Who gets wrist tendon inflammation?
As a result of overuse the muscles and tendons in the forearm can become overused. The injury is particularly common in rowers and canoeists but can also affect racket sport players.
Symptoms include:
- Pain when you bend or straighten the hand.
- Swelling and tenderness over the muscles and tendons in the forearm.
Naaah.... i didn't go for canoing or play tennis or what so ever that I got my tendon and muscle inflamated...
What i did was, rearrange all the Bed, Study table in my room on Wednesday evening. i didn't felt a thing on wednesday night, not until the next morning. Rasa mcm berat je tangan kanan. But still i make donno je...while praying Zuhur, dah rasa sakit dah..lepas solat, tgn dah bengkak pulak, since i am in Uni, i went to buy deep heat cream and put it on. Payah jugak nak bekerja tangan kanan dah sakit...
I got two session of urut from Rozie ( Thanks dear...) and later i put the deep heat sendiri before i fall asleep watching Grey's Anatomy.
And today, i went to the city with Mak Tam, and she pujuk me to go make appointment at the health center kat Uni just incase. So , lepas balik dari city teman kan Mak Tam beli barang, i went up to the Health Center. I didn't hav any appoinment so i just kata kat the receptionist,
"Hye, Is there any GP available right now, I hurt my arms and its kinda painful now..."
So makcik kat counter tu pun kata, Tim Moss available. Nasib la, Tim Moss pun Tim Moss la... hehehehe.... So immediately lepas mak cik tu bgtau Tim Moss, Tim Moss pun keluar menjemput saya masuk ke dalam.. ( memang menjadi tradisi di sini, GP tu panggil u and will take u into the room),,,Ermm....samaada Tim Moss ni ada related dgn Paul Moss, Idok le teman tahu hehehehe....
He examine my hand and said its muscle stretch and dia pun kata, my Brain doesnt get the signal form the Muscle... Ehh... Boleh plak mcm tu ek? Hmmmmm.... How come ek? and it will take about two weeks for the muscle to recover... Aduiii... mcm na nak pi Bodypump ni? So, dia advise to not buat kerja berat.
Then later at night, Mak called me lepas dia terlupa return my call this morning. Mak and the Boys will be going to singapore in two days time. So when i told her about my hand..
"Haa... saja la cari penyakit...." hehehehe So she advised me to becareful when angkat or tarik or tolak benda berat next time.. Salah teknik tarik la ni katanya....
My friends here pun sangat sangat membantu. Thanks to Mak Tam and Rozie and Mirul for the Mash Potato and Coselaw and Mee. Thanks for helping orang yang Cedera Parah ni....Thanks you guys...Oh ye, kami tgk ZOmbie Kampung Pisang lagi sekali tadi sebenarnye... hehehehehe....
I better get off the laptop now coz my tendon and muscle kena rest...
Tapi, ada lagi satu cerita,
Mak Tam stayed for the night, and she's kinda dah Belayar as i am typing this. After watching the Channel 10 tribute to MJ, we watched

MAMMA MIA ! kat bilik. Mak Tam dah siap landing baik punya sebelah katil husna hehehehe.... The Movie is so kelakar and entertaining. sangat best. Actually, while watching Mamma Mia, Husna punya mata is more on Mr Johnny Depp hehehehehhehe on channel 10 on David Letterman show.
OMGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Droollll...

Okay, i must get off the laptop and go to sleep now....esok pagi, nak teman Mak Tam sekali lagi....
Dah pukul 3 pagi dah ni cik HUsna oi....
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