It's Mak Tam's final week in Adelaide. Yeah, another one of us is leaving.... Mak Tam has completed her MAster Degree and is going back to Malaysia for good ( for now.. eventhough Mak Tam tgh cari lubang untuk sambung PhD...but dunno where which part of the world it would be la..)
Mak Tam's been busy memenuhi undangan-undangan Makan Makan cari all other stuff. Nasib baik sempat pi makan Nasi Afghan dgn Atie & Alimi, Amirul, Nadia and me the other day. Nice nasi Afghan kat Lawash Bakery.
And Tonite, Tadi.. we went for our last Gurls outing dgn Mak Tam. We went to watch The Proposal since Mak Tam tak berapa minat Harry Potter. We planned to go by bus but suddenly, Nadia dapat car from Bushra. Naifin, the girl from Kenya joined us this time. Kesian dia sorang sorang tak de kawan. She came by to our Townhouse to melawat coz she wanted to move into the old townhouses next semester. She's curently living in the units. Naifin used to study in Sedaya COllege in Malaysia and she love Malaysia sooo Much. She really misses 'Nasi Goreng Ayam" and " ROti Canai". Yeah Naifin, i miss those too...hehehe...

After watching The Proposal, which was sangat Best and SOOOO Sweeet...aaaaaahhhhhh hehehehe... (MAk Tam was the happiest !!!!! hehehe....) we go makan pizza.
Mak Tam was suppose to sleep over kat our place together dgn Isma. Tapi tak jadi coz tak cukup bahan. Bahan ke? ( ye la, tak cukup selimut,and tilam). BUt then, Mak Tam will come again esok for sleepover with us.
I went to teman Nadia buat eksperimen kat her Lab tadi while we leave Isma and MAk Tam at our place... Kinda interesting tgk dia buat eksperimen. Something new to me....
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