Friday, Nov 7th, 2008
I was walking with Izati to Uni, after our meeting with Gary Shaw on Izati's extending her stay at the Townhouse. Izati was asking me this and that about the things that she can bring home. Tiba-tiba, "Eh, Kak Husna... Koala lah..." pointing at one of the trees nearby the end of the bridge.
"Zati !!!!..Kak Husna ada camera ... he..he..he..." So, we took some photos and observed the koala for a while. He ( i dunno the jantina la...but just call him he la...he..he..) He climbed down the first tree and walked his way under the bridge to another tree. Me and Izati pun ikut. tak la jauh sangat pun, but still kami tak berani nak pi dekat sangat. dah puas hati ambik video and photo segala, kami pun pi Uni. Me and Izati had late breakfast that day at the Plaza. Then we proceed to OASIS for the sembang sembang session with ISSU staff. Kak Nita and Suzie dah lama sampai dah kat sana.
While having breakfast, Izati was informed that Athirah and baby Najjah ada kat OASIS. Athirah, Najjah's babysitter attended the english class that day. After our sembang sembang session with ISSU people, we meet up dgn Athirah and Najjah kat Oasis. Izati was suppose to take Athirah and Najjah to her place, but tengahari tu Hujan la pulak. So kami pun lepak kat surau. The best part was, dapat dukung Najjah he..he..he... Mungkin sebab dia baru bangun tido and sejuk kot, bila Aunty Husna yang chubby ni dukung dia, tetiba dia terus peluk macam koala peluk pokok he..he..he... Kata Kak Nita and Izati, bagaikan tilam Vono Ziana kih kih kih....
Malay Migration
Later that evening, me and Nadia went to see Amirul's presentation on "Malays in South Australia : A century of Presence and Migration by Malayan and Malaysian peoples of Malay Anchestry". Yes, Mouthful and Handfull bak kata 'Pak Tua' ittew... Nice and Interesting presentation. tak pernah terfikir pun pasal benda alah mcm ni, ye lah, bukan area kita he..he... Amirul siap pakai his baju Melayu and songkok. Cuma dia tak bukak silat je he..he... Kalau i jadi Lecturer , dapat markah lebih ni, on effort and all those gambar gambar from archive ( Ummi Kasom Maideen tu yang paling best tu...2000th scholar of Colombo Plan ). Somehow, makes me teringat zaman degree and MBA dulu,kalau group presentation, my grup akan di kerah oleh u know who untuk dress up ikut theme kaler. Siap dgn slide pun sama masuk dalam theme kaler, termasuk la, handouts and cover report, pun sama kaler jugak ikut theme.... OVER? but the lecturers kat my uni dulu suka stuff like this ... =)
All of the Colombo Plans and Migration reminds me of my Uncle, Cica Hassan and Aunty Darling. Cica Hassan was awarded with the Colombo Plan Scholarship in the 70's to do Medicine in Monash which is where he met my Aunty Ana. A few years back they had this Reunion of the Colombo Plan Scholars. Cica Hassan is now attached to IJN. My Aunty Darling on the other hand, is my aunt whom is living in Western Australia. She's been there for like almost 20 years. Aunty darling bukan lah under Colombo Plan, but she followed her husband, a German Man whom was a Chef. Nama my aunt is Aunty Zakiah, tapi kami pangggil dia 'Aunty Darling', often our anak saudaras and relatives got confuse of her and my mom which is know as 'Mummy Darling'. Yeah,...mcm mcm nama ada... Nanti, when i blog about it, you all tau la, berapa punya jenis nama pun ada he..he...
At the end of the presentation, i told Nadia, "Kesian plak kat Senin bin Amat tu ye... dia mati sakit beri-beri kat SA, pastu di kebumikan tak tau la cara apa..." he..he.. but then, later, I sedekahkan Alfatihah kat Arwah Senin bin Amat tu, semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat. Amin.....Siapa Senin bin Amat? one of the fisherman ke boatmen ke pearl diver ke dari Malaysia
( Pak tua, tak dak ka gambaq presentation hang?)
The Musical
After the presentation, me, Nadia, Izati and Siti went to the FLinders Spectacular/ FLinders Musical. The Hallies and Villagers theme up together under the supervision of Mieka Owen Philips, one of the RCs this semester whom is also a performing Art student at FLinders. They are all very talented. They can really sing. Tak pe, next year kita tngok depa lepas tak Australian Idol utk represent Adelaide. They imitated some of the RCs like Tendayi and Renee well too..
The best part here is that, Helen, the Dean pun act together. Helen can act well. She is so sporting too. Memang Lawak watak Helen semalam he...he...he... Mcm Aznil Hj Nawawi pun ada.. the girl yang sang "i kissed a girl" tu pun sedap suaranya. All in all, the cerita is lawak, but orang yang faham or dah duduk lama kat housing je yang faham.he..he..
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