Hari tu dalam Masterchef, ada cupcake challenge. If i am not mistaken, Julie ke Chris won with their Lemon cupcake and beer chocolate Cupcake. cupcake Julie cantik with lemon licorice yang Juli carved into lemon slice. So, while me, mak tam, Amirul and Rozie had dinner that day, we talked about that. Sebab Chris buat cupcake bubuh beer and the cupcake jadi lembut... NO, i tak rasa but the judges said so...hehehehe . And out of no where, Amirul suggested coke cupcake.
I was thinking, boleh ke buat coke cupcake, is there such recipe... would it taste weird KOT...hehehe... So that nite, ( i am still home alone =( ....) , so saja la browse tgk cupcakes yang cantik cantik on the internet. TerGEzut DInasor bila terjumpa Coke Cupcake's recipe... Dari siapa? CUba teka ....
Dari Mak cik ni....

SO the next day, i tried making them. Seriously, i hav to go for baking class or maybe hav a quick lesson from Mak. Mak used to bake nice cakes and decorate them with icing.i remembered her Cake books that i will always took and tgk( tgk gambar je la masa tu tak reti baca...). When i was 3, mak baked and decorated me a cake for the birthday celebration. Kita duduk Melaka masa tu. Selalu gak menyibuk, bila mak and Aunty yah, Aunty Ha, aunty Zaharah and all other aunties ( kita duduk quarters so the wives suka buat cake or kuih raya together gether...) buat cake and the best part is the butter icing hehehehe....
So back to the coke cupcake. Tak de gambar la pulak nak share walaupun buat dua kali...I dun very much like to eat cake actually, tapi cukup suka buat and bercita cita mendecorate cake sendiri nanti...
LEpas buat coke cupcake, tiba tiba dapat la pulak lagi satu idea kelakar....hmmm...apa kata kita buat bread butter pudding dalam cupcake's cup...hehehehe.....
YEah, i love to cook... and bila stress i love to cook jugak.
And tonite, eh... dah pagi dah la... I buat Bread butter pudding at 1 a.m. and keluar dari oven at 2.36 am. Hahaha...Rozi bagi nama "bread butter pudding kul 1 pagi" Rozie is here sebab dia dah tak de rumah. hehehehe... She's going back tumorrow.......................... sedey.....
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