21 April, 2009


it's in the middle of the night... Thought of going to the lab to finish up my writing with Rozy tadi tapi tak jadi coz Rozy kata nak wat kerja kat bilik.Tapi Rozy akhirnya ended up kat Lab jugak without me ...ceh....

Since tak jadi pi Lab, Mak Tam came over after isyak. So, Nadia and Me hang out with Mak tam. Lama sungguh tak hang out mcm ni. It's not easy to hang around like that anymore these days. Everyone is so busy... Both of Nadia and Mak Tam and also Mirul will be completing their Masters soon and off they go. Rozy, on the other hand pun will be going off very soon. Soon, tinggal lah saya sorang sorang....ada lah kawan kawan lain but they are married / dah ada partner so they hav their own obligations kan.. hehehe

Aiyahh... sapa je yang single single girls yang tinggal nanti kat sini.....AAhhhh...Geng pengembaraan dah nak balik smua......aaaaa........ i dun wanna think about it yet.....but then, as much as i dun wanna think, i have to, coz nanti tak la susah sangat nak adjust kot... nanti airport banjir kan susah...

'Gang pengembaraan' during happy moments together.....

Victor Harbour - April 09

Victor Harbour - April 09

Rymil Park - Indo Fest 09

OUr first and last Raya together hehehe Raya 08

Jalan jalan cari pasal - August 08

Kat Surau - Sept 08

Iftar in CC - October 08

Iftar in CC - October 08

Gosh.....i didn't think it will be so soon....

But i had the greatest time with the Gang walaupun sekejap .....



iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...

Aduh, rozi tak nak kak husna sakit lagi....nanti kena marah, so macam tarik rambut dalam tepung, rambut tak putus, tepung tak berselerak...aduh bermadah pujangga pulak tengah mamai2 ni....

Itulah realiti kehidupan kak husna, walaupun pahit terpaksa ditelan.... tp jangan la sedih.. bak kata orang patah tumbuh hilang berganti.. mana tau yang datang nanti lagi best, lagi lawak... ha time tu mesti dah tak ingat kat rozi... :(.

Anonymous said...

salam....entri yang buatkan i sebak, thx so muchhhhhhh, hope this friendship will lasting forever, insyaAllah