OH YA, The lady at MAS counter told me, students can no longer enjoy the 30 kilos allowance. It's already official she told me, but i dunno..Lain tempat lain kot. but i did called MAS in Perth to confirm i can get 30 kilos a few days ago and that lady at the counter said, she just received the letter on Friday...
For some reasons, i got stuck at the security. They guy took my bag to the side and started taking out one by one.
"Aaahhhh.... so this is the problem .... I'm sorry miss, we have to take this.."
"But... Please I have to take that with me.."
"No Miss, this cannot go on the plane..."
"But.. but...It's for someone important....Pleaseee....." Merayu sambil muka dah nak nangis dah....
"Errmmm Miss, if u still want to carry this, it will have to with the checked in baggages."
"But i have checked in all my baggage..."
"Well, one of you bag you are having now will have to go"
"OKAY !!!!! let me take out my laptop first..."
So a lady from MAS came over coz not only me, but there's other few people having same problem as mine. Problem settled ! Alhamdulillah.....
And try and guess what barang yang tak boleh go on board tu?
teka la... hehehehe
Ini lah bendanya....

It's Farhan Birthday Present !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sebab tu la nak bawak balik JUGAK !!!!!!!!
terlupa la pulak there's liquid inside there..But anyway, semuanya dah selamat and giler kelakar, i got all my 3 bags checked in.
h'./ ( <----- pingu pijak keyboard while playing with the kangaroo kecik i bought him hahahaha)
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