On a one fine day during mid-week, was at the office and I decided to check out on the 'Orang Pencen' in Shah Alam
My Sms : "Askum Mak, Wat pa tu?Sihat ka?"
: " Askum Ba, Wat pa? Sihat ka?"
Their replies ( which makes me smile and laugh) :
Mak : "Mting d JAIS" ( mak used to sms with long solid words)
Ba : "Simpan Biskut dalam Tin, Dok meeting ..."
" Sihat, still alive and kicking ;-p "(dah la berpantun, siap dgn smiley lagi he..he...)
Well, Alhamdulillah, glad to know that they are keeping themselves busy even busier before I left for Adelaide. Mak with her Surau, SAHABAT UM and JAIS stuff, Ba with his Surau programs and activities and up and down to Mak Mandin, Penang for his work and to visit his Cucus.
Alhamdulillah, semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat, memurahkan rezeki serta kesihatan yang baik pada kedua ibu dan bapa ku, Aminnn....
Nasib baik ada spare tisu he..he..he...sniff...sniff... =p
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