yeah, i was watching MELODI.... hahahaha...

KANTOI !!!!! ( sebab membuat kerja kerja yang tidak sepatutnya di LAB hehehehe...)
Alaa.. take five tgk MELODI kejap apa Salahnya kan.... hehehehe
I was on YouTube before that looking for videos relating to my Thesis.
Pening gak tgk, yang buat perhimpunan haram lah....yang bergaduh dgn Polis nya, Yang maki hamun nya... Yang Polis marah naik angin segala...... Plus all other statements by the government and relating parties to the issue....
Haiiihhhh Stress tak pasal tgk orang bergaduh.......So then i decided to watch MELODI lah kejap sebelum i menyelami Statistics NER pulak...
I am VERY VERY sure, its not me who made the Monitor not functioning. I tried to get help. Tanya Amirul kat lab sebelah, Rozi tak de pulak, Esok dia nak exam.Tanya kaunter ( tetiba malam ni kat kaunter ada one lady je yang jaga. Only one lady and dia pun kata dia BUTA IT hehehhe...serba salah dia nak tinggal kaunter and follow me to the lab.... ), Orang FLO pulak dah tak de....
Last skali, switch off je and i switched to another computer. ( still pelik gak, how come the monitor mati mcm tu je...tetiba plak tu... Time tgh tgk melodi plak... oo nak suruh Husna sambung wat keje la tuu....). tapi nasib baik gak blum start buat statistics segala, kalau idak, jenuh la jugak coz sure tak sempat save ke apa ke kan... aduih lah........
Lepas switch computer, log in like usual, Idok le teman sambung tgk Melodi lepas tu, teman teghuih sambung buat keje Teman....
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