Rozi. Nanti kita buat nasi kacang lagi (improved version), kali ni panggil Suzie skali...
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