I was really really into my work and was planning to balik lewat malam ni...just at about 2 pm, i decided to stay over night kat office.
Hehehehe.. Yesterday, the IT helpdesk people dah angkut my Mac and replace it with the normal HP with all the other things i should have like SPSS, End Note, Nvivo segala mak nenek... Bestnyeeee !!!!!!!
JAdi, Lepas ni kalau husna tak masuk office jugak, tak tau la....( ni tgh train diri sendiri belajar duduk kat office....)
Yeah, dulu, because i am having Mac and its kinda limited plus i am not a Mac person and the internet connection pulak disconnected every 20 minits like that.. Idok le teman mengira betul betul berapa lama selang sekali dia disconected kan...hehehehe...so i Opt to duduk kat library je...
MAybe lepas ni, sekali sekala, lepak jugak kot kat Library hehehehe.....
So since i decided to stay the night kat office, i went home for zuhur and asar at 2.15 like that and also to set up my gear to bawak ke office. So, sepantas kilat, mencapai segala benda... Tak terfikir pulak nak capai je travelling toiletries yang dah sedia ada....i took mostly the extra stuff that i have to buat satu set utk tinggal kat office like,
facial wash
moisturizer travel pack
face towel
telekung ( tak yah turun ke surau)
baju sepersalinan ( cewaahhh..)
and sedikit benda untuk di munch ( i have Jarrah and mug and spoon kat office)
So, i pun mengembara lah dari townhouse ke office. Tapi tak lima minit, balik townhouse balik, coz i left my charger hehehehe...haihhh.. i dunno la what's on my mind sampai tertinggal charger.."ooii... boipren kot...."( mcm mak Norkiah ckp dalam filem masam masam manis =p) eh, where got...bukan ada boipren pun...Tak fokus je ni.... ......Kalau bateri penuh its okay la, ni dah tinggal sebatang je... Terpaksa lah balik...
Then i continue working till Magrib. After MAgrib while working, mata rasa mcm agak sleepy and tired and very dry...dah mula dah.... mengonyoh mata,, Teringat plak Mak Tam kata mengantuk gonyoh mata mcm baby hahaha tergelak sensorang teringat kat Mak Tam.. Masa ni istill didn't realise what i tak bawak......so i drank a cup of coffee and sambung bekerja.. Gigih ni... kihkihkih......
Tiba-tiba mata start kelabu....and baru realise
"ALAMAK !!!!! contact lense punya case and solution and spec segala tak bawak !!!!!!"
Cantik plak casing ni..,. mine is just the plain ordinary one je.. yang biru putih tuu hehehehe
Haaaiihhh... camna leh ter-miss!!!!!! . Dan oleh kerana itu, saya pun turun ke library dan sambung bekerja di sana je sampai library tutup.Hajat di hati nak duduk lagi tapi nanti nak jalan balik sorang sorang lalu gon nak ke bridge tu mcm tak berapa nak berani pulak dalam gelap gelita walaupun ada lampu bridge....
Sebenarnya, nak stay overnight kat office pun antara berani dgn tidak gak...hehehehe HUsna buat lawak...Kejap rasa berani, sebab kunci je la pintu kan...there's no one arround pun, Tapi bila fikir kalau nak pi Toilet yang agak jauh dan Gelap, plus the spookiness of the corridor, mcm tak berani pulak...NI lah dia, Banyak sangat tgk Movies dan mendengar cerita cerita..............
....imagination run wild...hahahaha....Tak pe, yang penting CUBA...hehehhe...
Tu la, tadi kalau tak lupa contact lense punya case and spec, dah duduk dah kat office tu...
Maka, saya pun bekerja lah kat rumah malam ni sambil mendengar bunyi hujan diluar......
( lepas post posting ni lah hehehehehe....)