I went to the city library which is situated at the City la...hehehe...the reason is to go get myself registered so i can borrow books and dvds. So, i went to the counter and they gave me a borang to fill in. Habis isi, I handed the borang to this lady working there with a smile on my face and i sat on the chair in front of her desk. She then asked me for my passport and a letter yang ada my address. I gave it to her. she checks and handed it back to me before she start to key in my data into the computer. I notice that she kept looking at me and the borang. But I make donno lar...tgk tempat lain. Then she ask me, " Miss Husna, How old are you?" Hmmm...apsal plak minah ni tanya, ada age limit ke? Pelik.... "I am 28..ops... 29 this year.."
The lady then replied " Aahhh, ... 29? I couldn't tell when i look at you.... I was looking at your birthdate...You look a lot younger..."
and i go "Really ???" ............. terkezut dinasor gak ( Pompuan ni mata sparrow kot...ke saja je tu ....)
Case 2
Was at the ISSU morning Tea. Nadia the girl from Egypt came after a while since we set foot at the Religious Center. I can't remember whether i was introduced to her or we introduce ourselves to each other. so we were talking. She asked me what is my area of studies or something like that, i told her its human resource. Usually, i will say Labour studies. so she said she got a cousin or friend doing HR in Flinders Business School. "Cool.." i thought..Then she said, i might tak jumpa dia coz different class kot and i baru....
I tanya dia, COusin dia buat phD ke coz i am...Dia tiba tiba terkejut...
"You are doing your PhD ? You are kdding....You are too young !"
then i said,
"No.. i am not that young...I am 29..."
"29 ???? I tought you are 19."
"WHAAATTT!!!!! 19???" Nasib baik tak pengsan kat situ....hahahaha
Mak Aihhh....19 thn plak dah and she tought i am an undergrad student ...kihkihkih... Aduiihhh... Tak de Ghope student PhD Ghopenye ye....I dunno lar... hehehehe

Entah la...... Nope, i am not angry but it makes me think though..... I know, memang tak de Ghope student PhD pun... ada gak orang komplain dan ada yang tak konfiden..Kondifen la agaknya kot...... Feel ada tak ? Entah la... ada kot...Korjo pun makin bertambah.... Mungkin, ni species baru di zaman moden kot so tak la typical mcm dulu dulu, oraang yang buat Masters /PhD tu dah agak berumur and yang dah berpengalaman dalam kerja .... Nantila.. tunggu husna pakai spec tebal dia.. then she will look like a PhD student hehehehe...
What ever it is, to me, both cases as above memang sangat LAWAK ANTARABANGSA!!!!!
dan ye, I am well aware that memang saya mcm ni.... Nampak kadang kadang mcm tak serious,
Cheeky ( I know from where i got this...) , main main, mcm budak budak pun ada walaupun dah tua dan nak meninggalkan alam dua puluhan...Haiihhh apa la nak jadi kan?
hehehehe Tak pe lah, apa apa pun , tak de Ghope student PhD ke, apa ke, janji, Thesis saya Moving...hehehe
I love myself
1 comment:
wah.... wah... muda dari rozi ni.. camne nak buat ye? mintak petua sikit... susah2 rozi pergi suntik botox la... hehe.. boleh dpt kulit tegang nurlea... kih kih kih... hish, tak kuasa you....
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