07 November, 2010

30 day Challenge - 10

Day 10, Question 10
10. Talk about your pets or the pets you would like to have

Answer :

Hahahaha.... i love this question !!! Sure do luv to talk about my pets hehe...


 This is Arwah Coco. Look at how big he is... he is our first official pet. Coco kami amik kat pasar when he was nearly died of poverty hehehe boleh buat ayat mcm tu? Ada orang buang dia and adik beradik kat gerai buah. So me and my sister took him, adik beradik dia ada yang dah mati dah pun masa tu.. kesian... Coco is our buah hati and etc.. smua orang sayang kat coco. But, unfortunately, sebab coco did not get his momma's milk while growing up, he fall sick easily. ( see how important mommy's milk are.. not only to us human, but also to animals...). COco was diaagnosed with batu karang and went for operation. he didn't survive... and i demam dua minggu after he died.. i felt lost coz coco teman me study malam malam, teman tgk TV, sleep with me at night. whenever he tak sleep wth me, every morning, he will meow outside my room. My mom describe it better hehehe coz dia yang slalu nampak coco buat mcm tu.. oh ya, that's his fav bakul there. he luv to sleep in that bakul. and kalau kita bawak bakul tu masuk bilik malam malam, dia tido dalam bakul tu la.. hehehe..


 We got putih while we had COCO. dorang ni boleh kira best friends. Puteh dah tua sekarang. she's 9 years old now.. After Coco died, Puteh took over teman me study malam malam dari diploma sampai lah ke Masters and also teman i buat proposal for PhD... She also knows a lot of stuff coz i talk to her most of the time. ehehehe

 Belle, Pingu and Hitler...

belle yang Domok



Later when i was doing my masters, Belle came over to the house with injured leg. so i put gamat and keep her for a night only. esoknya, kami lepas dia and dia pun hilang.. two week later, she came again, kaki dia tak da lansung kesan injury tu which was kinda strange for the most quickest recovery. but anway, after that dia asyik lepas rumah kami and tak balik balik pun rumah dia. sampai she got pregnant and deliver 3 kittens, Pingu, Hitler and Jamb. Jamb was given away to farhan's fren. and we were suppose to give away the rest but we kept them instead... hehehe...

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