18 July, 2009

Ma and Mak Tam .... Part 1

I've just finished talking to Mak Tam suzie on the phone. Yeah, It's our last conversation. Me and Mak Tam kalau call each other at night, will end the conversation with our version of bye bye which was initiated by Mak Tam sendiri.

Mak Tam : Bye Jack !
Husna : Bye Rose
Mak Tam & Husna : Pinnn pinnn.....
Mak Tam : Trot..tot...tot.....
Husna : Apahal Kapal Mak tam? rosak?
Mak Tam & Husna : ( gelak )

Mak Tam called me td to say something beautiful to me and i really can't hold my tears back. Mak Tam, mcm biasa, control ayaq mata... Yeah, mak tam memang mcm tu... betul kata Mak kepada Mak Tam... Thanks mak Tam...

Esok, Mak Tam akan berangkat pulang ke Tanah tumpah Darah tercinta, Malaysia... Lepas ni, makin sunyi lah FLinders Housing.

Tak de la lagi Suzie's Syndrome( mak tam ni memang suka wat benda pelik pelik...)
Bantuan Kecemasan,
oven berasap,
tak de orang nak menyanyi lagu Mamma Mia, SuperTrooper,
Menyanyi lagu Ketika cinta bertasbih.
Tak de orang nak buat mushroom soup, Timun Slice, ROti Sardin
Tak de lagi Mini COles kat social science North. ( Office Mak tam is just a few steps away from mine where i always solat kat office Mak Tam or lepak kat office dia after meeting.)
Nasi safa kebab
Nasi bryani Naan tandoori ( abg miang dari malaysia hehehe)
Minum Air MASAM hehehehe...

But the most important thing, HARRIS SCARFE akan kehilangan pelanggan No. 1 nya yag berwarganegara Malaysia !!!!! Mak Tam kan DUTA HArris Scarfe hehehehehe

fuuhhh... I can't go on writing, mata dah kelabu.... ayaq mata pun laju je...

Mak Tam, Thanks for everything, smuanya....( apa yang nak kata dah di kata tadi... dan mana bleh publish kat sini hehehehe)
Keep in touch ya...
Friends Forever.. =)

1 comment:

Aizan Suhaira said...

I know exactly how u feel. A good friend of mine also left malaysia recently. feels a bit lonely without my makan buddy.
