Vision 2020 was first mentioned back in 1991. It was introduced by our former Prime Minister , Tun Mahathir Mohamed during the tabling of our Sixth Malaysian Plan. Vision 2020 aims at self-sufficient industrial developed nation, complete with an economy, in 2020 that will be eightfold stronger than the economy of the early 1990s.
Tun Mahathir himself has outlined 9 challenges that must be overcome in order to achieve Vision 2020. The challenges are :
- To form a nation that stands as one.
- To produce a Malaysian community that has freedom, strength, and full of self confidence.
- To develop a mature democratic community.
- To form a community that has high morale, ethics and religious strength.
- To cultivate a community that is matured and tolerant.
- To form a progressive science community.
- To cultivate a community rich in values and loving culture.
- To ensure the formation of a community with a fair economy.
- To cultivate a prosperous community.
As far as I am concerned, when it first being introduced, it came with a song called Wawasan 2020. The lyrics goes like this,
Bendera berkibar di angkasa
Lambang negara jaya
Rakyat sepakat sehati sejiwa
Dengan berbakti dengan megah
Hadapi cabaran masa muka
Penuh tenaga murni
Bakti dicurah searah-sehala
Dengan wawasan yang suci
Wawasan meningkat kemajuan
Tiada lagi kepincangan
Kemewahan rata dirasai
Bersama kita nikmati
Wawasan 2020
Satu pandangan jauh
Bukan impian malah kenyataan
Bersama kita jayakan
Yes, I used to sing it when I was young, not only in my primary school events, but also when it was aired on the television each time before the news was being aired. At that age, I just sing the song without understanding what the real meaning behind the song is. Enough to say that I don’t even know what vision 2020 or wawasan 2020 is at that time. All I understand is that, its kinda similar to my dad’s car number. And it’s 202. I kept telling him that he missed another 0 in the number. But No…. he explained that our car number is not 2020, but only 202.
Yes, I was 11 years old and not bright enough at that age to know what Wawasan 2020 is. What I have in mind is futuristic Malaysia lengkap dgn space ships and all. When I was young, I was taught that in the future, the sky will be dark and we will even have space ships and those higher ground train! Thank God, we really are having LRT and Star thingy, at least tak la terkilan tak de space ships mcm dalam futurama tu he..he..
( ala, dulu-dulu dalam art class kalau suruh buat lukisan masa depan, smua akan lukis mcm tu…. Cikgu pun tak marah he..he..)
As I grew older, I get what Wawasan 2020 is but it got lost along the way again as I sat for my SPM, then secured myself a place in Institut Teknologi Mara ( now known as UiTM). I was too busy with Uni/Student life. After one to another stage of studies, jumping from here to there.
I finally had my real encounter with Vision 2020 again during MBA in Dr Zaini’s GBI (Globalization Business Issues) Class. He makes us listen to all his lectures for each of the 9 challenges in achieving vision 2020. Yup, most of my classmate including me was yawning and some even slept along the way. But it was an eye opener to some of us who realizes the important of it. Not only we had to listen to the lecture, but to participate in the discussion where the whole class choose to keep quiet except you know who. After the lecture, we are required to submit a critique paper on Vision 2020. ( Goshhhh !!! It was so easy to write academicals stuff those days compared to now… it was only a year ago… Am I getting that old ?…or have I lost IT?….I guess, my neurons are all used up and long gone being used for unnecessary purposes….he..he..)
Then, it was mentioned again when I undergo my BTN course in Ulu Sepri. Not to much ga..ga on Wawasan 2020, but now the Islam Hadhari concept which we have to memorize for the exam. ( Tapi tak keluar exam pun… gud trick though to make us memorize before leaving Malaysia so that we know how to explain it to the supervisor he..he..….=)…)
As Malaysian, I really think that all of us should know what vision 2020 and the hadhari concept is. There’s so many changes, since 1991 till now and we have managed to overcome some of the challenges. Yes, there’s argument here and there and we still have 12 years till the year 2020. But please remember that, 12 years is not far away like the Far Far Away Land in Shrek 2. For all you know, suddenly you wake up one morning, its already 1st of Jan, 2020. What kind of Malaysia will it be by then? Can we overcome all the 9 challenges by then? Or have we ? Who’s the Prime Minister? Lots of ???
and oh ya, will Malaysia be having its National Minimum Wage by then?
( coz that’s the issue that led me on to writing this in the middle of the night….)
Gosh…I’ll turn 40 by then…..hmmm… the ???? is increasing in my head….
Wawasan 2020
Satu pandangan jauh
Bukan impian malah kenyataan
Bersama kita jayakan !!!
credit : Pics from here
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