May sound easy okay... sampai je kat Highway, haaa.. tunggang terbalik directions dgn signboard tak sama. MACAM MANA NIH???? dalam map kata Adelaide Crafers Highway but kat signboard Princess Highway. Map kata masuk Main St on the left, Main St punya signboard pun Tarak!!! We went as far as nak sampai Handorf dah...but then pusing balik. Later we gamble je la masuk kat Mount Lofty Exit. Then i took the print out map and directions and tanya kat Aussie yang tgh jalan nak pi church. So, kami ikut, okay, we are on the right track mcm dalam directions now....
Oh yeah, Kak Mas drove us in Kak Lin and Abg Man's car. WHo's Kak Mas? She's from Canberra. Datang ke adelaide for a conference.
So i pun navigate kak Mas ikut arahan dalam directions, wahhh Kami pun meredah la Ulu Adelaide ni, ada kambing biri biri, all kind of Ladangs, Lembu, Kuda and all. Sampai lah ke Merchants Rd. The direction starts to buat perangai again here. Kami ikut the direction to turn tight at Merchant Rd and we ended up at a jalan yang macam denai kat ULU SEPRI... sebelah kanan gaung, sebelah kiri bukit tingggi nun.... So, Pusing balik, time is running short, Stella's Creek pun nowhere to be seen and dah nak tutup. So we drove back ke pangkal jalan.
and we met this guy crossing the road....
So, we didn't get to pick cherry today becoz we sesat. We went to Mount Lofty instead to have our picnic. Izati goreng bihun and buat roti gulung sardin ( she did that while me and suzie went to CM and then airport to pick up Kak Mas). Kak Mas and Izati is happy to go up the hill and view the city. Izati dok cari Flinders dari Mount Lofty but tak nampak...
The view form Mt Lofty

Tomorrow, Sunday , Nov 30th, I'm going Cherry Picking again !!! he..he.. this time with Zul, Jibah,Yun, Izzudin, Kak Lin, Abang Man, Izati and Dr Laili. Konvoi ramai-ramai. Yun ajaked me on Thursday and sayang plak kalau tak gi, walaupun, dan janji nak pi dgn Mak Tam on saturday. Tak pa... pi dua kali pun tak pa...Tapi since dah sesat tadi, lagi seronok nak pi esok....They are going to Stella's Creek too...Let see this time, jalan mana yang depa nak guna and sampai ke tak... he..he...
Tomorrow, Sunday , Nov 30th, I'm going Cherry Picking again !!! he..he.. this time with Zul, Jibah,Yun, Izzudin, Kak Lin, Abang Man, Izati and Dr Laili. Konvoi ramai-ramai. Yun ajaked me on Thursday and sayang plak kalau tak gi, walaupun, dan janji nak pi dgn Mak Tam on saturday. Tak pa... pi dua kali pun tak pa...Tapi since dah sesat tadi, lagi seronok nak pi esok....They are going to Stella's Creek too...Let see this time, jalan mana yang depa nak guna and sampai ke tak... he..he...
hehheh..pengalaman yg paling i tak leh lupa ni..apa la gooogle map tu..tunjuk kita jallan yg menyeramkan...anyway..thxx alot for ur help
no Biggie Mak Tam...Ntah apa apa lah Google Map tuh...
Oh ye, Bread butter pudding baru keluar dari oven ni.. he..he.. special delivery esok ya...=)
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