Well, on thursday, Alin told me that one of his best buds Josh is visiting Perth on Friday and if me and Michelle are free, we can take him out as he is on his vacation alone. So Alin contacted Michelle and gave both of us Josh's number. Paling tak leh belah ayat ALin, " His name is Josh... tapi dia Melayu laa..." hehehehehe.
Josh arrived on Friday morning and Michelle contacted him during lunch time. I on the other hand, on Friday morning,took a train ( no..i took two trains hehehehehe coz kena tukar train in Perth city dari Joondalup Line where Aunty Darling's house is on to get to Nadia's house in Thonlie-Armdale line). Nadia is my friend in primary school in Terengganu. The last time we met was in 1992. Boy that was long ago...Nadia is currently doing her PhD at Curtin Uni. Later at 4, i took a train again back to Perth City where i will meet AUnty Darling and Michelle will pick us up from there to Aunty Nooraishah's place.( Aunty Darling got some makan makan with her friends that night)
So, back to Josh. Michelle told Josh that we will be in HArbourtown at abt 7 and kebetulan pulak Josh pun memang nak pergi harbourtown.So we decided to meet him there.
Sampai at HArbourtown, Michelle asked me soalan cepumas
"Kak Love...have you met this Josh before?"
"No Michelle, i haven't.. I don't even know this guy..."
"So you don't know what he looks like and he don't know how we look like?" michelle laughs
"Yes..." Laughing away.
So we waited and look arround for JOSH. I was thinking, mamat ni mamat melayu campur kot, mish. whatever he is laa hehehe.. We called him tak jawab pulak. Sms tak reply plak. So, me and michelle jalan jalan jap and tetiba dia call dia ada kat tempat yang di janjikan.
Both of us started looking, yang mana satu JOSH ni.. Tetiba ada satu mamat terpacak kat tengah tengah space tu looking like....

So, kita pun bawak la Josh habis kan tawaf harbourtown tu then Michelle took us to Kings Park to see perth city at night from there. PAstu Michelle bawak us for a Teh tarik at Victoria Park, kedai malaysian.
Rasanya tidak perlulah saya mencerita kan siapa sebenarnya Josh kot sepertimana yang telah dia ceritakan kepada saya . Tapi mukanya iras iras FAhrin Ahmad.
Nak tergelak jugak lah bila masa mula mula me and michelle look at him and dia pun look at us and do the mind reading stuff and Ask
"Are you josh?"
"Are you Girls, Alin's cousin?" although we're both actually Alin's Aunties hehehehehe
We had loads of fun with Josh yang sangat friendly, funny and warm.
So, later after teh tarik, Michelle dropped Josh at his something travellodge where he is staying for his holiday.
Rasanya tidak perlulah saya mencerita kan siapa sebenarnya Josh kot sepertimana yang telah dia ceritakan kepada saya . Tapi mukanya iras iras FAhrin Ahmad.
Nak tergelak jugak lah bila masa mula mula me and michelle look at him and dia pun look at us and do the mind reading stuff and Ask
"Are you josh?"
"Are you Girls, Alin's cousin?" although we're both actually Alin's Aunties hehehehehe
We had loads of fun with Josh yang sangat friendly, funny and warm.
So, later after teh tarik, Michelle dropped Josh at his something travellodge where he is staying for his holiday.
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