Then later i went to Uni with Rozi and Ei Leen. Ei Leen terkejut i said i woke up late coz when she came over, i was running around like a mad lady. Dah pakai boots, file tertinggal kat atas.... bukak,, lari naik atas... then dah pakai boots lagi, ALAMAK !!!!!!! WHERE's MY HSE KEY YG SELALU MEMANG DAH MASUK POcKET JACKET....bukak boots, lari naik atas again...then boleh la pegi uni dgn aman...
Today's morning Tea, ISSU provide us with not only biscuits but also CHocs...A whole lot of CHocs...Imagine, having CHocs and Juice for Breakfast... Goshhh That's a whole lot of sugar. Had a nice time during the Morning Tea. Jane was asking a lot of stuff about Malaysian Flags, States and yada yada... hehehe, maka kami pun menerangkan la kat dia.. tak pe la Jane, nanti kami hantar Jane pi kursus BTN ek...hehehe Jane pun sangat interested dgn the Crocs Nadia Boots i wore hehehe....
Husna la yang snap this photo....hehehe
Ada satu funny story yang berlaku between Nadia from Egypt and me... will blog about it later coz its the second time it happened to me...
After Morning Tea yang sampai ke Tengahari tu....We went for lunch kat Cafe atas dgn Nadia. After that, masing masing wat keje masing masing... I went back to the office and buat kerja. Jalan sana sini ulang alik dari Bilik trish check the fax machine and to do some stuff, then i went to see Keith, sembang dgn dia jap. Then , bosan je duk kat office tu, Connection line buat perangai, Dok lawan menguap je dgn Julius. Then Julius kata dia tak de mood nak write so dia nak balik, OKAY !!! JOM KITA BALIK... Julius memang balik rumah betul, Husna Balik ke LIBRARY hehehe....sambung kerja kat library. While at the library, CHome my cousin who had just undergone a "moment" in her life pop out of nowhere. She's doing fine alhamdulillah, my Aunty Elle is there to accompany her. Then chome told me that my mom, sis and bro in law and aqeel and adnin dah sampai kat rumah dia... eeeiiii bestnyee....i wish i could be there. sempat chat dgn kak long jap before balik rumah betul betul.
Went to the Gym with nadia for bodypump. Wahhh, Bodypump got new routine now.. bnyk squats pulak kali ni..i did bodypump today with 2 1/5 ( two and a half kilo bukan dua half kilo ....hehehe) kilos plates.. hehehe... saja je try upgrade the bar to heavier from before. Dah habis, we walked home...Mak tam suzie and Rozie sedang menunggu depan rumah dgn buah tangan dari Issu going home party yang dorang attend tu...
balik Gym, Mandi, and siap coz nak jalan pi uni dgn Rozi. I refuse to pakai socks and shoes coz kaki dah letih hehehe...So buat kerja gila, pakai sandal je...( yeah, i know its not gud hehehe.. sekali ni je...) Nasib baik gak... bukan jalan pun... Allah bagi rezeki naik kereta plak pi Library malam ni...
And now, dah balik rumah... Mata still segar, tak rasa penat plak...otak masih ligat... when i tought, all the activities i did, ulang alik, jalan sana sini will make me drop dead tired that when i reach home i'll g o straight to bed... tapi Tak Pun !!!!!
Bak kata mak tam, Terlebih riang makan bnyk sangat CHocs and sweets stuff kat ISSU morning Tea td.. Huiihhh giler hebat penangan nya sampai jadi ....
Terlebih Riang....
1 comment:
terlebih riang sudahnya dua2 tak dapat tidoq malam ni
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