29 November, 2010

A Wedding and A Convocation

Last saturday marks 2 important events for our Family. Both immediate Family and our extended Family.

My beloved cousin Joe is finally getting married and everyone is so excited. It's like the highlight of the year for us although we had other family member's wedding as well this year. Joe's wedding is different.. =). There's gonna be a family reunion of anak cucu cicit Pak aji Ariff and Mami Salmah. A huge Massive one.. Long lost cousins, First cousins, second cousins, nephews and nieces and also not to forget my Cucus from everywhere will reunite. Relatives from Singapore will come with their troop. Boy it's gonna be huge..

So Joe and Sheeks got hitched last Saturday. Sheeks was surprised to see me there.. hehehehe... Gotcha !!!! Both Joe and Sheeks are wondering whether will i be back for their wedding, not only them but both their parents as well. Luckily I got a few appointments and made even more for my research thingy and decided to come home.. ( apart form my research blunders...which is not appropriate to be discussed here)

Alhamdulillah, it all went well on the akad day where pihak lelaki datang dgn rombongan seramai 42 orang including me hehehehe di selitkan di saat akhir.

And after the akad, we rushed back to shah alam to attend Farhan's COnvocation. Again, i menyelit ikut masuk my parents' VIP invitations hehehehe.. malu jugak coz invitation is for 2 but i ikut skali plak..and that lady says its okay, so no biggie lah...

COngrats Farhan.

The ceremony was kinda one of a kind i guess coz it the budak budak law was very hyper and like cheering all the time. Unlike during my time, smua masuk dalam and duduk diam diam hehehe...

ALHAMDULILLAH...I was given the chance to not miss the two important event in my Family History... A new family member which is Sheeks Brown !!! Woot WOOOT ! and also another Lawyer in the making in the Family...Although  I was upset about my research blunders and people and relatives kutuk kutuk saying that, "Amboi... Adelaide - KL mcm KL- penang je... " Yeah I get that a lot... If they could only understand that Adelaide - KL is not even near or match KL- Penang okay !!! hehehe...

Nak Pi Penang tak yah nak berkampung kat Airport sampai 8 Jam over night where you cant sleep to guard yr luggage and all..Nak gi toilet kena masuk Nursing room coz it's safer..Haaiihhh... that's why lar...Tak pe la, orang tak faham, boleh kata je laa... kita yang menanggung sengsara...and they made it look so bad..seolah olah kesalahan besar plak hehehehe...paling tak tahan, ada juga yang bersuara "Aik, kalau research you kat Malaysia, buat apa pi sampai oversea pastu asyik balik!" haaa.. sapa nak jawab tu? kuang ...kuang....kuang.... hehehehe

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