Husna : Nadia, what's gayung in English....?
Nadia : ( she was doing something on the net..and before she could answer,....)
Husna : Aik... English people mana guna gayung,.... ( it came across my mind and i started laughing)
Nadia : Is that suppose to be a joke?
Husna : No....i just thought about it..he..he..he...
Nadia : ehhh... orang puteh pakai Shower lah !!! ( nadia gelak...)
Husna : (...dah start gelak....)
Okay, back to the real story,
we ( Me, Rozy and Mirul) went to "........." ( i forgot the name of the place and which surburb it is in, too late to ask Mirul now, dah midnight) to tgk budak budak bersilat. Diroang silat dalam Hall kat tempat tu la. The age ranges from 6 yrs old to ada seorang Mak orang yang muda.
It's kinda interesting to see ada dua mat salleh adik beradik belajar Silat gayung anak Harimau ni. Plus, all other half malaysian, half aussies kids here.
Looking at this kids bersilat, brings me back down to memory lane.... I used to belajar silat gayung back when i was in Melaka. i was 13 and we do it twice a week depan Dewan Tun Tan Siew Sin in Akmal. Those were the days.... kalau hari tak de silat, me and the Gang, lompat masuk swimming pool lah !!! The swimming pool is like sebelah dewan je...if not main galah panjang or Belon Achah... hehehehe.... the tok guru is this one uncle. (Lupa plak nama uncle yang ajar silat tu... but i remember anak dia is my classmate in school, and that uncle took his degree in UiTM ( off campus mode) masa ni and Mak selalu kata, "tgk uncle tu rajin belajar walaupun dulu dia tak berpeluang nak sambung belajar dulu sebab tak cukup duit " but he sangat determined nak improve his life, buat degree off campus, ajar taekwondo and lah, kalau ada degree, gaji bnyk sikit kan...) The anak , which is my classmate in MGHS, got married last year.
Not for long, my dad was transfered to Singapore and i was sent over to Penang. Staying away from yr parents makes it hard for you to join anything... ye la, tak de orang nak hantar amik, rumah yang kita duduk pulak jauh... i left my Piano and Silat just like that....Although, the interest is still there. My old piano is still in Melaka, ada kat asrama ke somewhere kat AKMAL tu...Tapi, mcm dah tak kan dapat balik dah je kot he..he..he..
Tapi, sangat seronok lah tgk bebudak tu bersilat, rasa mcm nak join je, tapi he..he..he.. Segan la pulak....kita pun bukan budak perempuan yang berumur berumur 13 thn lagi dah he..he..he...
Credit to : Rozy Oggy for the photos.
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